Setup a new Java sc project
Create sc folder mkdir ./sc
Create `sc.yaml' with the following content
module : " "
language : " java"
importPathSeparator : " ."
enableFileCapitalization : true
forceUnitSetupRegeneration : true
ctlDir : " src/controller"
templates :
- dir : " sc/templates"
imports :
- repoOwner : " SoenkeD"
repoName : " sc-java-templates"
repoPath : " sc/templates/"
localPath : " sc/templates/"
Create controller folder mkdir -p ./src/controller/myctl
Create PlantUML file ./src/controller/myctl/myctl.plantuml
(must have the same name as the controller) with the following content
@startuml Demo
[*] --> DemoState: [ CheckAlwaysTrue ]
[*] -[bold]-> [*]: / Print(The guard needs to be implemented)
DemoState: do / AddMsg(Hello)
DemoState: do / AddMsg(World)
DemoState: do / AddMsg(!)
DemoState --> BurnState: [ CheckAlwaysTrue ] / Print(Go to BurnState)
DemoState -[bold]-> [*]
BurnState: do / Print(Got messages)
BurnState: do / PrintMsgs
BurnState -[bold]-> [*]
(optional) Create a Makefile with the following content
.PHONY: sc
$(sc) gen --root $(PWD) --name myctl
.PHONY: import
$(sc) import --root $(PWD)
.PHONY: export
$(sc) export --root $(PWD)
.PHONY: compile
javac -d bin src/*.java
.PHONY: run
java -cp ./bin src/Main
.PHONY: exec
exec: compile run
Create src/
with the following content
package src ;
import src .controller .myctl .Initctl ;
import src .controller .myctl .controller .*;
public class Main {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
Ctl ctl = Initctl .initCtl ();
Reconciler reconciler = new Reconciler (
ctl ,
new ReconcilerInput ()
try {
reconciler .reconcile ();
} catch (CtlErr e ) {
System .err .println (e );
Import the base templates make import
Generate the state machine by running make sc
Implement at least the Print action in src/controller/myctl/actions/
Execute your first running state machine with make exec