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File metadata and controls

595 lines (455 loc) · 18.9 KB

Documentation for OSS Server API

This documentation shows all functions of the OSS Server API. As a REST-API it with the HTTP methods 'POST', 'GET', 'DELETE' and 'PUT'.

The functions of the API will be clearly explained with corresponding examples. The respective URL is shown as well as the Curl command with all required parameters.

Explanation of parameters:

  • -H 'Content-Type: application/json' specifies, that json as format is used, with a GET-Request this will mean the response from the server will be in json format, with a POST request this means that teh provided data in the request body needs to be in JSON. XML can be also utilzed with changing the mime-type application/xml.

  • -H 'Authorization: apikey' is used to authorize the request; in place of apikey the respective API-Key must be used


  • GET-> Show object(s)

  • POST -> Create new object

  • PUT -> Update existing object

  • DELETE -> Delete an existing object Explain: Difference of List/Detailview; Detail in the form of{id}/ Possible methods: List:GET ; Detail: GET/POST/PUT/DELETE URL depends on the the resource that needs to be accessed and the server where the api is accessible

Example query

The example query will get all artists that are saved in the personal music library.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: myapikey'  -X GET "" -v

This example query shows a view of all artists. With the URL "" for example, the data of the first artist can be displayed. Accordingly, the HTTP methods are applied to this URL to modify the entry of the first artist. The following examples demonstrate the handling of a concrete entry like first artist or third album etc.

But before that it must be clarified how to get an API key:

Request API key

As mentioned above, an API key is ALWAYS required for executing commands. To get it, you must first register. Then you have a username and password. Now it is possible to request your API key from OSS. This will now be explained by way of an example:

user: testuser password: testuser

You need a base 64 encoder, for example Encode user:passwort so in this example it is testuser:testuser.

The encoder returns "dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHVzZXI=" in this example. You still have to add a purpose

Now run

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHVzZXI=" -X POST -d '{"purpose":"Bro wser-Session FireFox 20.05"}' "" -v

Now you retun your API Key:

{"created": "2020-04-22T13:41:05.659528", "id": 9, "key": "DAy9xQd41dsmxWoXStIYNe2ON2AbVxdTF0PJAvh7ray3GtbZg4J-F-C14aBDv_BLbYOIbd9ACFdYCAb7czhdxoxuds4PILqBCWm-30LCz6x3CbTD9LeVpsXj2SFH2V5Raclt28QYDKU8Z5igtWTVNNAdvL4s4DLj9z2X9HkfgMs", "purpose": "Bro wser-Session FireFox 20.05", "resource_uri": "/api/v1/apikey/9"}* 

The example query now would be

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: DAy9xQd41dsmxWoXStIYNe2ON2AbVxdTF0PJAvh7ray3GtbZg4J-F-C14aBDv_BLbYOIbd9ACFdYCAb7czhdxoxuds4PILqBCWm-30LCz6x3CbTD9LeVpsXj2SFH2V5Raclt28QYDKU8Z5igtWTVNNAdvL4s4DLj9z2X9HkfgMs'  -X GET "" -v

Request for Audio files

An important aspect of OSS is to upload and download audio files. This doen't workout with the JSON content type as the other data:

curl-Request-Examples PUT-Request: PUT/upload respective audio file to song 261
curl -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -F 'audio=@/home/username/path/to/audio.mp3' -X PUT "" -v

GET-Request: GET/download respective audio file from song 261

curl -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X GET "" -v

Request Track objects

Request URL: (song instead of track to avoid triggering keyword based adblockers)

Field Reference
identifier explanation mandatory
id Identifier is generated automatically
title name of song yes
album URL to the album the song appears yes
artist URL list of the artists that appear yes
mbid - no
audio Audio File, more information in File Upload no, but sensefull
tags Tags no
curl-Request-Examples GET-Request: Get song 1
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey'  -X GET "" -v

POST-Request: Post new song

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X POST -d '{"title":"test5","album":"/api/v1
/album/1/", "artists":[ "/api/v1/artist/2/"]}' "" -v 

