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You can choose either "Simple View" or "Advanced View" from the View > Views menu to restore the interface to a standard layout. You can also right-click over the tool-bar (right to the Big Red Button of export) or over the main menu and choose the dock pane you wish to show/hide from the list. https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/3503
(Some) MP3 files containing cover art cause OpenShot to crash on Preview/Export. If audio files without art work fine for you, try extracting the art or the audio in a third-party program before import. issue3043
For some users running OpenShot on smaller displays, the automatic positioning of the third Tutorial popup may cause it to extend off the bottom edge of the screen, making it impossible to hit the Next button and advance to the next step in the tutorial. Workarounds for Known Bugs
This tutorial by Andrew Bullen explains how. The frame number will simply be displayed in the interface in the next Openshot version.
Yes, take a loot at this tutorial by Andrew Bullen https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenShot/comments/fsuftx/mosaic_screen_with_multiple_videos_simultaneously/fnkr1i7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
You can find a table with theoretically supported hardware decoders here. here However it may vary on a system by system basis. In general Linux has better support then Windows. Hardware acceleration is not available in sandboxed versions like app-image and Windows Store editions. For more information , see also the discussion under the issues https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/2877
OpenShot does not directly support a client/server setup. You can edit your project locally and then move your project to a different machine for rendering. It could theoretically be done if you improve the program. https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/3102
Before 2.44, you need below 2.8 After OpenShot 2.5, you need 2.8 or above required
Introduction by Jonathan Thomas https://www.openshot.org/blog/2010/07/11/behind-scenes-animating-title/
Tutorial by Yann (2012) p http://morere.eu/spip.php?article169
Correct, only Bfont is currently supported. It is a bug that other fonts are offered in the interface issue3269
This is a combination of a limit of OpenShot to only support B-Font, and the limit in Blender/ that requires a different font that supports Asian letters, because B-font does not.
The Title editor uses SVG-based fonts. If they are not available, fonts may not be rendered, and titles can 'disappear'. The templates use the Ubuntu and Bitstream Vera Sans Fonts. It is recommended to install them if they are not available on your system.
While OpenShot allows you to choose a different font, not all fonts support SVG rendering. PostScript Type 1 format is generally not supported. Please do a test before you create many titles in a custom font.
https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/3462 https://www.dafont.com/bitstream_vera_sans.font
Yes, Openshot uses SVG for its title files. They are text-based XML files and allow such operations. However, be very careful not to change any of the markup code, or it will break the file. For translating many titles, you can use programs like OmegaT
While Inkscape allows for more complex text creation, be advised that the SVG implementation is limited. Not all features by Inkscape are supported, and may break the resulting SVG from being recognized by Openshot. You can always export them to PNG or other image formats to be included. The limitation on font types applies here as well, they need to be availeble to the system and support SVG rendering. For this reason, SVG's created by other programs may trow up issues too.
One 'advanced' feature of Inkscape is the support for flowing text. This never made it into the official SVG standard, and is not supported by Openshot. It will break the connection. It is a known issue for Inkscape, and they are working on fixing it. You can use the "text>unflow text" or "text>convert to text" in the Inkscape menu.
https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/337 https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/3367 https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenShot/comments/fyhpar/documentation_how_to_create_title_templates_from/
On the Openshot Home page, click on Download and scroll down. Under "Looking for a different download?", click on Daily build. Despite the name, they are not created daily, but automatically when changes are merged. Before you report an issue with a daily, please make sure that the issue is not occurring in the regular version, and try the second-last version to see when the problem first appeared.
When using daily version, it is recommended to disable the auto-save to prevent program faults that break your project from automatically overwriting your working version.
Hardware accelleration is not supported, and connections with Blender and Openshot will not work. issue3036
Hardware accelleration is not supported, and connections with Blender and Openshot will not work. https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/3296
If you are on Linux,, you are actually launching the 'native' Openshot that ships with your distro. The Appimage (that you downloaded) when it launched should have asked if you wanted to create a desktop shortcut. If you look thought your start menu items,,you should see two Openshot shortcuts( providing your chose to create a shortcut icon) for the newly downloaded Appimage when you launched it. "issue 3541"
dr0i wrote: https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/2550
"On ubuntu 20 and OpenShot version 2.4.3 and blender 2.78 I discovered that an absolute path doesn't work - openshot always seems to append the path to blender to your home directory. So, only relative paths (starting from your home directory) are working."
NB: We are unsure how OpenShot made it into the Microsoft Store, it was probably done by a third party. You need regular Blender and OpenShot to use them together. Third party Store software is running in sandbox. The location points to a virtual environment that probably isn't even accessible until Inkscape is launched and it gets mounted from whatever archive/container format the application is distributed in.
Sometimes, the exe (especially the daily) won't start the program. It may be blocked by Windows Defender. Try running a Virus scan on the program directory, and run the program again. More complex reasons why it may not start cab be found here: Windows Launch Issues (cx_Freeze errors)
Probably not. Feel free to give it a try, let us know if things do work. But we're not responsible if the error log gives you nightmares. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/directx-heart-linux/
General discussion https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/3414 A test version from SuslicV with experimental support for NvENC can temporarily be found in this thread: https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/3448
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