Releases: SeadexGmbH/yasmine
0.5.0 b309
The 6th release of yasmine (Release date: November 07, 2016)
- Y_EMPTY_BEHAVIOR macro for creating a behavior that does nothing
- CMake files for builds under Linux (gcc, clang) and Windows (Visual Studio)
0.4.0 b298
The 5th release of yasmine (Release date: October 07, 2016)
- Y_OPTIMIZE_4_SPEED and Y_OPTIMIZE_4_MEMORY macros for internal optimization of ancestor lists (performance improvements)
- Y_PROFILER macro was added. When compiled with this macro, the state machine will count the events that were processed.
- 'LL_OFF' as default log level
- assembly.hpp macros were improved to avoid ambiguous function calls
- when Y_NO_LOGGING is defined, no log code will be compiled into the library at all
- fixed an error when compiling with gcc (const std::string transition_impl::get_transition_name)
- The handle generator for the timed events is no longer a random function.
The download provides a complete archive containing licenses, source code and pre-built (static) libraries and examples (binaries) for VS 2015.
0.3.0 b278
The 4th release of yasmine (Release date: September 16, 2016)
New feature:
- priority for events and event priority processing in the state machine
- The extension of the headers is now .hpp instead of .h.
- both the synchronous and asynchronous state machines use "start_state_machine" and "stop_state_machine" methods to start and stop the state machines
- "start_state_machine" will return now true if the state machine was started and is running and false if a terminate pseudostate was reached or the state machine encountered a problem and is shutting down
- COMPLETION_EVENT will have now the maximum value of event_id (std::uint32_t -> 4.294.967.295 or 0xFFFFFFFF) instead of 0
- 'noexcept' for all destructors
- simple state and asynchronous simple state store an error event instead of a behavior exception
- Fixed a problem with the URI of the state machine elements. Now, the URI contains all the element's ancestors
The download provides a complete archive containing licenses, source code and pre-built (static) libraries and examples (binaries) for VS 2015.
0.2.0 b258
The 3rd release of yasmine (Release date: August 19, 2016)
- New features:
- Asynchronous simple states
- Error handling for simple states
- introduction of collection headers, especially of yasmine.hpp
- Complete disabling of logging with Y_NO_LOGGING
- Source code formatting (class names, variable names, and other minor changes)
- Updated license (read more)
The download provides a complete archive containing licenses, source code and pre-built (static) libraries and examples (binaries) for VS 2015.
0.1.1 b229
The 2nd release of yasmine (Release date: July 22, 2016)
- Source code formatting (function declarations, function definitions, function calls, and other minor changes)
- Updated license (read more)
The download provides a complete archive containing licenses, source code and pre-built (static) libraries and examples (binaries) for VS 2015.
0.1.0 b217
The very first released version of yasmine (Release date: June 20, 2016)
The download provides a complete archive containing licenses, source code, and pre-built (static) libraries and examples (binaries) for VS 2015.