protocol data could separate to 2 category depend on transmition direction:
1 Feedback information: including feedback information of various agencies' sensors and some feedback information calculated by the bottom layer;
2 Underlying state information: including the running state of the underlying device, some response from the underlying layer to the upper layer data, etc.;
3 Forward data: contains all the information of the referee system, customized information on the server side;
1 Control information: upper layer control information on the bottom three actuators;
One frame of protocol data is divided into four parts, frame header data, command code ID, data, and frame end check data.
* @brief frame header structure definition
/* This Struct Is Used To Describe A Package Header */
typedef struct
uint8_t sof; /*!< Identify Of A Package */
union {
uint16_t data_len : 10; /*!< Data Length, Include Header And Crc */
uint16_t version : 6; /*!< Protocol Version */
uint16_t ver_data_len;
union {
uint8_t session : 5; /*!< Need(0~1) Or Not Need(2~63) Ack */
uint8_t pack_type : 1; /*!< Ack Package Or Normal Package */
uint8_t res : 2; /*!< Reserve */
uint8_t S_A_R_c;
uint8_t sender; /*!< Sender Module Information */
uint8_t reciver; /*!< Receiver Module Information */
uint16_t res1; /*!< Reserve 1 */
uint16_t seq_num; /*!< Sequence Number */
uint16_t crc_16; /*!< CRC16 */
uint8_t pdata[];
} protocol_pack_desc_t;
frame header data | Size in Byte | description |
sof | 1 | Domain ID of the data |
ver_data_len | 2 | Length of data in each frame and protocol version number |
session | 1 | Packet sequence number, reserved in the 0xA0 field |
sender | 1 | sender address |
reciver | 1 | receiver address |
res | 2 | reserved bit |
seq | 2 | packet sequence number |
crc16 | 2 | Frame header CRC check result |
command code | size in byte |
cmdid | 2 |
A command code corresponds to one frame of data containing specific information, and the following is a command code corresponding to all existing data.
The data transmission direction and specific functions corresponding to the command code are as follows:
command code | transmition direction | function | frequency |
0x0001 | main control-->PC | robot state in competition | referee system 10Hz |
0x0002 | main control-->PC | real-time damage data | when taking damage |
0x0003 | main control-->PC | real-time shooting data | referee system |
0x0004 | main control-->PC | real-time power consumption, heat data | won't use in ICRA |
0x0005 | main control-->PC | field RFID data | when IC card sending detected |
0x0006 | main control-->PC | competition result data | at the end of game |
0x0007 | main control-->PC | get buff data | referee system |
0x0008 | main control-->PC | field UWB data | referee system |
0x0204 | main control-->PC | robot chassis information | 100Hz |
0x0304 | main control-->PC | robot gimbal information | 100Hz |
0x0402 | main control-->PC | UWB information | UWB refresh frequency |
0x0206 | PC-->main control | set chassis speed | |
0x0208 | PC-->main control | set chassis speed (with acceleration) | |
0x0309 | PC-->main control | control the speed of friction wheel | at the beginning of using friction wheel |
0x030A | PC-->main control | control the shooting | |
0x0403 | PC-->main control | gimbal calibration information | when gimbal calibration needed |
For the data structure corresponding to the command code ID, the data length is the size of this structure.
