Install-Package MSTest.TestFramework Install-Package MSTest.TestAdapter Install-Package Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk
To discover or execute test cases, VSTest would call the test adapters based on your project configuration. (That is why NUnit/xUnit/MSTest all ask you to install a test adapter NuGet package to your unit testing projects). So MSTest.TestAdapter exists for that purposes.
MSTest.TestFramework itself implements the testing frameworks and its contracts. So you need to add a NuGet reference to it to write unit test cases and have them compiled. Only compiled projects along with the test adapter can then be consumed by Visual Studio.
Initially, I created the cheat sheet while we developed the first versions of the BELLATRIX automated testing framework. Мost of the stuff in it are still relevant.
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace MSTestUnitTests
// A class that contains MSTest unit tests. (Required)
public class YourUnitTests
public static void AssemblyInit(TestContext context)
// Executes once before the test run. (Optional)
public static void TestFixtureSetup(TestContext context)
// Executes once for the test class. (Optional)
public void Setup()
// Runs before each test. (Optional)
public static void AssemblyCleanup()
// Executes once after the test run. (Optional)
public static void TestFixtureTearDown()
// Runs once after all tests in this class are executed. (Optional)
// Not guaranteed that it executes instantly after all tests from the class.
public void TearDown()
// Runs after each test. (Optional)
// Mark that this is a unit test method. (Required)
public void YouTestMethod()
// Your test code goes here.
AssemblyInitialize (once per assembly) ClassInitialize (once per test class class) TestInitialize (before each test of the class) Test1 TestCleanup (after each test of the class) TestInitialize Test2 TestCleanup ... ClassCleanup (once per test class) ClassInitialize ... ClassCleanup AssemblyCleanup (once per assembly) Download Complete MSTest Cheat Sheet
Marks a test method.
Marks a test class.
Triggered before every test case.
Triggered after every test case.
One-time triggered method before test cases start.
One-time triggered method after test cases end.
Ignores a test case.
Sets arbitrary metadata on a test.
Configures a data-driven test.
Categorizes the test cases or classes.
[DataRow(0, 0)]
[DataRow(1, 1)]
[DataRow(2, 1)]
[DataRow(80, 23416728348467685)]
public void GivenDataFibonacciReturnsResultsOk(int number, int result)
var fib = new Fib();
var actual = fib.Fibonacci(number);
Assert.AreEqual(result, actual);
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", "TestsData.csv", "TestsData#csv", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
public void DataDrivenTest()
int valueA = Convert.ToInt32(this.TestContext.DataRow["valueA"]);
int valueB = Convert.ToInt32(this.TestContext.DataRow["valueB"]);
int expected = Convert.ToInt32(this.TestContext.DataRow["expectedResult"]);
[DynamicData(nameof(GetData), DynamicDataSourceType.Method)]
public void TestAddDynamicDataMethod(int a, int b, int expected)
var actual = _calculator.Add(a, b);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public static IEnumerable<object[]> GetData()
yield return new object[] { 1, 1, 2 };
yield return new object[] { 12, 30, 42 };
yield return new object[] { 14, 1, 15 };
Assert.AreEqual(28, _actualFuel); // Tests whether the specified values are equal.
Assert.AreNotEqual(28, _actualFuel); // Tests whether the specified values are unequal. Same as AreEqual for numeric values.
Assert.AreSame(_expectedRocket, _actualRocket); // Tests whether the specified objects both refer to the same object
Assert.AreNotSame(_expectedRocket, _actualRocket); // Tests whether the specified objects refer to different objects
Assert.IsTrue(_isThereEnoughFuel); // Tests whether the specified condition is true
Assert.IsFalse(_isThereEnoughFuel); // Tests whether the specified condition is false
Assert.IsNull(_actualRocket); // Tests whether the specified object is null
Assert.IsNotNull(_actualRocket); // Tests whether the specified object is non-null
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(_actualRocket, typeof(Falcon9Rocket)); // Tests whether the specified object is an instance of the expected type
Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(_actualRocket, typeof(Falcon9Rocket)); // Tests whether the specified object is not an instance of type
StringAssert.Contains(_expectedBellatrixTitle, "Bellatrix"); // Tests whether the specified string contains the specified substring
StringAssert.StartsWith(_expectedBellatrixTitle, "Bellatrix"); // Tests whether the specified string begins with the specified substring
StringAssert.Matches("(281)388-0388", @"(?d{3})?-? *d{3}-? *-?d{4}"); // Tests whether the specified string matches a regular expression
StringAssert.DoesNotMatch("281)388-0388", @"(?d{3})?-? *d{3}-? *-?d{4}"); // Tests whether the specified string does not match a regular expression
CollectionAssert.AreEqual(_expectedRockets, _actualRockets); // Tests whether the specified collections have the same elements in the same order and quantity.
CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(_expectedRockets, _actualRockets); // Tests whether the specified collections does not have the same elements or the elements are in a different order and quantity.
CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(_expectedRockets, _actualRockets); // Tests whether two collections contain the same elements.
CollectionAssert.AreNotEquivalent(_expectedRockets, _actualRockets); // Tests whether two collections contain different elements.
CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreInstancesOfType(_expectedRockets, _actualRockets); // Tests whether all elements in the specified collection are instances of the expected type
CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreNotNull(_expectedRockets); // Tests whether all items in the specified collection are non-null
CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreUnique(_expectedRockets); // Tests whether all items in the specified collection are unique
CollectionAssert.Contains(_actualRockets, falcon9); // Tests whether the specified collection contains the specified element
CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(_actualRockets, falcon9); // Tests whether the specified collection does not contain the specified element
CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(_expectedRockets, _actualRockets); // Tests whether one collection is a subset of another collection
CollectionAssert.IsNotSubsetOf(_expectedRockets, _actualRockets); // Tests whether one collection is not a subset of another collection
Assert.ThrowsException<ArgumentNullException>(() => new Regex(null)); // Tests whether the code specified by delegate throws exact given exception of type T
[assembly: Parallelize(Workers = 0, Scope = ExecutionScope.MethodLevel)]
Workers- the number of threads to run the tests. Set it to 0 to use the number of core of your computer.
Scope- determine if the runner must parallelise tests at the method or class level. MethodLevel runs all tests in parallel. ClassLevel runs all test classes in parallel, but tests in a class are executed sequentially. You should use ClassLevel if the tests within classes have interdependencies.
If you have multiple test assemblies you want to parallelize you can create a file named .runsettings at the root of the solution:
8 MethodLevel