Added support of CoreWCF
Added support of task based methods. Added support of .NET CORE
BUG: Sender and Receiver Attribute using BUG: AddError, AddWarinig, AddInformation sender using
BUG: AttentionLine write with xs:type
BUG: Organization names
ADD: Attention line error
ADD: Attention line client Set
ADD: Attention line client Get
FIX: Action and Reason dynamic
FIX: Error when read XML end tag autorOfPerformer
FIX: working with white spaces CDATA and trimming
FIX: missing parameter informationRecipient and dataEnterer (representedOrganization)
FIX: AttentionLineRead for Value FIX: AttentionLineWrite for Value
BUG: WSDL generator binding Name linked input output
ADD: GetAttentionLine Context
ADD: SetAcknowledgementTypeInResponse CHANGE: formatter throw Exception if messageHl7.Acknowledgement.AcknowledgementDetails.Count > 0
CHANGE: AuthorOrPerformer Time Datetime to DateTime?, as in Xml
BUG: AssignedDevice incorrect element Read
BUG: HL7OperationContext Current Get object reference repear
NEW: operationContext.SetDataEnterers, GetDataEnterers NEW: operationContext.SetOverseer, GetOverseer
NEW: operationContext.DataEnterers Get NEW: wsdl generator + behavior
ADD: HL7AssignedPerson + HL7AsLicensedEntity
FIX: "Receiver Service"=Response Sender, "Sender Client"= Response Receiver FIX: Exception attribute "Receiver Service"
BUG: Contract.messageId, targetMessageId, Identification class set error FIX: Sender for error priority for contract attribute !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HL7OperationContext.Current.OperationContract.Sender) ? HL7OperationContext.Current.OperationContract.Sender
FIX: 3.5 support FIX: deep styleCop
ADD: AssignedDevice; Read,write FIX: HL7MessageFormatter; object reference if not ControlAct exception FIX: AsMemberOid .3.2.1 -> .
FIX: SaveResponse ControlAct optional FIX: DataEnterer, InformationReceipment time optional ADD: AssignedPerson - HL7RepresentedOrganization.cs Read,Write ADD: HL7OperationContext.AuthorOrPerformers FIX: return MessageRequest subject null is allowed FIX: subject response null is allowed FIX: operationContext.QueryAcknowledgement set in formater
FIX: HL7AcknowledgementDetail, sender as string; Context replaced to OperationContext FIX: ReplyAction (*) HL7OperationContractAttribute.cs FIX: ControlAct effectionTime Read ReadTime function ADD: HL7AcknowledgementDetail GetCodeNumber, GetSender ADD: time parsing helper Helper.cs FIX: reader Time parsing using Helper ADD: ReasonCode, ActionCode in OperationContext is requeried ADD: HL7MessageCreator ADD: AsMember ADD: constructors HL7OperationContract ADD: receiver null on service ->> for client sender copy
BUG: EndElementReader, protocol level for elements (EndElement(reader)); BUG: URN 2006 UrnType.cs ADD: AddError throw HL7OperationContext.Current.AddError, HL7OperationContext.cs FIX: check for errors in HL7Acknowledgement in write (WriteAcknowledgement, HL7SerializerWrite.cs) ADD: check for AckType (AE, CE) HL7SerializerRead.cs FIX: removed obsoled constructors ADD: HL7QueryAcknowledgement.cs new contructors FIX: Changed DateTime format -> yyyyMMddHHmmss.ffffzz00 Remove: HL7QueryAcknowledgementResponse.cs FIX: queryAcknowledgement is not requeried FIX: HL7SaveResponseMessageFormatter.cs + receiver +HL7Acknowledgement -targetMessageId FIX HL7SaveResponseOperationContractAttribute.cs -receiver in interface FIX: old timeFormat parsing for support HL7SerializerRead.cs ReadTime()
