Goal: Create a simple web app where ETHDenver attendees who have already downloaded or otherwise setup MetaMask mobile to switch their network to Arbitrum-Rinkeby, collect 0.01 Abitrum Rinkeby ETH, and then collect a number of food truck tokens -- 1 token per meal.
Basic UX Flow:
- Connect to the web app with MetaMask mobile --> page updates -->
- Click button to add Arbitrum Rinkeby as a network and switch the MetaMask mobile app to that network --> page updates -->
- Click botton to: 3a. Get 0.01 Aribtrum Rinkeby ETH from an ETH faucet @Arbitrum Team: Need help setting this piece up 3b. Call the hitMe(lvl) method in the Faucet contract to recieve food truck tokens *Note: for the test the lvl = 1, 2, or 3 and should give out 2, 4, 6 tokens respectively.
- If successful, navigate to a page where there's a buttton to add the food truck tokens to their MetaMask wallet UI
- Final view that has a link to a page on the ETHDenver website. @ETHDenver Team: Will need help with this.
Here's the figma files: https://www.figma.com/file/MeXkI030yMrmbA7I5DiMxm/Product-Flow?node-id=0%3A1
- Button to add Arbitrum Rinkeby as a network that switches the walle to that network using the MetaMask api method.
- Button that calls the ETH faucet and then (upon success) calls the hitMe() method.
- Button that adds the food truck token to the user's MetaMask token list using the MetaMask api method.
- Final view with a link to the ETHDenver website.
- Error view for when someone has already claimed food truck tokens to an address with button that takes them to final view.
MetaMask API Methods
- https://metamask.github.io/api-playground/api-documentation/#wallet_addEthereumChain
- https://metamask.github.io/api-playground/api-documentation/#wallet_switchEthereumChain
- https://docs.metamask.io/guide/registering-your-token.html#example
Network Details
Network Name
- Arbitrum Rinkeby Network URL
- https://rinkeby.arbitrum.io/rpc Chain ID
- 421611 Currency Symbol
- ARETH Block Explorer URL
- https://rinkeby-explorer.arbitrum.io
The app is split into two main parts, a react app and smart contracts.
- Yarn Install
- Enter the Faucet contract address into config.js
- Yarn start
This will open the app on your local host.
Check sample.env
file for values needed, create your own .env
file for each part, "smart_contracts", "server" and in the root React client app.
cd into smart_contracts
Yarn Install
- Create .env file
- Add ETHERSCAN_API_KEY, INFURA_PROJECT_ID, SEED as environment variables to the .env file (remember not to save or push your Seed Phrase to a remote repository)
- In deploy-test.js add your preferred address as the ADMIN
- Run
npx hardhat run --network abitrum scripts/deploy-test.js
Addresses if you want to use existing contracts:
BuffiTruck Token: 0xd4dCCaBF7710675f0A10af9ccbba2cfB4dc1F82B Faucet: 0x20c93befe36035FB246Fe3ef5408dF9922f04183 FaucetAdmin: 0xaa8EfDD887D38882f74b52dF18bd0c294F9eC4b9
@Dev - Bill can mint tokens and sent them to the faucet contract or your wallet.