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­Sollace edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 13 revisions

Current to Version: 1.2.0

Bangle of Comradery

The Bangle of Comradery is a simple strap that can be worn by players in either of their wrists. They can be dyed different colours, or made to glow by adding glowstone dust.

To unicorns, however, they become more than a fashionable accessory! Unicorns can "sign" a bangle by using (right-clicking) with the item in their main hand. Once signed, they can then give out the bangle to other players to wear.

When wearing a signed bangle, that player will be considered an "ally" by any spells cast by the player that signed. Allies of a unicorn are given special considerations, such as being allowed inside of their shield, receiving resources from spells that redistribute health.

Unicorns can also take their allies with them using their group teleport ability.


  1. Crafting
L L -> Bangle of Comradery
  1. Glowing
Bangle of Comradery G
-> "Bangle of Comradery (Glowing)"

Crystal Heart

The Crystal Heart is a large, magically-enfused crystal in the shape of a giant heart. It's mainly associated with the crystal empire and when activated has the ability to serve as a support item, like a beacon, which provides healing to nearby players who need it.


  1. Crafting

The crystal heart has to be crafted by placing crystal shards in a heart-shape in the crafting table.

Crystal Shard Crystal Shard
Crystal Shard Crystal Shard Crystal Shard -> Crystal Heart
Crystal Shard


The crystal heart can be placed down by right-clicking with it on any solid supporting block however, much like the beacon block, its abilities will only activate if it is placed in a specially crafted altar constructed out of other crystal-like blocks.

Altar Construction

The crystal heart's altar functions as a reconstruction of the stand used to support the heart in the Crystal Empire. Without it, the heart is unable to function.

The altar is made out of three parts:

  1. The bottom pyramid
  2. The top pyramid
  3. The heart itself

Each pyramid is made out of the base block materials. There isn't a lot of restrictions on what types of blocks, so long as they meet the category requirements (see table) and that they form a square pyramid with 2 layers, and an end rod as a tip.

You have to create two of these pyramids, on pointing up and one pointing down, with a single block gap between the end rods in the middle. Once you have those, you can then place the crystal heart in the middle to activate it.

As of 1.2.0, the Crystal Heart's altar accepts any blocks from the unicopia:crystal_heart_base and unicopia:crystal_heart_ornament tags as part of its contruction.

Crystal Heart Base

Block Tag Block Name
  • minecraft:diamond_block
  • minecraft:quartz_block
  • minecraft:quartz_bricks
  • minecraft:quartz_slab
  • minecraft:quartz_stairs
  • minecraft:quartz_pillar
  • minecraft:smooth_quartz
  • minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab
  • minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs
  • minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block
  • minecraft:amethyst_block
  • minecraft:netherite_block
  • minecraft:emerald_block
  • minecraft:end_rod

Defending Your Heart

The crystal heart is the natural enemy of all hostile mobs, so once you've placed it down you have to be prepared to defend it. Any mobs in the vicinity will attempt to reach and destroy the crystal heart at all costs. If any zombies reach the altar, they will slowly damage the crystal heart until it eventually breaks turning back into shards.

If you're able to successfully fend of enemies, damaged crystal hearts will slowly regenerate their health and reward the player by healing them with health taken from your enemies.

Wings of Icarus

The Wings of Icarus were an early attempt by the unicorn tribe to try and give themselves the same abilities as the pegasi.


They are a magical amulet that when worn, creates a projection of magical wings on the wearer., which grants them the ability to fly like a pegasus for limited time. It has a set duration and charge, and the physical form of the amulet degrades over time so one has to be cautious when using it.

When the amulet is close to running out of energy or is in the process of breaking, it wil emit a warning sound to the wearer to indicate that they have to find ground. If the wearer fails to do so, the amulet may break and become ineffective.

Once an amulet has exhausted its energy supply the only way to recharge it is, as a Unicorn, it refill it with their mana by right-clicking. As a non-unicorn, other tribes without magical abilities need to find another way to get the energy they need.


  1. Crafting

    To craft this amulet, you need to first find a gemstone and two golden wings crafted from golden feathers.

    Crafting all three together in a crafting table will yield one Wings of Icarus with an initial half charge.

    Golden Nugget Golden Nugget Golden Nugget
    Golden Nugget Pegasus Feather Golden Nugget -> Golden Feather
    Golden Nugget Golden Nugget Golden Nugget
    Golden Feather Golden Feather Golden Feather
    Golden Feather Gemstone Golden Feather -> Golden Wing
    Golden Feather Golden Feather Golden Feather
    Golden Wing Gemstone Golden Wing -> Wings of Icarus

Dragon Breath Scroll

Grogar's Bell

Meadowbrook's Staff


Alicorn Amulet

Unicorn Amulet


Altar Construction

King Sombra


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