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This Repo will help you create your first Crab Game Mod!


Before anything else, you'll need BepInEx 6.0 for IL2CPP, as Crab Game is an IL2CPP game meaning it's obfuscated and its more annoying to mod. You'll also need Visual Studio to create your mod

Download BepInEx 6.0 Preview here

Once downloaded, extract it and put BepInEx, Mono, doorstop.ini and winhttp.dll int Crab Game's root folder. To do this, open Steam, locate Crab Game in your Library, right click then click Manage, then click Browse local Files.

Now, run Crab Game then close it. If you go back to the root folder and into the Bepinex folder, you should see a folder called 'unhollowed' which means it decompiled the game!

After this point, you'll need to use Visual Studio, and you'll need to create a new Class Library (.NET Framework) project

Set the .NET Framework to anywhere up to 4.8, but 4.7.2 works best

Now, you're going to want to copy the 'core' and 'unhollowed' folders. Go to your project's folder, create a new folder called 'libs' and paste the two folders in there

After that, you'll need to add references. Go to the Explorer window in Visual Studio, and click Add References. Add all of the DLL's in the libs subfolders

Before we get to coding, we need a NuGet package, Go to Project, then Manage NuGet Packages. Search for 'bepinex' and choose the BepInEx.Il2Cpp.TlsAdapter package and install it.

Let's start coding!

Let's get to the fun part: Coding! The first step is to renaming Class1.cs to Plugin.cs

Then, paste this code in and change what you need:

using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.IL2CPP;
using HarmonyLib;

// credits to lammas123, Danilo1231, JD3006, and Lualttt
// original file at
namespace CrabGameMod
    // other templates never included this...
    // at least lammas123 used strings, but ofc it was less readable
    class PluginInfo // holds information about our mod
        public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "CrabGameMod"; // change this to the name of your mod
        public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "CrabGameMod"; // change this to the name of your mod
        public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.000";
        public const string PLUGIN_CREATOR = "ModCreator"; // change this to your github username, or discord username, or whatever

    // Plugin information
    [BepInPlugin(PluginInfo.PLUGIN_CREATOR, PluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME, PluginInfo.PLUGIN_VERSION)]
    public class CrabGameModPlugin : BasePlugin
        public override void Load()
            // make sure to call it Runtime Hooks we're trying to apply
            // so we sound like we know what we are doing
            Log.LogMessage("Attempting to apply Runtime Hooks...");

                Log.LogMessage("Applied Runtime Hooks of mod " + PluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME + " v" + PluginInfo.PLUGIN_VERSION);
                Log.LogError("Failed to apply Runtime Hooks!");

If you notice at one of the lines, it's looking for a class named Patches, which we haven't added of course. The file is availble in the repo, but if you want to copy and paste from right here, you can go ahead. I recommend leaving the contents alone, as it has what you need.

using BepInEx.IL2CPP.Utils;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine;

// declarations like these avoid the use of these obfuscated values
// and make code easier to read!
using EffectManager = MonoBehaviourPublicGataInefObInUnique;
using LobbyManager = MonoBehaviourPublicCSDi2UIInstObUIloDiUnique;

// credits to lammas123, and o7moon
// original file at
namespace CrabGameMod
    internal class Patches
        // Anti Bepinex detection (thanks o7Moon

        // Ensures effectSeed is never set to 4200069 (if it is, modding has been detected)
        [HarmonyPatch(typeof(EffectManager), nameof(EffectManager.Method_Private_Void_GameObject_Boolean_Vector3_Quaternion_0))]

        // Ensures connectedToSteam stays false (true means modding has been detected)
        [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LobbyManager), nameof(LobbyManager.Method_Private_Void_0))]

        // Would ensure snowSpeed is never set to, but it is immediately set back to due to an accident on Dani's part lol
        //[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SnowSpeedModdingDetector), nameof(SnowSpeedModdingDetector.Method_Private_Void_0))] 
        public static bool PreBepinexDetection() => false;

        // And your extra code here
        // If you use more files, make sure they are in the Plugin.cs file as Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(FileName)); alongside the other ones

The Final Step: Building the DLL

In the top middle area on your screen, it might say Debug, which you'll have to set to Release by clicking it and clicking Release. If it's already Release, then that's good!

Now you can quickly build your mod by hitting Ctrl+B, or going to the Build tab and clicking Build. You'll find the mod dll in the folder of your project

To use your mod, copy it from your project, and paste it into Bepinex\plugins, then run Crab Game.


Plus hosts can kick & ban you

The Unity Explorer

(Just about everything you need is at Deobfuscation.cs in the repo)

If you want to look at the game internally, you can get the UnityExplorer mod (the IL2CPP BepInEx version), extract it, and paste the dll into BepInEx/plugins* where you'd put your mod

Sources & Links


  • (6/27/2024) I could not for the life of me get my project to compile using .NET Framework 4.7.1. I thought about what could be the issue, and apparently BepInEx.IL2CPP required a package indirectly, which was BepInEx.IL2CPP.TlsAdapter. It worked, but I had to change the .NET Framework to 4.7.2 (you can do this by editing the .csproj file)