Sigils support 8 different delimiters - //
, ||
, ""
, ''
, ()
, []
, {}
, <>
Sigil | Explanation |
Regular Expression |
String (binary) |
Char list |
Word list of strings (binaries) |
Word list of char lists |
Word list of atoms |
The following escape codes can be used in strings and char lists:
Code | Explanation | Code | Explanation |
single backslash |
bell/alert |
backspace |
delete |
escape |
form feed |
newline |
carriage return |
space |
tab |
vertical tab |
null byte |
represents a single byte in hexadecimal (such as \x13) |
represents a Unicode codepoint in hexadecimal (such as \u{1F600}) |
A double quote literal inside a double quoted string also needs to be escaped.
Various metaprogramming variables and macros.
Expression | Explanation |
A struct containing details about the compilation environment |
Define a macro |
Convert the code inside the block to AST |
Use to inject values from outside of the |
The using macro |
Expands to the module name of the current module |
Operation | List | Keyword List | Map | Struct |
Define |
---- defmodule Person do defstruct first_name: "", last_name: "" end ---- |
Create |
Match |
Update |
for var1 <- generator1,
var2 <- generator2,
new_var = some_expr(var1, var2),
a_check?(new_var) do
operation_to_generate_final_value(var1, var2)