layout | title |
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Raiders |
{% include emptyline.html %} {% include grayheader.html level="2" anchor="RaiderInvasions" name="Raider Invasions" %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include youtube.html id="FBOHE9eadys" %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include image.html file="raiders.jpg" alt="raiders" %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include paragraph.html par="As much as you might think these are annoying, pray you get them as often as possible." %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include image.html file="clearthedead.jpg" alt="clearthedead" %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include paragraph.html par="Once you defeat all of the Raiders you need to clear out the dead bodies." %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include image.html file="valuableitems.jpg" alt="valuableitems" %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include paragraph.html par="At least one raider will have a Weapon or an Outfit. Until you can craft these items, and even after you can, this is the best way to obtain weapons and gear for your dwellers." %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include image.html file="collectcaps.jpg" alt="collectcaps" %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include paragraph.html par="I have only seen one item from the three raiders. The other two will give you caps." %}