This is a small graph library, which is currently capable of storing a graph (using an adjacency list) and performing the algorithms recursive DFS, iterative BFS, Dijkstra and A* on a graph, as well as some other small tasks, like determining, if a graph is connected or not.
It was originally meant to solve different tasks in an assignment, just made reusable.
From this I learned how to develop a library seperate from a project, as well as writing reusable, clear and easy to use code. I also learned the basics of unit testing with NUnit from it. I also learned how to distribute a package over NuGet, as you can also find it here.
This project doesn't have a license yet and I will add it once I find the time. In the mean time (or in general :^), especially for production code) you can look at the very good library QuickGraph (or alternatively on NuGet) although it is not maintained anymore apart from some forks.