Go through the Issues to see if, what you want is already in discussion.
Open a new Issue if you do not find what you need. Describe the bug, feature request, problems, additions you might want or anything clearly in the Issue message.
Mention in the Issue that you want to work on it.
Wait for the approval from the Maintainers of this project before startig to work on it.
Create a pull request after making the changes and mention the Issue number that your pull request is related to.
Make the required changes if the reviewer asks for them.
That's it! Your pull request will be merged once everything seems okay.
Fill out the interest form.
Join the DSC PCCoE Community page.
Don't follow Step 3 in the month of October
Add a new file in the members folder and name it as
. The content of the file should be:Full Name - emailaddress@domaim.com - [@username](https://github.com/username) - College - Department
Accept the invitation from DSC PCCoE GitHub Organization. It may take at least 48 hours to receive the invitation. If you don't receive an email with the invitation, go to the DSC PCCoE GitHub Organization page and check if you have a notification over there. If nothing works, email us your details at dscpccoe@gmail.com along with your GitHub username.