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Austin edited this page May 4, 2015 · 1 revision


The TEMPLATE command allows definition of sets of flags, simplifying the use of the FLAGS command.

Without arguments, network wide templates are shown. These include at least SOP/AOP/HOP/VOP. These include at least SOP/AOP/VOP.

When given only the channel argument, a listing of templates for the channel will be displayed.

Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel>
Otherwise, a template is modified. A modification may be specified by a template name (copies the template) or a flags change (starts with + or -, optionally preceded by an !). Templates cannot be the empty set (making a template empty deletes it).

If the ! form is used, all access entries which exactly match the template are changed accordingly. This is not supported if the template includes or included founder access (+F).

There is a limit on the length of all templates on a channel.

If you are not a founder, similar restrictions apply as in FLAGS.

Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template oldtemplate]
Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template flag_changes]
Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template !flag_changes]

/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo user VOP
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo user !+A
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo co-founder +*-OH
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo op -*+vVhoti
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo co-founder +*-O
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo op -*+vVoti
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo obsoletetemplate -*

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