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OriginTrail GS1 EPCIS customized namespace

savicsava edited this page Jun 12, 2018 · 10 revisions


The EPCIS standard places general constraints on the identifiers that End Users may create for use as User Vocabulary elements. Specifically, an identifier must conform to URI syntax, and must either conform to syntax specified in GS1 standards or must belong to a subspace of URI identifiers that is under the control of the end user who assigns them.

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GS1 CBV Namespace

The Core Business Vocabulary provides additional constraints on the syntax of identifiers for user vocabularies, so that CBV-Compliant documents will use identifiers that have a predictable structure. This in turn makes it easier for trading partners to understand the meaning of such identifiers. GS1 Namespace should be used always before OriginTrail namespace if it is possible.

OriginTrail Namespace

OriginTrail created it's own namespace as extension of GS1 namespace. Root of the name space is urt:ot:. We strongly advise use of our namespace as described below. OriginTrail protocol name space is based on data model. If OriginTrail namespace is not used properly it can cause deviations in data structure. We strongly recommend data validation in Graph database after first iterations.

Object urn:ot:object

Objects represent all physical or digital entities involved in events in the supply chain. Examples of objects are vehicles, production facilities, documents, sensors, personnel etc. ObjectClasses specifically define a global set of properties for their child Objects (as their “instances”). In the example of a wine authenticity use case, the data shared among supply chain entities (winery, distributors, retailers etc) involves information about specific batches of bottles with unique characteristics. The master data about a product would present an ObjectClass node in the OT graph, while the specifics about the product batch would be contained within the “batch” Object. This allows for a hierarchical organization of objects, with a simplistic but robust class-like inheritance.

Actor urn:ot:object:actor

Actors, which encompass companies, people, machines and any other entity that can act or observe objects within the supply chain. (the “Who”).






Product urn:ot:object:product

Products (supply chain objects of interest), which represent goods or services that are acted upon by actors (the “What”).




Batch urn:ot:object:product:batch





Location urn:ot:object:location

Locations, which define either physical or digital locations of products or actors (the “Where”).





Event urn:ot:event

Transport urn:ot:event:transport

Transformation urn:ot:event:transformation

Observation urn:ot:event:observation

Ownership urn:ot:event:ownership