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Intel Video Super Resolution Development Kit

Intel Video Super Resolution Development Kit (iVSR SDK) is an SDK which is designed to support all kinds of AI media processing algorithms.

The SDK Core consists of two parts, one is the patch solution part, the other is the task scheduler part.

  1. The patch solution part will split the frames into small patches, then the small patch will be wrapped as one inference task and put it in the task queue in the scheduler module. In addition, each small patch will have a flag to indicate which platform will be used for inference.
  2. The task scheduler part will fetch task from the task queue and send the task to the corresponding hardware according to the flag set for each small patch.

Feature Overview

API Introduction

The iVSR toolkit only provides API for C. All available interfaces are listed in the following table for overview. Please refer to Detailed Description for more information.


Function name Operation
ivsr_init Initialize the iVSR environment.
ivsr_process Perform a VSR task.
ivsr_reconfig Reset and re-config iVSR environment. THIS API IS NOT WELL IMPLEMENTED YET.
ivsr_get_attr Get the iVSR properties/attributes.
ivsr_deinit De-initialize the resources allocated for the iVSR environment.

Detailed Description


Initialize the iVSR environment.


IVSRStatus ivsr_init(ivsr_config_t *configs, ivsr_handle *handle); 


  • configs Configurations to initialize the intel VSR SDK. Including the following configurations:

    Config name Description
    INPUT_MODEL Required. Path to the input model file.
    TARGET_DEVICE Required. Device to run the inference.
    CUSTOM_LIB Optional. Path to extension lib file, required for loading Extended BasicVSR model
    CLDNN_CONFIG Optional. Path to custom op xml file, required for loading Extended BasicVSR model
    PRECISION Optional. To set inference precision for hardware
    RESHAPE_SETTINGS Optional. To set reshape setting for the input model
    INPUT_RES Required. To set input frame resolution in format <width>,<height>
  • handle A handle for VSR processing.


The method creates an iVSR handle to prepare VSR environment according to the configurations.

Return Values

IVSRStatus Return a status to indicate whether the initialization is successful or not. IVSRStatus is the enumeration type of return value for all iVSR APIs.

Status name Description
OK Success.
GENERAL_ERROR Get nullptr or return fail in functions.
UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown error
UNSUPPORTED_KEY Unsupported key
UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG Unsupported config value
EXCEPTION_ERROR Catch a exception
UNSUPPORTED_SHAPE Unsupported model shape


Perform a VSR task.


IVSRStatus ivsr_process(ivsr_handle handle, char* input_data, char* output_data, ivsr_cb_t* cb); 


  • handle A handle for VSR processing.
  • input_data Input data address for a VSR task, which points to the contents of input data obtained by user input.
  • output_data Output data address for the VSR task output, which points to the output data buffer allocated according to model output shape.
  • cb A callback function for user to know something about the VSR task, e.g. indicating whether the VSR task has completed.


The method performs VSR processing with the given input data and generates the output data.

Return Values

IVSRStatus Return a status to indicate whether VSR processing is successful or not.


Reset and re-config iVSR environment.


IVSRStatus ivsr_reconfig(ivsr_handle handle, ivsr_config_t* configs); 


  • handle A handle for VSR processing.
  • configs Configurations to reset the VSR environment.


The method reconfigures the VSR environment.

Return Values

IVSRStatus Return a status to indicate whether reconfiguration is successful or not.


Get the iVSR properties/attributes.


IVSRStatus ivsr_get_attr(ivsr_handle handle, IVSRAttrKey key, void* value); 


  • handle A handle for VSR processing.
  • key Name of a attribute/property.
    Key name Description
    IVSR_VERSION Use this key to get ivsr version.
    INPUT_TENSOR_DESC Use this key to get model input tensor description includes precision, layout and shape information.
    OUTPUT_TENSOR_DESC Use this key to get model output description includes precision, layout and shape information.
    NUM_INPUT_FRAMES Use this key to get input frames number of the model.
    INPUT_DIMS Use this key to get input dims of the model.
    OUTPUT_DIMS Use this key to get input dims of the model.
  • value Value of the attribute got by key.


This method is used to get the properties/attributes of the VSR environment that the user wants to know about.

Return Values

IVSRStatus Return a status to indicate whether the attribute is gotten successfully.


De-initialize the resources allocated for the iVSR environment.


