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function [tf]=kennettQ2_tf(lyr,om,mopt,fs,Q,omega0)% KENNET CAUSAL algorithm with Q for Synthetic seismograms for plane wave, normal incidence propagation% in 1-D layered media. This algorithm uses a nearly constant Q model proposed by Kennett, with% a velocity correction given by Aki and Richards.% When Q becomes very large, the results should converge with the usual elastic Kennett algorithm.%%[TF]=kennettQ2_tf(lyr,om,mopt,fs,Q,omega0)%% TF: [frequency, reflectivity, transmissivity]% Transfer function (complex) of the layered medium% LYR: [velocity, density, thickness] of layers% velocities should correspond to frequency equal to infinite% LYR is a matrix of 3 columns with% number of rows = number of layers% om: Row vector of all omega (2*pi*frequency) values for which the% transfer function is calculated% MOPT: =0 for primaries only, =1 for 1st order multiples% anything else calculates all reverberations% FS: option for free surface reverberations.% FS=0 for no free surface multiples, FS=1 for free surface effect% Q: Quality factor (the inverse of the attenuation): it is a measure% of how dissipative the material is. Typical values are: 50,100, 200...% OMEGA0: Reference omega (2*pi*frequency) for Q%% Adapted from Mukerji's Kennet, by Manuel Diaz to add finite Q% May 17, 2001%% Increased vectorization for faster computation by Gary Mavko, Nov 2001% Also increased the number of comments.% Modified by Vishal Das to just output transfer functions% June 2017i=sqrt(-1);[nlr,nc] = size(lyr); % dimensions of input Earth modelro = lyr(:,2); % column of layer densitiesv = lyr(:,1); % column of layer velocities[v1,v2] = size(v);d = lyr(:,3); % column of layer thicknesses[om1,om2] = size(om);v = repmat(v,1,om2); % repeat velocity column by the number of frequenciesom = repmat(om,v1,1); % repeat frequency row by the number of layersom(:,1)=0.000001;ro = repmat(ro,1,om2); % repeat density column by the number of frequenciesif length(Q)==1 Q=Q.*ones(v1,1); % make column of Q, in case only a scalar is inputendQ=repmat(Q,1,om2); % repeat Q column by the number of frequencies% Kennett nearly constant Q dispersion modelQw=Q.*(ones(v1,om2)-((pi.*Q).^(-1)).*log(0.577.*om./omega0));Qwliu=Qw;Qw(isinf(Qw)) = mean(Qw(~isinf(Qw)));% Modified velocity, from Aki and Richards equation 5.94v=v.*(ones(v1,om2) +log(om./omega0)./(pi*Qw) -i./(2*Qw));v(isinf(v)) = mean(v(~isinf(v)));% % Calculate the Ray theory velocity% f = d./sum(d);% f = repmat(f,1,om2);% vrt = (sum(f(1:end,:)./v(1:end,:))).^-1;% [index,index] = min(abs(om(1,:)-omega0));% vrt = vrt(index);freq = om(1,:)/(2*pi);rdhat = zeros(size(om(1,:)));tdhat = ones(size(om(1,:)));deno = ones(size(v)); rd = ones(size(v)); td = ones(size(v));deno(2:nlr,:) = ro(2:nlr,:).*(v(2:nlr,:)) + ro(1:nlr-1,:).*(v(1:nlr-1,:));rd(2:nlr,:) = (ro(1:nlr-1,:).*(v(1:nlr-1,:)) - ro(2:nlr,:).*(v(2:nlr,:)))./deno(2:nlr,:);td(2:nlr,:) = 2*sqrt(ro(2:nlr,:).*(v(2:nlr,:)).*ro(1:nlr-1,:).*(v(1:nlr-1,:)))./deno(2:nlr,:);if fs==1, rd(1,:) = -1*rd(1,:); td(1,:) = 1*td(1,:);else rd(1,:) = 0*rd(1,:); td(1,:) = 1*td(1,:);endru=-rd; tu=td;for j=nlr:-1:1 ed=exp(i.*(d(j)./v(j,:)).*om(j,:)); if mopt==0 reverb=ones(size(om(j,:))); elseif mopt==1 reverb=ones(size(om(j,:)))+ru(j,:).*ed.*rdhat.*ed; else reverb=1./(1-ru(j,:).*ed.*rdhat.*ed); end rdhat=rd(j,:)+tu(j,:).*ed.*rdhat.*ed.*reverb.*td(j,:); tdhat=tdhat.*ed.*reverb.*td(j,:); if mopt==1 dx=find(real(rdhat)>1); rdhat(dx)=ones(size(dx))+i*imag(rdhat(dx)); dx=find(imag(rdhat)>1); rdhat(dx)=real(rdhat(dx))+i*ones(size(dx)); dx=find(real(tdhat)>1); tdhat(dx)=ones(size(dx))+i*imag(tdhat(dx)); dx=find(imag(tdhat)>1); tdhat(dx)=real(tdhat(dx))+i*ones(size(dx)); endend;tf=[freq(:), rdhat(:), tdhat(:)];%dont bother plottingreturn;