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223 lines (160 loc) · 8.62 KB


  • Java Backend Spring Boot Authentication System is a comprehensive and secure authentication solution developed using the Spring Boot framework. This system integrates various essential components, including Spring Security, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and MySQL, to establish a robust user authentication experience. It offers features such as user registration, login, role-based access control, and secure logout functionality.

Table of Contents

  • Features
  • Technologies Used
  • Project Structure
  • The main packages are
  • Dependencies
  • How to Run
  • Usage
  • Handling Bad Credentials
  • Additional Note


  • User registration with username, email, and password
  • User login with username or email and password
  • Role-based access control with "ROLE_USER" and "ROLE_ADMIN" roles
  • Admin panel accessible only to users with "ROLE_ADMIN" role
  • Token-based authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Logout functionality

Technologies Used

  • Java 8
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Data JPA
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • MySQL
  • Maven
  • JUnit and Mockito for testing

Project Structure

  • The project follows the standard Spring Boot project structure with separate packages for
  • controllers,
  • services,
  • repositories,
  • entities,
  • payloads, and
  • utils,
  • security configuration.

The main packages are:

  • com.woromedia.auth.api.controller: Contains the REST API controllers.
  • com.woromedia.auth.api.entity: Contains JPA entity classes.
  • com.woromedia.auth.api.payload: Contains payload classes for request and response.
  • com.woromedia.auth.api.repository: Contains JPA repositories.
  • Contains security-related classes like JWT token provider, custom user details service, and authentication filter.
  • com.woromedia.auth.api.service: Contains service interfaces and their implementations.
  • com.woromedia.auth.api.utils: Contains utility classes.


The project uses the following dependencies:

  • Spring Boot Starter Web: This dependency enables the development of web applications using Spring Boot. It provides essential components for building RESTful APIs.

  • Spring Boot Starter Data JPA: This dependency enables JPA (Java Persistence API) support in the application. It simplifies the interaction with the database.

  • Spring Boot Starter Security: This dependency provides security support for Spring Boot applications. It allows you to secure your API endpoints and handle authentication and authorization.

  • Spring Boot Starter Validation: This dependency enables validation support for the request payloads. It allows you to enforce constraints on the incoming request data.

  • JUnit: This dependency is used for writing unit tests.

  • Mockito: This dependency is used for mocking objects in unit tests.

  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): This dependency provides support for generating and validating JSON Web Tokens for token-based authentication.

  • MySQL Connector/J: This dependency provides the MySQL JDBC driver to connect the application with the MySQL database.

How to Run

Follow the steps below to run the application:

  • Clone the repository to your local machine.

  • Make sure you have Java 8 and MySQL installed and running.

  • Set up the database by configuring the file with the correct database URL, username, and password.

    • (my mysql database is authentication_system , so create only database with any name as per your requirement)
  • Run the application using Intellij IDE.

  • This is my

* #Database Configuration
* spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/authentication_system  <---Add your database name only

* spring.datasource.username=****    <--Add your database username

* spring.datasource.password=****    <--Add your database password

* #Enable SQL query logging

*  #Hibernate DDL auto

 * #Hibernate properties

* #App Properties


You can interact with the API endpoints using Postman or any other API testing tool.I am using Postman

  • Handling API Endpoints with Different Responses

  • 1 User Registration Endpoint:


*  JSON Structure
"username": "woromedia_1",
"password": "password123",
"email": ""

click on ---> Send

  • Response: HTTP 200 OK with "User registered successfully" message.


  • Bad Credentials: If the provided username or email is already taken, the endpoint returns HTTP 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message.


  • 2 User Login Endpoint:


*  JSON Structure
  "usernameOrEmail": "woromediaintern_1",
  "password": "password123"
  • Response: HTTP 200 OK with a JWT token in the response body.


  • JWT token (On successful login):
       "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ3b3JvbWVkaWFfMUBleGFtcGxlLmNvb
         "tokenType": "Bearer"
  • Bad Credentials: If the provided username or email and password combination is invalid, the endpoint returns HTTP 401 Unauthorized with an error message.

wrong input password or username

  • 3 Admin Panel Endpoint:
* Method GET : http://localhost:8080/api/auth/admin
   * Select --> Authorization --> Bearer token --> copy login token  paste in Token like below,

Click on Send

  • Response: HTTP 200 OK with "Admin Panel" message.


  • Authorization Error: If a user without the "ROLE_ADMIN" role tries to access this endpoint, the application returns HTTP 403 Forbidden with an error message.

wrong input jwt  token

  • User Logout Endpoint:



  • Easily Collect User Registration Data with Postman, Keep it Safe in a MySQL Database, and Improve the User Signup Process.

authentication_system roles

authentication_system user_roles

authentication_system users

Handling Bad Credentials

  • If the provided username or email during registration is already taken, the application returns HTTP 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message.

  • If the provided username or email and password combination during login is invalid, the application returns HTTP 401 Unauthorized with an error message.

Additional Note

Remember to configure the file with the correct database connection details and secret key for JWT token generation.