PUT-Request: Put title of song 1

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X PUT -d '{"title":"new title"}' -v 

DELETE-Request: Delete song 1

curl -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X DELETE -v 
Sample GET-Response:
	"meta": {
			"limit": 200,
			"next": null,
			"offset": 0,
			"previous": null,
			"total_count": 1
	"objects": [
					"album": "/api/v1/album/1/",
					"artists": [
					"audio": "repertoire/song_file/1/",
					"id": 1,
					"mbid": "dec720fb-2cdb-4ab6-9217-9aea4ee48566",
					"resource_uri": "/api/v1/song/1/",
					"tags": [
					"title": "Kyrie"

Request Album objects

Request URL:

Field Reference
identifier explanation mandatory
id Identifier is generated automatically
name name of album yes
release first release of album no
artist URL list of the artists that appear yes
mbid - no
cover_url URL for cover no
cover_file Image of cover no
tags Tags no
Curl-Request-Examples GET-Request: Get album 5
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey'  -X GET "" -v

POST-Request: Post new album

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X POST -d '{"name":"covertest","cover_url":"", "artists":[ "/api/v1/artis
t/2/"]}' "" -v 

PUT-Request: Put album 5

	curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X PUT -d '{"name":"covertestnew"}' "" -v -H "accept: /

DELETE-Request: Delete album 5

	curl -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X DELETE -v
Sample GET-Response:
	"meta": {
			"limit": 200,
			"next": null,
			"offset": 0,
			"previous": null,
			"total_count": 1
	"objects": [
			                "name": "A little Jazz Mass",
					"release": null
					"artists": ["/api/v1/artist/1"],
					"cover_url": null,
					"audio": "repertoire/song_file/1/",
					"id": 1,
					"mbid": "dec720fb-2cdb-4ab6-9217-9aea4ee48566",
					"resource_uri": "/api/v1/album/1",
					"songs": ["/api/v1/track/1",
					"tags": [

Request Artist objects

Request URL:

Field Reference
identifier explanation mandatory
id Identifier is generated automatically
mbid musicbrainz_id no
name name of artist yes
formation_types Type of Artist (Person/Group/etc.) max_length=1 yes
area URL to the area of artist no
begin Date of persons birth/Date of group formation no
end Death/ Group dissolved/ blank if still together no
tags Tags no
abbreviation explanation
P Person
G Group
O Orchestra
C Choir
F Character
E Other
Curl-Request-Examples GET-Request: Get artist 1
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey'  -X GET "" -v

POST-Request: Post new artist

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X POST -d '{"name":"DieExmatrikulatoren","formation_types":"G","begin":"2020-04-20"}' "" -v

PUT-Request: Put name of artist 3

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X PUT -d '{"name":"DieExmatrikulatoren2"}' -v

DELETE-Request: Delete artist 2

curl -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X DELETE -v 
Sample GET-Response:
	"meta": {
			"limit": 200,
			"next": null,
			"offset": 0,
			"previous": null,
			"total_count": 1
	"objects": [
				"albums": [], 
				"area": "/api/v1/area/1", 
				"begin": null, 
				"end": null, 
				"formation_types": "Group", 
				"id": 506, "mbid": "", 
				"name": "DieBiebos", 
				"resource_uri": "/api/v1/artist/506", 
				"songs": [	  "/api/v1/track/1",
					"tags": [
				"type": ""

Request Area objects

Request URL:

Field Reference
identifier explanation mandatory
id Identifier is generated automatically
mbid musicbrainz_id no
name name of area yes
area_categories Area type (Country/City/etc.) max_length=1 yes
country_code iso-3166-1-code (DE/GB/FR etc.) no
abbreviation explanation
X Country
L Subdivision
C County
M Municipality
S City
D District
I Island
curl-Request-Examples GET-Request: Get area 2
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey'  -X GET "" -v

POST-Request: Post new area

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X POST -d '{"name":"Mkg","area_categories":"X"}' "" -v

