A list of possible gimmicks
- Super team
- TA, AD, Engineering, Design as a super hero group — unique specialties — collaborative work — ego & friction
- Division of labor
- specialization is good for productivity
- but it also makes it hard to own things
- pick what you need to own!
- http://lbpost.com/images/addison/5630Parque/RiveraMural01.jpg
- Scotty / Enterprise bridge crew
- The miracle worker
- But ask for the right miracles!
- The circus
- Ringling brothers invented logistics
- Logistics is the key to modern war — You don't win by being brilliant — you don't win by being bloodthirsty — You win by having enough toilet paper — anecdotes: * Red River campaign: build the dam! * Beanstalk bridges
- The CIA
- (supposed to be) responsible for knowing what's coming up
- future tech
- future games — Al complaining about me ruining games by going on about reflections
- "In service" : TA serves art — But sometimes has it's own agenda
- Mr Carson
- the faithful retainer
- there to server, but also to guide
- make sure things work out smoothly
- The Chimera
- multiple heads on one body
- hard to know what to do with it!
- Duct tape
- Useful for evertyhing
- Not very elegant
- Natty bumpo
- the pathfinder — prototype ways to work — leave a trail for others to follow
- loner?
- Memory Alpha... the keeper of the lore
- who knows all the nooks and crannies
- this is not just a feat of memory — memory works on connections — TAs remember because the know both the inputs and outputs
- Macguyver
- improvisation
- Rejected metaphors
- All of the above, with commentary and cross outs