These are the people who helped improve Arachni either by submitting code, suggestions or testing it.
- Matías Aereal Aeón, for general suggestions and beta testing.
- Christos Chiotis for designing the HTML report template.
- Brandon Potter for the original "arachni_web_autostart" script.
- Steve Pinkham for beta testing and patches.
- Aung Khant for general suggestions.
- Herman Stevens for contributing recon modules.
- Edwin van Andel for contributing *BSD patches and testing the build scripts.
- Dan Woodruff for contributing OSX patches and testing the build scripts.
- Robert Gouin for relentless testing.
- Evan Beard for feedback and patches.
- Michael Borohovski for testing, feedback and patches.
- Ben Sedat for testing, feedback and patches.
- Michiel van Es for relentless testing and feedback.
A big thanks to my buddy Andreas for the original spider drawing used in the project graphics.