PUT-Request: Put name of area 3

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X PUT -d '{"name":"Schwieberdingen"}' -v

DELETE-Request: Delete area

curl -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X DELETE -v 
Sample GET-Response:
	"meta": {
			"limit": 200,
			"next": null,
			"offset": 0,
			"previous": null,
			"total_count": 1
	"objects": [
				"area_categories": "X", 
				"artists": ["/api/v1/artist/1"],
				"country_code": null, 
				"id": 6, 
				"mbid": "", 
				"name": "Muenchen", 
				"resource_uri": "/api/v1/area/6", 
				"type": ""

Request Playlist objects

Request URL:

Field Reference
identifier explanation mandatory
id Identifier is generated automatically
name name of playlist yes
songsinplaylist tracks in playlist no
tags tags in playlist (Jazz etc.) no
identifier explanation mandatory
id Identifier is generated automatically
playlist name of playlist no
song track in playlist yes
sort_number opportunity to sort yes
curl-Request-Examples GET-Request: Get playlist 1
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey'  -X GET "" -v

POST-Request: Post new playlist

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X POST -d '{"name":"Bestoff"}' "" -v

PUT-Request: Put name of playlist 4

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X PUT -d '{"name":"Thebestsongsever"}' -v

DELETE-Request: Delete playlist 3

curl -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X DELETE -v 
Sample GET-Response:
	"meta": {
			"limit": 200,
			"next": null,
			"offset": 0,
			"previous": null,
			"total_count": 1
	"objects": [
			"id": 5, 
			"name": "GuteLauneRemix", 
			"resource_uri": "/api/v1/playlist/5", 
					"id": 4, 
					"playlist": "/api/v1/playlist/5",
					"resource_uri": "/api/v1/songinplaylist/4", 
					"song": {
						"album": "/api/v1/album/1", 
						"artists": ["/api/v1/artist/4"], 
						"audio": "repertoire/song_file/3/", 
						"id": 3, 
						"mbid": null, 
						"playlists": ["/api/v1/playlist/5"], 
						"resource_uri": "/api/v1/song/3", 
						"tags": [], 
						"title": "TheTrackTitle"}, 
					"sort_number": 1
					"id": 5, 
					"playlist": "/api/v1/playlist/5", 
					"resource_uri": "/api/v1/songinplaylist/5", 
					"song": {
						"album": "/api/v1/album/517", 
						"artists": ["/api/v1/artist/557", 
						"audio": "repertoire/song_file/93/", 
						"id": 93, 
						"mbid": null, 
						"playlists": ["/api/v1/playlist/5"], 
						"resource_uri": "/api/v1/song/93", 
						"tags": [], 
						"title": "The Souls's Children"}, 
					"sort_number": 634
			"tags": [
					"albums": [], 
					"artists": [], 
					"id": 6, 
					"playlists": ["/api/v1/playlist/5"], 
					"resource_uri": "/api/v1/tag/6", 
					"songs": []
					"albums": [], 
					"artists": [], 
					"id": 7, 
					"name": "Pop", 
					"playlists": ["/api/v1/playlist/5"], 
					"resource_uri": "/api/v1/tag/7", 
					"songs": []

Request Tag objects

Request URL:

Field Reference
identifier explanation mandatory
id Identifier is generated automatically
name name of tag (Jazz etc.) yes
curl-Request-Examples GET-Request: Get tag 5
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey'  -X GET "" -v

POST-Request: Post new playlist

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X POST -d '{"name":"Rock"}' "" -v

PUT-Request: Put name of playlist 4

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X PUT -d '{"name":"Jazz"}' -v

DELETE-Request: Delete tag 3

curl -H 'Authorization: testapikey' -X DELETE -v 
Sample GET-Response:
	"meta": {
			"limit": 200,
			"next": null,
			"offset": 0,
			"previous": null,
			"total_count": 1
	"objects": [
				"albums": [], 
				"artists": [], 
				"id": 7, 
				"name": "Pop", 
				"playlists": [], 
				"resource_uri": "/api/v1/tag/7", 
				"songs": []