IVSRStatus ivsr_deinit(ivsr_handle handle); 


handle A handle for VSR processing.


The method deinitializes the handle and releases the resources allocated for iVSR process.

Return Values

IVSRStatus Return a status to indicate whether VSR deinitialization is successful.

VSR Sample

There is a simple C++ sample to perform BasicVSR/EDSR/SVP inference on OpenVINO backend. Please add CMake option -DENABLE_SAMPLE=ON and build/install its dependency OpenCV component befor that. You can reach the sample from <iVSR project path>/ivsr_sdk/bin/vsr_sample. You can get the help messages by running ./vsr_sample -h and see the default settings of parameters.

Option name Desciption Default value Recommended value(s)
h Print Help Message
cldnn_config Required for GPU custom kernels. Absolute path to an .xml file with the kernels description. None for Extended BasicVSR, set <Path to OpenVINO>/flow_warp_custom_op/flow_warp.xml
data_path Required. Input data path for inference. None
device Optional. Device to perform inference. CPU CPU or GPU or MULTI:GPU.0,GPU.1
extension Optional. Extension (.so or .dll) path of custom operation. None path to
model_path Required. Path of VSR OpenVINO IR model (.xml). None
nig Optional. Number of input groups for inference. 1
save_path Optional. Path to save predictions. ./outputs If use the default value, make sure default path exists.
save_predictions Optional. Whether to save the results to save_path. false If this option exists, results will be saved.
scale_factor Optional. The ratio of the size of the image before scaling (original size) to the size of the image after scaling (new size). 2 For image enhancement model and if no resolution change, please set to 1.
normalize_factor Optional. Normalization factor is equal to the value range required by models. 255.0 Must set to 1.0 for Enhanced EDSR.
precision Required for inference precision setting, but runtime precision you need to check with your HW platform. f32 f32[FP32], f16[FP16], bf16[bf16].
reshape_values Optional. Reshape the network to fit the input image size. None Set the complete tensor value of the shape. e.g. --reshape_values="(1,3,720,1280)" in case your input image happens to be 1280x720 RGB 24bits

Please note that all the paths specified by options should exist and do not end up with '/'. Here are some examples to run Enhanced BasicVSR/Enhanced EDSR/SVP models inference on different devices:

Enhanced BasicVSR model Sample

cd <iVSR project path>/ivsr_sdk/bin
# BasicVSR sample on CPU
./vsr_sample --model_path=[your BasicVSR model.xml] --data_path=[folder contains low resolution images] --extension=<iVSR project path>/ivsr_ov/based_on_openvino_2022.3/openvino/bin/intel64/Release/ --cldnn_config=<iVSR project path>/ivsr_ov/based_on_openvino_2022.3/openvino/flow_warp_cl_kernel/flow_warp.xml --nig=3 --device=CPU
# BasicVSR sample on Single GPU
./vsr_sample --model_path=[your BasicVSR model.xml] --data_path=[folder contains low resolution images] --extension=<iVSR project path>/ivsr_ov/based_on_openvino_2022.3/openvino/bin/intel64/Release/ --cldnn_config=<iVSR project path>/ivsr_ov/based_on_openvino_2022.3/openvino/flow_warp_cl_kernel/flow_warp.xml --nig=3 --device=GPU
# BasicVSR sample on Multiple-GPUs
./vsr_sample --model_path=[your BasicVSR model.xml] --data_path=[folder contains low resolution images] --extension=<iVSR project path>/ivsr_ov/based_on_openvino_2022.3/openvino/bin/intel64/Release/ --cldnn_config=<iVSR project path>/ivsr_ov/based_on_openvino_2022.3/openvino/flow_warp_cl_kernel/flow_warp.xml --nig=3 --device=MULTI:GPU.0,GPU.1

Enhanced EDSR model Sample

cd <iVSR project path>/ivsr_sdk/bin
./vsr_sample --model_path=[your EDSR model.xml] --data_path=[folder contains low resolution images]  --nig=1 --device=GPU  --normalize_factor=1.0 --precision=f16 #need to set normalize_factor as 1.0

SVP models Sample

cd <iVSR project path>/ivsr_sdk/bin
./vsr_sample --model_path=[your SVP model.xml]--data_path=[folder contains input images]  --nig=1 --device=GPU --scale_factor=1 #need to set scale_factor as 1

No other models are supported with current version of VSR Sample.