- .DS_Store and .ipynb_checkpoints should not be committed.
- The email under "enforcement" should be tied to the team
- Raw and processed/intermediate data are mixed in the data directory (they should be in subfolders, or at least clearly labelled).
- Did not render report to PDF or HTML.
- versions are missing from environment files(s) for some R or Python packages
- Does not clearly report the major findings.
- Does not discuss importance and limitations of findings.
- Does not explain why this problem is important or interesting.
- Did not reference the data set when referring to it.
- Important methodology descriptions missing (e.g., did not explain in narrative what metric was being used for model parameter optimization).
- Some key references are missing.
- Many software or packages versions are not pinned in the environment specification file(s).
- The platform key and value is missing from the docker-compose.yml file, causing issues when running on different chip architectures.
- Latest tag was used for docker. This is not ideal because if the user has latest locally, but there is a newer version on the container registry, then Docker will not pull it.
- Committing unnecessary files.
- Some branch names are not meaningful (they should reflect the work being done on the branch).
- https://github.com/UBC-MDS/DSCI522-2425-21-housing/branches
- GitHub issues were used somewhat for project communication.
- error occurred when render to html and pdf
- create a visualization for this that shows the pairwise correlation between the features and the targets. this can be done by importing altair_ally and using the aly.corr() method.
- Baseline model for comparison
- Spelling/Grammatical Errors in report
- Importance of the Research Question
- Limitations
- The report does not include explicit guidelines for contributors or instructions for seeking support.
- In the Summary section, some conclusions about the performance of the final model could have been included
- When creating the Ridge regression model, could have added a step to do a grid search to tune the hyperparameter.