Releases: ValveSoftware/steam-audio
v4.1.3 Release
Steam Audio SDK 4.1.3
- Update to latest version of libmysofa.
- Fix a bug where using bilinear interpolation with some SOFA HRTFs would result in silence.
- Package debug symbols for Windows and Linux.
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 4.1.3
- Package debug symbols for Windows and Linux.
- Update build scripts to use Python 3.x.
Steam Audio Unreal Engine Plugin 4.1.3
- Add support for Unreal Engine 5.0 and 5.1.
- Fix default materials to be initialized correctly.
- Fix various editor warnings.
- Update build scripts to use Python 3.x.
Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.1.3
- Package debug symbols for Windows and Linux.
- Update build scripts to use Python 3.x.
v4.1.2 Release
Steam Audio SDK 4.1.2
- Allow hybrid reverb effect to be used with a NULL impulse response, in which case it's equivalent to parametric reverb.
- Allow the Ambisonics decode effect to be used with a NULL HRTF. (#218)
- Updated to latest version of libmysofa.
- Fix crashes when adding/removing static meshes when using Embree. (#221)
- Fix bug in surface area calculations for the default ray tracer on ARM CPUs.
- Fix crash when exporting to OBJ when using Embree. (#215)
- Fix crash when creating a static mesh with certain kinds of degenerate geometry using the default ray tracer. (#216)
- Fix crash in sample API sample program.
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 4.1.2
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.1.2.
- Updated to use Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.1.2.
- Potential fix for various crashes caused by using SetSpatializerFloat to send a float* from managed code to native code.
- Fix issue where mixer return effect would sometimes emit silence. (#197) (#223)
- Fix issue where reverb would not work after calling Reinitialize().
- If Unity passes a mono output buffer to the spatialize effect, do nothing.
- Add a menu command to copy FMOD Studio plugins to the correct directory based on the version of FMOD Studio used.
Steam Audio Unreal Engine Plugin 4.1.2
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.1.2.
- Updated to use Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.1.2.
Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.1.2
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.1.2.
v4.1.1 Release
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 4.1.1
- Fixed memory leak in Steam Audio Source component (previous release did not fully fix this issue). (#199)
v4.1.0 Release
Steam Audio SDK 4.1.0
- Added a new peakDelays parameter to IPLBinauralEffectParams. This is an output parameter that can be used to retrieve the left- and right- ear peak delays corresponding to the HRIRs applied by Steam Audio when iplBinauralEffectApply is called.
- Fix crash in iplSimulatorCommit when the simulator has not been initialized for reflections. (#190)
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 4.1.0
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.1.0.
- Updated for compatibility with Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.1.0.
- Fixed bug where probe generation failed if the Steam Audio Static Mesh was not in a root-level GameObject. (#183)
- Fixed memory leak in Steam Audio Source component. (#199)
- Potential fix for crash in setParam callback of the spatializer effect. (#189)
Steam Audio Unreal Engine Plugin 4.1.0
This is a major update to the Steam Audio Unreal Engine plugin, and is not backwards-compatible with previous releases.
Steam Audio Unreal Engine Plugin 4.1.0 requires Unreal Engine 4.27 or later.
Major New Features
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.1.0.
- Added support for using Steam Audio in Unreal Engine with FMOD Studio. Events authored in FMOD Studio can now use occlusion, transmission, reverb, pathing, etc. simulated in your Unreal Engine levels.
- Sublevels, including streaming sublevels, are now supported. Geometry data can be exported for all open sublevels, or selectively for the currently active sublevel. When sublevels are streamed in or out, Steam Audio will automatically add (or remove) the relevant geometry from its internal copy for simulation.
- Blueprint classes can be configured as dynamic geometry. Instances of the Blueprint class will automatically affect sound propagation as they are instantiated, destroyed, or moved.
- Added support for Linux and macOS (precompiled binaries for macOS are not provided in this release, but will be added in a subsequent patch release).
- Exported scene data and baked probe data is stored in .uasset files. This simplifies the process of packaging your project.
- The plugin UI has been significantly updated, in particular to allow the use of new Steam Audio features like pathing and hybrid reverb.
