The $this->get('mailer')->addEmail(<too much parameters>)
method has been removed
in favor of $this->get('mailer')->send($message)
The $message parameter should be an instance of \Swift_Message. Fork provides an extended version of this message object that will also parse SpoonTemplates. You can use it like this:
// create a message object and set all the needed properties
$message = \Common\Mailer\Message::newInstance($subject)
->setFrom(array($fromEmail => $fromName))
->setTo(array($toEmail => $toName))
->setReplyTo(array($replyToEmail => $replyToName))
->parseHtml($template, $variables, $addUTM)
// send it through the mailer service
All occurences of sending emails in the core are replaced by this, so you can use this as a reference.