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234 lines (167 loc) · 10.9 KB

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Collection of generics-related utility functions, slice/map/channel manipulation and some parallel processing.


If not specified the returning value will be at least initiated to be empty, not nil.

Functions returning stuff like map[key]boolean (using map as set) set the boolean value to true because m["nonexistent_key"] == false

Naming function goes in order of operation_group, input type, modifier/output with ones irrelevant skipped. Functions where it is sensible to have option to close channel should have that as last optional argument. There are few exceptions for convenience, like variadic Map.

If possible, sensible, functions that take function parameter should have function as first parameter.

Channel-operating function in general should accept channel as parameter; the ones returning a channel should be under Gen* hierarchy


Get the list of elements that differ between slices of different types

data1 := []string{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}
data2 := []float32{1, 7, 3, 4}
stringToInt := func(s string) int {
	i, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
	return i
floatToInt := func(f float32) int {
	return int(f)
left, right := SliceDiffFunc(data1, data2, stringToInt, floatToInt)
fmt.Printf("left: %T%+v right: %T%+v", left, left, right, right)
// left: []string[2 5] right: []float32[7]

Convert every string to float, exit on first error

in := []string{"1", "2.2", "3", "cat","5"}
out, err := goneric.MapSliceErr(func(s string) (float64, error) {
	return strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
}, in)
fmt.Printf("%+v, err: %s", out, err)
// [1 2.2 3], err: strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "cat": invalid syntax

Convert every string to float, skip entries with error

in := []string{"1", "2.2", "3", "cat", "5"}
out := goneric.MapSliceSkip(func(s string) (float64, bool) {
	f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
	return f, err != nil
}, in)
fmt.Printf("%+v", out)
// [1 2.2 3 5]

Run every element of map thru function in parallel, creating new map, at max concurrency of 2 goroutines

data := map[string]int{
	"a": 99,
	"b": 250,
	"c": 30,
	"d": 9,
mappedData := goneric.ParallelMapMap(func(k string, v int) (string, string) {
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(v))
	return k, fmt.Sprintf("0x%02x", v)
}, 2, data)
fmt.Printf("%+v", mappedData)
// map[a:0x63 b:0xfa c:0x1e d:0x09]



  • CompareSliceSet - check whether slices have same elements regardless of order
  • SliceMap - Convert slice to map using function to get the key. []Struct{} -> f(s)K -> map[Struct.key]Struct being the common usage
  • SliceMapFunc - Convert slice to map using function to return key and value. []Struct{} -> f(s)(K,V) -> map[K]V
  • SliceMapSet - Convert slice to set-like map. []K -> map[K]bool{true}
  • SliceMapSetFunc - Convert slice to set-like map via helper function. []T -> map[func(T)Comparable]bool{true}
  • SliceDiff - return difference between 2 slices of same comparable type, in form of 2 variables where first have elements that are only in first set, and second elements only in second set. ([]T, []T) -> (leftOnly []T, rightOnly []T)
  • SliceDiffFunc - As SliceDiff but type of slice is irrelevant, via use of conversion function that converts it into comparable type. ([]T1,[]T2) -> (leftOnly []T1, rightOnly []T2)
  • SliceIn - Check whether value is in slice
  • SliceDedupe - remove duplicates from comparable slice. []T -> []T
  • SliceDedupeFunc - remove duplicates from any slice via conversion function. []T -> []T
  • SliceReverse - reverses the order of elements in slice and returns reversed copy, []T -> []T
  • SliceReverseInplace - reverses the order of elements in slice in-place.
  • FirstOrEmpty - return first element or empty value. []T -> T
  • LastOrEmpty - return last element or empty value. []T -> T
  • FirstOrEmpty - return first element or passed "default" value. []T -> T
  • LastOrEmpty - return last element or passed "default" value. []T -> T


  • MapMap - Map one map to another using a function. map[K1]V1 -> map[K2]V2
  • MapMapInplace - Map one map to another using a function, filling existing passed map. (in map[K1]V1, out map[K2]V2)
  • Map - Map variadic input thru function. T1... -> []T2
  • MapSlice - Map slice thru function. []T1 -> []T2
  • MapSliceKey - Convert map to slice of its keys. map[K]V -> []K
  • MapSliceValue - Convert map to slice of its values. map[K]V -> []V
  • MapErr - Same as Map but function can return error that will stop the loop and propagate it out. T1... -> ([]T2,err)
  • MapSliceErr - Same as MapSlice but function can return error that will stop the loop and propagate it out. T1... -> ([]T2,err)
  • MapSliceSkip - Same as MapSlice but function can return true in second argument to skip the entry. []T1 -> []T2
  • MapSliceErrSkip - Same as MapSliceErr but ErrSkip error type can be used to skip entry instead of erroring out. []T1 -> ([]T2,err)