- The documentation has been significantly updated.
- Occlusion and transmission simulation now run in the main thread.
- Distance attenuation, air absorption, and directivity calculations are now run in the audio thread.
- The update rate of reflection and pathing simulation can be controlled using the Simulation Update Interval parameter.
Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.1.0
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.1.0.
- Added option for toggling whether to use HRTF or panning when rendering the direct sound path.
- Added support for event-level min/max distance range, introduced in FMOD Studio 2.02. (#193)
v4.0.3 Release
Steam Audio SDK 4.0.3
- Fixed issue where 64-bit ARM Android binary ( would not load successfully due to unresolved external symbols. (#172)
- Performance improvement in Ambisonics Panning/Decode Effect.
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 4.0.3
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.0.3.
Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.0.3
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.0.3.
v4.0.2 Release
Steam Audio SDK 4.0.2
- Fixed crash in iplPathBakerBake if the progress callback is set to NULL. (#167)
- Fixed memory leak in Ambisonics Binaural Effect / Ambisonics Decode Effect. (#168)
- Fixed crash when pathing simulation is run without baked pathing data being present. (#169)
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 4.0.2
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.0.2.
- Fixed some intermittent crashes when using the Steam Audio Spatializer plugin. (#169)
Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.0.2
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.0.2.
v4.0.1 Release
Steam Audio SDK 4.0.1
- Fixed issue in the sample program included in the documentation. (#156)
- Fixed crash when using custom ray tracer callbacks for reflection/reverb simulation. (#158)
- Fixed bug with updating reflections from dynamic geometry. (#159)
- Fixed crash when using Radeon Rays to trace rays into a scene with no static meshes. (#160)
- Fixed C compiler error in phonon.h due to empty structs. (#161)
- Fixed a performance regression in code that uses AVX instructions.
- Update to IPP v2021.3.
- Update to latest version of libmysofa.
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 4.0.1
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.0.1.
- Added "Direct Binaural" checkbox to Steam Audio Source, to toggle between binaural (2-channel) and panning (multi-channel speaker layouts).
- Fixed issue in documentation regarding the maximum Ambisonic order supported by Unity.
Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.0.1
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.0.1.
v4.0.0 Release
Steam Audio SDK 4.0.0
This is a major update to the Steam Audio SDK, and is not backwards-compatible with previous releases.
Major New Features
This release of Steam Audio introduces the following major new features:
- Pathing. Steam Audio can simulate and bake propagation paths from moving sources to moving listeners. This allows modeling how sound travels along corridors, through doorways, etc., and applying the appropriate filters and spatialization. Baked paths can also be updated in real-time to respond to occlusions by moving geometry.
- Hybrid Reverb. Steam Audio can render reflections and reverb using a technique called hybrid reverb. This is a hybrid of convolution reverb and parametric (artificial) reverb, which involves rendering the early reflections using convolution, and the late reverberation tail using parametric reverb. This allows realistic rendering of large, reverberant spaces, as well as detailed early reflections, with reduced CPU usage as compared to pure convolution reverb. Hybrid reverb also allows the reverb tail length to be controlled by designers to override the simulation results.
- The Steam Audio API has been significantly updated. One of the main changes is a cleaner separation between simulation and rendering, which provides more opportunities for designers (or custom game code) to intervene and fine-tune the results generated by Steam Audio. It also allows simulation results to be used outside of spatial audio rendering, for example, the loudness of sound propagation paths can be used to drive enemy AI.
- The API documentation has been significantly updated.
- InstancedMesh objects (dynamic geometry) are now supported using the Phonon ray tracer. In particular, this allows dynamic geometry to be supported on Android.
- Direct path simulation (i.e., occlusion, transmission, etc.), reflection simulation, and pathing simulation can be run concurrently.
- Switched to using FlatBuffers for serialization.
- Materials are now stored in StaticMesh objects instead of Scene objects. This allows static meshes to be easily added and removed from a scene.
- OpenCL can now be initialized using existing command queues, instead of newly-created command queues in a newly-created context.
