icon formatter, a smart shell script for easy convert png icon to android res in different dpi size
# get the icomatter script
$ wget https://github.com/Supra-CN/icomatter/blob/master/icomatter.sh
# chande mode for execut
$ chmod +x icomatter.sh
# execute
$ icomatter.sh ${src_file} [${dest_name} [${type_name} [${output_dir}]]]
# this is a src logo png file
$ tree
└── logo.png
0 directories, 1 file
# exec for logo.png
$ icomatter.sh logo.png
# output
$ tree
├── logo.png
└── logo.png.output
├── drawable-hdpi
│ └── logo.png
├── drawable-mdpi
│ └── logo.png
├── drawable-xhdpi
│ └── logo.png
├── drawable-xxhdpi
│ └── logo.png
├── drawable-xxxhdpi
│ └── logo.png
└── raw
└── logo.png
7 directories, 7 files
# exec with more params
$ icomatter.sh logo.png ic_logo.png mipmap out
$ tree
├── logo.png
└── out
├── mipmap-hdpi
│ └── ic_logo.png
├── mipmap-mdpi
│ └── ic_logo.png
├── mipmap-xhdpi
│ └── ic_logo.png
├── mipmap-xxhdpi
│ └── ic_logo.png
├── mipmap-xxxhdpi
│ └── ic_logo.png
└── raw
└── ic_logo.png
7 directories, 7 files