diff --git a/src/routes/traditional-media.md b/src/routes/traditional-media.md
index 56e6b1a25..1e5013b0c 100644
--- a/src/routes/traditional-media.md
+++ b/src/routes/traditional-media.md
@@ -632,6 +632,33 @@ en_us
+## Yonhap News Agency
+### News
+| Language | 한국어 | English | 简体中文 | 日本語 | عربي | Español | Français |
+| --------- | ------ | ------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | -------- |
+| `:lang` | `ko` | `en` | `cn` | `jp` | `ar` | `es` | `fr` |
+For a full list of RSS Feed Channels, please refer to the RSS feed page of the corresponding language
+| RSS Feed Page |
+| --------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [한국어](https://www.yna.co.kr/rss/index?site=footer_rss) |
+| [English](https://en.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [简体中文](https://cn.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [日本語](https://jp.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [عربي](https://ar.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [Español](https://sp.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [Français](https://fr.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+For example, the path for the RSS feed url https://www.yna.co.kr/rss/economy.xml and https://cn.yna.co.kr/RSS/news.xml would be `/ko/economy` and `/cn/news` respectively.
## Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞
### News
diff --git a/src/zh/routes/traditional-media.md b/src/zh/routes/traditional-media.md
index 0647b5d64..eb7dd4484 100644
--- a/src/zh/routes/traditional-media.md
+++ b/src/zh/routes/traditional-media.md
@@ -632,6 +632,33 @@ en_us
+## Yonhap News Agency
+### News
+| Language | 한국어 | English | 简体中文 | 日本語 | عربي | Español | Français |
+| --------- | ------ | ------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | -------- |
+| `:lang` | `ko` | `en` | `cn` | `jp` | `ar` | `es` | `fr` |
+For a full list of RSS Feed Channels, please refer to the RSS feed page of the corresponding language
+| RSS Feed Page |
+| --------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [한국어](https://www.yna.co.kr/rss/index?site=footer_rss) |
+| [English](https://en.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [简体中文](https://cn.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [日本語](https://jp.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [عربي](https://ar.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [Español](https://sp.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+| [Français](https://fr.yna.co.kr/channel/index) |
+For example, the path for the RSS feed url https://www.yna.co.kr/rss/economy.xml and https://cn.yna.co.kr/RSS/news.xml would be `/ko/economy` and `/cn/news` respectively.
## Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞
### News