LightConvPoint is aimed to a simple use.
The convolution layer Conv
of the nn
subpackage is a container class in wich can be plugged various convolutional layers and neaighborhood search algorithms.
For example to create a convolutional layer a the LCP formulation with quantized search algorithm:
# import the nn package of LightConvpoint
import lightconvpoint.nn as lcp_nn
# define a convolutional layer with
# - LCP formulation (32 input channels, 64 output channels and 16 kernel elements)
# - QuantizedSearch (16 neighbors, stride 2)
conv_layer = lcp_nn.Conv(lcp_nn.LCP(32, 64, 16), lcp_nn.QuantizedSearch(K=16, stride=2))
input_pts = torch.rand(5, 3, 1024) # Batchsize 5, dimension 3, num. points 1024
input = torch.rand(5, 32, 1024) # features associated with points
output, output_pts, indices = conv_layer(input, input_pts)
print(outputs_pts.shape) # (5, 3, 512)
print(output.shape) # (5, 64, 512)
We can now build a simple network for classification with 3 convolutions and 2 linear layers. Each convolution will use a number of support points of 1/4 the size of the input point cloud.
import lightconvpoint.nn as lcp_nn
class ClassificationNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, ConvNet, Search):
self.cv1 = lcp_nn.Conv(
ConvNet(in_channels, 64, 16),
Search(K=16, stride=4),
self.cv2 = lcp_nn.Conv(
ConvNet(64, 128, 16),
Search(K=16, stride=4),
self.cv3 = lcp_nn.Conv(
ConvNet(128, 256, 16),
Search(K=16, stride=4),
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(256, 128)
self.fc2 = nn.Linera(128, out_channels)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
def forward(self, x, input_pts):
x1, pts1, ids1 = self.cv1(x, input_pts)
x2, pts2, ids2 = self.cv2(x1, pts1)
x3, pts3, ids3 = self.cv3(x2, pts2)
xout = x3.mean(2) # average over remaining points
xout = self.relu(self.fc1(xout))
xout = self.fc2(xout)
return xout