App against anxiety that gives breathing exercises
- Create basic classes
- Breathing exercises
- Add other breathing exercises
- Add more breathing exercises
- Way to know for how long to inhale, exhale and hold
- Dot that fills when you need to inhale, and goes back to normal when you need to exhale
- Way to choose what exercise to do
- User friendly interface
- Check that every breathing exercise has the right steps, description and timing
- Add profile page
- Database - SQLite
- Add user to database
- Add badges to database
- Save custom exercises
- Track progress
- Login/Register
- Add settings
- Add achievements
- Add badges
- Add statistics
- Theme and logo
- Add darkmode
- Add all the languages, translated using a translator API
- AI calming voice that reads the steps
- Improve AI voice
- Documentation, tips and tricks
- Add a timer
- Add chill music
- Logo showing on loading screen
- Loading screen with tips
- Insert "Quicksand" font or some other, better font
- Save database in download
- Restore database
- Add Google Auth
- Save database to google drive
Pranayama: This is a traditional yogic breathing technique that involves controlling the breath in specific ways to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. There are many different types of pranayama, each with its own benefits.
Kapalbhati: This is a traditional yogic breathing technique that involves forceful exhalations followed by passive inhalations. This technique is believed to stimulate the digestive system and improve lung function.
Alternate nostril breathing: This technique involves breathing through one nostril at a time while holding the other nostril closed with the fingers. This technique is believed to balance the energy flow in the body and promote relaxation.
Buteyko breathing: This technique involves slowing down the breathing rate and reducing the volume of each breath. It is often used to treat respiratory problems such as asthma and COPD.