- Embree and Radeon Rays are now statically linked into Steam Audio.
- Upgraded TrueAudio Next to v1.3.1.1.
- Disabled flushing denormal numbers to zero by default.
- Fixed various potential crashes when using Radeon Rays.
- Fixed bug in BVH construction when using the Phonon ray tracer.
- Fixed bug in convolution reverb on Android.
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 4.0.0
This is a major update to the Steam Audio Unity Plugin, and is not backwards-compatible with previous releases.
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 4.0.0 requires Unity 2017.3 or later.
Major New Features
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 4.0.0.
- Additive scenes are now fully supported. Multiple scenes can be additively opened in the editor, and exported to separate files. At run-time, scenes can be additively loaded (and unloaded), and Steam Audio will automatically add (and remove) the relevant geometry from its internal copy for simulation.
- Exported scene data and baked probe data is stored in .asset files, which can be placed anywhere in in your project's Assets directory, and referenced from within scenes or prefabs. This allows generation of self-contained AssetBundles that contain all necessary Steam Audio data referenced by scenes or prefabs in the AssetBundle. #136
- Steam Audio settings are now project-wide, instead of specified per-scene.
- There is now a single .unitypackage to import, which includes all binaries for all platforms, including Embree, Radeon Rays, and TrueAudio Next integration, as well as FMOD Studio support. (If you're not using FMOD Studio, you can uncheck the FMOD directory when importing the package.)
- The plugin UI has been significantly updated, in particular to allow the use of new Steam Audio features like pathing and hybrid reverb.
- The documentation has been significantly updated.
- Occlusion and transmission simulation now run in the main thread.
- Distance attenuation, air absorption, and directivity calculations are now run in the audio thread.
- The update rate of reflection and pathing simulation can be controlled using the Simulation Update Interval parameter.
- The plugin's directory layout has been reorganized. C# scripts, native plugin binaries, and other data files are all placed in Assets/Plugins/SteamAudio.
- The project-wide settings are placed in the Assets/Plugins/SteamAudio/Resources/SteamAudioSettings.asset file.
- Acoustic materials are now placed in .asset files. The built-in materials are available in Assets/Plugins/SteamAudio/Resources/Materials. You can create your own materials and place them anywhere, and reference them from Steam Audio Geometry components.
- Fix various unnecessary GC allocations.
- Added a workaround for a potential issue in Unity where distant sounds may play with the wrong volume for the first few frames.
- phonon_fmod.dll (or, etc.) is placed in the correct place in the Assets folder, so FMOD Studio can find and load it.
Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.0.0
This is a major update to the Steam Audio FMOD Studio plugin, and is not backwards-compatible with previous releases.
Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.0.0 requires FMOD Studio 2.0 or later.
Major New Features
- The plugin UI has been significantly updated.
- The documentation has been significantly updated.
- Distance attenuation, air absorption, and directivity calculations are now run in the audio thread.
- Distance attenuation curves can be edited directly on the Steam Audio Spatializer. This means you no longer need to add an FMOD Spatializer effect just to control the distance attenuation curve.
v2.0-beta.20 Release
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 2.0-beta.20
- Added a workaround for a bug in Unity 2018.4+, where spatialized Audio Sources may play at the wrong volume for the first few frames.
- Fixed a few intermittent CPU usage spikes caused by unnecessary GC allocations.
v2.0-beta.19 Release
Steam Audio SDK 2.0-beta.19
- Embree is now supported on x86 platforms on Windows and Linux.
- Fixed issues caused by modifying the CPU's handling floating-point denormal values on x86 and x64 processors.
Steam Audio Unity Plugin 2.0-beta.19
- Updated to use Steam Audio SDK 2.0-beta.19.
- Added support for additive scenes.
- No separate package needs to be imported to enable Embree support.
- Embree is now supported on x86 platforms on Windows and Linux.
- Adds a log message if no data has been baked for Steam Audio Source that has Baked Static Source and reflections set.
- Fixed a crash when audio settings are changed for a Unity project.
- Fixed multiple issues caused by modifying the CPU's handling floating-point denormal values on x86 and x64 processors.