From R6, k8s-cluster-api-provider repository (SCS KaaS reference implementation v1) is deprecated and should not be used for new deployments. We intend to remove it with the next release (R7).
Therefore, it is recommended to migrate to Cluster Stacks - SCS KaaS reference implementation v2. For list of known issues and in restrictions KaaS v2 see SCS R6 Release Notes. We will try to address most of the gaps during the next release cycle (R7).
In R6, we migrated to ClusterClass feature to ease the migration to KaaS v2, because Cluster Classes are the main component there. So this guide will work only on release >= R6 (use upgrade guide first, when you are on release < R6).
Warning: This guide supports only
CNI (the only CNI Cluster Addon in KaaS v2)
Warning: After the migration,
and other KaaS v1 scripts and features should not be used anymore
- Deploy KaaS v1, e.g.:
cloud_provider = "gx-scs" availability_zone = "nova" controller_flavor = "SCS-2V-4" worker_flavor = "SCS-2V-4" dns_nameservers = ["", ""]
- Deploy CSO and CSPO:
- deploy with make (access token optional and recommended)
make deploy-cso GIT_ACCESS_TOKEN=<github-access-token> make deploy-cspo GIT_ACCESS_TOKEN=<github-access-token>
- deploy with make (access token optional and recommended)
- Export
:. ~/bin/
- Patch secret with
:kubectl patch secret -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} ${CLUSTER_NAME}-cloud-config -p '{"stringData":{"cloudName":"'"${PREFIX}-${CLUSTER_NAME}"'"}}'
- Create Cluster Stack:
kubectl -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: ClusterStack metadata: name: scs spec: provider: openstack name: scs kubernetesVersion: "1.28" channel: stable autoSubscribe: false providerRef: apiVersion: kind: OpenStackClusterStackReleaseTemplate name: cspotemplate versions: - v1 --- apiVersion: kind: OpenStackClusterStackReleaseTemplate metadata: name: cspotemplate spec: template: spec: identityRef: kind: Secret name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-cloud-config EOF
$ kubectl -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} get clusterstack NAME PROVIDER CLUSTERSTACK K8S CHANNEL AUTOSUBSCRIBE USABLE LATEST AGE REASON MESSAGE scs openstack scs 1.28 stable false v1 openstack-scs-1-28-v1 | v1.28.7 15m
- Migrate Cluster to KaaS v2:
cat << "EOF" | clusterctl generate yaml --config ~/${CLUSTER_NAME}/clusterctl.yaml | kubectl -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} apply -f - apiVersion: kind: Cluster metadata: name: ${CLUSTER_NAME} spec: clusterNetwork: pods: cidrBlocks: ["${POD_CIDR}"] services: cidrBlocks: ["${SERVICE_CIDR}"] serviceDomain: "cluster.local" topology: variables: - name: dns_nameservers value: ${OPENSTACK_DNS_NAMESERVERS} - name: controller_flavor value: ${OPENSTACK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_FLAVOR} - name: worker_flavor value: ${OPENSTACK_NODE_MACHINE_FLAVOR} - name: controller_root_disk value: ${CONTROL_PLANE_ROOT_DISKSIZE} - name: worker_root_disk value: ${WORKER_ROOT_DISKSIZE} - name: external_id value: ${OPENSTACK_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_ID} - name: node_cidr value: ${NODE_CIDR} - name: openstack_security_groups value: [${PREFIX}-allow-ssh, ${PREFIX}-allow-icmp, ${PREFIX}-${CLUSTER_NAME}-cilium] - name: cloud_name value: ${OPENSTACK_CLOUD} - name: secret_name value: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-cloud-config - name: controller_server_group_id value: ${OPENSTACK_SRVGRP_CONTROLLER} - name: worker_server_group_id value: ${OPENSTACK_SRVGRP_WORKER} - name: ssh_key value: ${OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_NAME} class: openstack-scs-1-28-v1 version: ${KUBERNETES_VERSION} controlPlane: replicas: ${CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_COUNT} workers: machineDeployments: - class: openstack-scs-1-28-v1-md-0-no1 name: "${PREFIX}-${CLUSTER_NAME}-md-0-no1" replicas: ${WORKER_MACHINE_COUNT} failureDomain: ${OPENSTACK_FAILURE_DOMAIN} EOF
Note: If you are using flavors with a disk, comment
variables - Fix metrics-server Cluster Addon:
$ kubectl -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} get clusteraddon NAME CLUSTER READY AGE REASON MESSAGE cluster-addon-testcluster testcluster false 20m FailedToApplyObjects failed to successfully apply everything $ KUBECONFIG=~/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml kubectl delete deployment -n kube-system metrics-server deployment.apps "metrics-server" deleted $ kubectl -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} get clusteraddon NAME CLUSTER READY AGE REASON MESSAGE cluster-addon-testcluster testcluster true 25m