Python only library to read the NOAA ARLs packed format for HYSPLIT ( Currently only wokring for the GDAS1 assimilation data (, which is also available from ARL ( A more extensive description of the format is provided in: Things to know when working with the ARL binary fomat
Currently only GDAS1 and the profiles of GDAS0p5 are working.
Reading a 2d Field:
import ARLreader as Ar
gdas = Ar.reader('data/gdas1.apr14.w1')
print('indexinfo ', gdas.indexinfo)
print('headerinfo ', gdas.headerinfo)
for i, v in gdas.levels.items():
print(i, ' level ', v['level'], list(map(lambda x: x[0], v['vars'])))
# load_heightlevel(day, houer, level, variable)
recinfo, grid, data = gdas.load_heightlevel(2, 3, 0, 'RH2M')
Read the profile at a given location an write it to a text file with load_profile(day, hour, (lat, lon))
profile, sfcdata, indexinfo, ind = Ar.reader('data/gdas1.apr14.w1').load_profile(2, 3, (51.3, 12.4))
Ar.write_profile('testfile.txt', indexinfo, ind, (51.3, 12.4), profile, sfcdata)
Get the filename from a datetime Ar.fname_from_date(datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 3))
can make your life easier, especially when you were mad with using different python versions. But it's free of your choice.
Installation within a new virtual environment
create a new virtual environment
conda create -n ARLreader # you can choose other names as well,
# but using the consistent name during the installation.
activate ARLreader # activate the virtual environement
conda install python=3.6 # install python, shipped with `pip`, `setuptools`...
git clone # download the code repository
cd ARLreader
pip install -r requirements.txt # install the dependencies for ARLreader
compile ARLreader
python install
ARLreader -h # prompt up the help
Below is the help messages for using ARLreader
usage: ARLreader [-h] [-s START_TIME] [-e END_TIME] [--latitude LATITUDE]
[--longitude LONGITUDE] [--station STATION]
extract the GDAS1 profile from GDAS1 global binary data.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s START_TIME, --start_time START_TIME
start time of your interests (yyyymmdd-HHMMSS).
-e END_TIME, --end_time END_TIME
stop time of your interests (yyyymmdd-HHMMSS).
--latitude LATITUDE latitude of your station. (-90, 90).
Default: 30.533721
--longitude LONGITUDE
longitude of your station. (0, 360).
Default: 114.367216
--station STATION station name.
Default: wuhan
folder for saving the GDAS1 global files.
e.g., 'C:\Users\zhenping\Desktop\global'
folder for saving the extracted profiles
e.g., 'C:\Users\zhenping\Desktop\wuhan'
--force force to download the GDAS1 global dataset (not suggested)
setup the reader for a new station
ARLreader -s 20190920-000000 -e 20190923-000000 --latitude 51.35 --longitude 12.35 --station leipzig -f /Users/zhenping/Data/global -o /Users/zhenping/Data/leipzig
python3 -m pytest -v
The code is partly based on a prior implementation in IDL by Patric Seifert.
Copyright 2017, Martin Radenz MIT License