  • FilterMap - Filter thru a map using a function. map[K]V -> map[K]V
  • FilterSlice - Filter thru a slice using a function. []T -> []T
  • FilterChan - Filter thru a channel using a function. in chan T -> out chan T
  • FilterChanErr - Filter thru a channel using a function, with separate output channel for that function errors. in chan T -> (out chan T,err chan error)

Channel tools

  • ChanGen - Feed function output to passed channel in a loop. (f()T, chan T)
  • ChanGenN - Feed function output to passed channel in a loop N times, optionally close it. (f()T, count, chan T)
  • ChanGenCloser - Use function to pass generated messages to channel, stop when closer function is called, (f()T, chan T) -> chan closeChannel
  • ChanToSlice - Loads data to slice from channel until channel is closed. chan T -> []T
  • ChanToSliceN - Loads data to slice from channel to at most N elements. (chan T,count) -> []T
  • ChanToSliceNTimeout - Loads data to slice from channel to at most N elements or until timeout passes. (chan T,count,timeout) -> []T
  • SliceToChan - Sends slice to passed channel in background, optionally closes it. []T -> chan T


  • WorkerPool - spawn x goroutines with workers and return after input channel is closed and all requests are parsed. Optionally close output
  • WorkerPoolBackground - spawn x goroutines with workers in background and returns output channel. Optionally close output.
  • WorkerPoolFinisher - spawn x goroutines with workers in background, returns finisher channel that signals with bool{true} when the processing ends.
  • WorkerPoolDrain - spawn x goroutines that will run a function on the channel element without returning anything
  • WorkerPoolAsync - function will run x goroutines for worker in the background and return a function that enqueues job and returns channel with result of that job, allowing to queue stuff to run in background conveniently


  • ParallelMap - like Map but runs function in parallel up to specified number of goroutines. Ordered.
  • ParallelMap - like MapMap but runs function in parallel up to specified number of goroutines. Ordered.
  • ParallelMapSlice - like MapSlice but runs function in parallel up to specified number of goroutines. Ordered.
  • ParallelMapSliceChan - runs slice elements thru function and sends it to channel
  • ParallelMapSliceChanFinisher - runs slice elements thru function and sends it to channel. Returns finisher chan(bool){true} that will return single true message when all workers finish and close it


  • Async - run function in background goroutine and return result as a channel. func()T -> chan T
  • AsyncV - run functions in background goroutine and return result as a channel, then close it. funcList... -> chan T
  • AsyncVUnpanic - run function in background goroutine and return result as a channel, then close it, ignoring every panic. funcList... -> chan T
  • AsyncPipe - run function in background, taking and returning values to pipe. Designed to be chained. (in chan T1, func(T1)T2) -> chan T2
  • AsyncOut - as AsyncPipe but takes output channel as argument .(in chan T1, func(T1)T2, chan T2)
  • AsyncIn - converts value into channel with that value. T -> chan T


  • Retry - retry function X times
  • RetryAfter - retry with timeout, minimal, and maximal interval between retries.
  • Try - tries each function in slice till first success


Generator functions always return generated values. For ones that operate on passed on types look at Type*Gen* functions like SliceGen

  • GenSlice - generate slice of given length via function. func(idx int) T -> []T
  • GenMap - generate Map of given length via function. func(idx int) K,V -> map[K]V
  • GenChan - returns channel fed from generator function ad infinitum. func() K -> chan T
  • GenChanN - returns channel fed from generator function N times. func() K -> chan T
  • GenChanNCloser - returns channel fed from generator that returns closer() function that will stop generator from running.func() K -> (chan T,func closer())
  • GenSliceToChan - returns channel fed from slice, optionally closes it, []K -> chan T


Not equivalent of math library, NaN math is ignored, zero length inputs might, sanitize your inputs.

Results unless specified otherwise will follow math of type, so median of []int{8,9} will be int{8} coz of rounding.

  • Sum
  • SumF64 - sum returning float64, for summing up small ints
  • Min
  • Max
  • Avg
  • AvgF64 - average with final input calculated as float64. Addition is still in source
  • AvgF64F64 - average with float64 accumulator. Use if you want to avoid overflow on small int type
  • Median
  • MedianF64 - median with final division using float64 type to avoid overflows


  • Number - any basic numeric types
  • ValueIndex - represents slice element with index
  • KeyValue - represents map key/value pair


  • Must - Turn error into panic, returning non-err arguments
  • IgnoreErr - Ignores error, returning default type value if error is passed

Current project state

No API changes to existing functions AP will be made in 1.x.x releases


  • Coverage map