data | size in byte |
data | data_length |
referee system user data for more details please check referee system manual
control and push information for more details please check application/infantry_cmd.h
struct cmd_chassis_info
int16_t gyro_angle;
int16_t gyro_palstance;
int32_t position_x_mm;
int32_t position_y_mm;
int16_t angle_deg;
int16_t v_x_mm;
int16_t v_y_mm;
struct cmd_gimbal_info
uint8_t mode;
/* unit: degree */
int16_t pitch_ecd_angle;
int16_t yaw_ecd_angle;
int16_t pitch_gyro_angle;
int16_t yaw_gyro_angle;
/* uint: degree/s */
int16_t yaw_rate;
int16_t pitch_rate;
struct cmd_gimbal_angle
uint8_t flag;
uint8_t yaw_mode:1; // 0 code angle
uint8_t pitch_mode:1;
} ctrl;
int16_t pitch;
int16_t yaw;
struct cmd_chassis_speed
int16_t vx; // forward/back
int16_t vy; // left/right
int16_t vw; // anticlockwise/clockwise
int16_t rotate_x_offset;
int16_t rotate_y_offset;
struct cmd_chassis_spd_acc
int16_t vx;
int16_t vy;
int16_t vw;
int16_t ax;
int16_t ay;
int16_t wz;
int16_t rotate_x_offset;
int16_t rotate_y_offset;
struct cmd_firction_speed
uint16_t left;
uint16_t right;
struct cmd_shoot_num
uint8_t shoot_cmd;
uint32_t shoot_add_num;
uint16_t shoot_freq;
use API below to configure protocol and the sending data:
int32_t protocol_send_cmd_config(uint16_t cmd,
uint8_t resend_times,
uint16_t resend_timeout,
uint8_t ack_enable,
ack_handle_fn_t ack_callback,
no_ack_handle_fn_t no_ack_callback);
int32_t protocol_rcv_cmd_register(uint16_t cmd, rcv_handle_fn_t rcv_callback);
int32_t protocol_rcv_cmd_unregister(uint16_t cmd);
int32_t protocol_send_cmd_unregister(uint16_t cmd);
uint32_t protocol_send_flush(void);
uint32_t protocol_unpack_flush(void);
uint32_t protocol_send_list_add_callback_reg(void_fn_t fn);
int32_t protocol_can_interface_register(char *interface_name,
uint16_t rcv_buf_size,
uint8_t broadcast_output_enable,
uint8_t can_port,
uint32_t can_tx_id,
uint32_t can_rx_id,
int (*can_send_fn)(uint32_t std_id, uint8_t *p_data, uint32_t len));
int32_t protocol_uart_interface_register(char *interface_name,
uint16_t rcv_buf_size,
uint8_t broadcast_output_enable,
uint8_t com_port,
int (*com_send_fn)(uint8_t *p_data, uint32_t len));
int32_t protocol_set_route(uint8_t tar_add, const char *name);
uint32_t protocol_can_rcv_data(uint8_t can_port, uint32_t rcv_id, void *p_data, uint32_t data_len);
uint32_t protocol_uart_rcv_data(uint8_t com_port, void *p_data, uint32_t data_len);
use the method below to solve referee system sticky problem
void read_and_unpack_thread(void *argu)
uint8_t byte = 0;
int32_t read_len;
int32_t buff_read_index;
uint16_t data_len;
unpack_step_e unpack_step;
int32_t index;
uint8_t protocol_packet[PROTOCAL_FRAME_MAX_SIZE];
while (1)
read_len = uart_recv(uart_fd, computer_rx_buf, UART_BUFF_SIZE);
buff_read_index = 0;
while (read_len--)
byte = computer_rx_buf[buff_read_index++];
if(byte == UP_REG_ID)
unpack_step = STEP_LENGTH_LOW;
protocol_packet[index++] = byte;
index = 0;
data_len = byte;
protocol_packet[index++] = byte;
unpack_step = STEP_LENGTH_HIGH;
data_len |= (byte << 8);
protocol_packet[index++] = byte;
unpack_step = STEP_FRAME_SEQ;
unpack_step = STEP_HEADER_SOF;
index = 0;
protocol_packet[index++] = byte;
unpack_step = STEP_HEADER_CRC8;
protocol_packet[index++] = byte;
if (index == HEADER_LEN)
if ( verify_crc8_check_sum(protocol_packet, HEADER_LEN) )
unpack_step = STEP_DATA_CRC16;
unpack_step = STEP_HEADER_SOF;
index = 0;
if (index < (HEADER_LEN + CMD_LEN + data_len + CRC_LEN))
protocol_packet[index++] = byte;
if (index >= (HEADER_LEN + CMD_LEN + data_len + CRC_LEN))
unpack_step = STEP_HEADER_SOF;
index = 0;
if ( verify_crc16_check_sum(protocol_packet, HEADER_LEN + CMD_LEN + data_len + CRC_LEN) )
unpack_step = STEP_HEADER_SOF;
index = 0;
void data_handle(uint8_t *p_frame)
frame_header_t *p_header = (frame_header_t*)p_frame;
memcpy(p_header, p_frame, HEADER_LEN);
uint16_t data_length = p_header->data_length;
uint16_t cmd_id = *(uint16_t *)(p_frame + HEADER_LEN);
uint8_t *data_addr = p_frame + HEADER_LEN + CMD_LEN;
switch (cmd_id)
memcpy(&game_information, data_addr, data_length);