FIX: TemplateId "" ADD: HL7AssignedPerson.cs FIX: HL7AuthorOrPerformer FIX: ReadAssignedPerson, ReadAssignedDevice, ReadAuthorOrPerformer FIX: WriteAuthorOrPerformer, WriteDataEnterer, WriteAssignedPerson, writePerson FIX: HL7TemplateId Oid-> URN FIX: ReasonCode > 1 ADD: Second reasonCode .2.15 - ActionCode Add: telecom[] ReadAuthorOrPerformer FIX: HL7FaultException + Sender FIX: templeteId and ReplyTemplateId automatiski aizpīldas FIX: URN for . and -, 2006 and 2011 NEW: version atribute in HL7Operation (2006/2011) FIX: templateId deleted form Request and Responses auto fild FIX: Abc.ServiceModel.HL7AcknowledgementDetailCode namespace change to Abc.ServiceModel.Protocol.HL7
FIX: TemplateId "" ADD: HL7AssignedPerson.cs FIX: HL7AuthorOrPerformer FIX: ReadAssignedPerson, ReadAssignedDevice, ReadAuthorOrPerformer FIX: WriteAuthorOrPerformer, WriteDataEnterer, WriteAssignedPerson, writePerson FIX: HL7TemplateId Oid-> URN FIX: ReasonCode > 1 ADD: Second reasonCode .2.15 - ActionCode Add: telecom[] ReadAuthorOrPerformer FIX: HL7FaultException + Sender FIX: templeteId and ReplyTemplateId automatiski aizpīldas FIX: URN for . and -, 2006 and 2011 NEW: version atribute in HL7Operation (2006/2011) FIX: templateId deleted form Request and Responses auto fild FIX: Abc.ServiceModel.HL7AcknowledgementDetailCode namespace change to Abc.ServiceModel.Protocol.HL7
FIX: errorCode
FIX: void and AcknowledgementResponse is needed only void FIX: CE, CA for Async
ADD: HL7AcknowledgementDetailCode.cs FIX: HL7AcknowledgementDetail.cs FIX: HL7AcknowledgementDetail Error typeCode and code element, NEW: HL7AcknowledgementDetailCode element with Oid
FIX: HL7DataEnterer Read Write NEW: ReadAssignedPerson WriteAssignedPerson FIX: HL7InformationRecipient NEW: CreateQueryContinuation FIX: HL7ControlAct code priorityCode reasonCode languageCode is optional
protected emtpy contructors, versijas norade ir obligāta FIX: HL7QueryByParameterPayload lidzīgi subject NEW: atribute QueryParam BUG: AcknowledgementDetail izmainits typeCode-> Code elements NEW: HL7OperationContext.AcknowledgementType FIX: PriorityCodeId: 2.16.840.1.113883.5.7 FIX: StatusCodeRead, StatusCodeWrite FIX: HL7SubjectSerilizerAttribute->HL7SubjectSerializerAttribute FIX: name Ack -> Acknowledgement FIX: processingModeCode, processingCode AcceptAcknowledgementCode Read Write, Enumeration naming
operationContext.TargetMessage get BUG
operationContext.CorrelationId izmainits uz operationContext.MessageId operationContext.TargetMessage add response.Acknowledgement.TargetMessage.Extension = operationContext.MessageId;
sequenceNumber pievienots
File: HL7QueryAck.cs HL7QueryByParameterPayload.cs HL7QueryDataEnterer.cs HL7QueryDevice.cs HL7QueryEventTimeframe.cs HL7QueryPatientId.cs HL7QueryReceiverDevice.cs HL7QueryResponsibleOrganization.cs HL7QuerySenderDevice.cs HL7QuerySortControl.cs NEW: Query data CHANGE: partial class HL7Serializer/ Read write BUG: receiver = new HL7Device(operationContext.OperationContract.!Sender!, HL7Constants.AttributesValue.Rcv); HL7MessageFormatter.cs HL7ErrorHandler.cs
File: HL7ErrorHandler.cs, HL7FaultException.cs, HL7SericeBehavior.cs HL7AcknowledgementType.cs NEW: Pieveinojās dantes kļūdas apstrādei. NEW: enum HL7AcknowledgementType nosaukumi Serializacijas pārveidošana tipiem.
File: HL7MessageFormatter.cs, HL7OperationContext.cs CHG: Izmaiņas saistītas ar kūdas apstrādi.
File: HL7Serializer.cs CHANGE: WhiteSpace cheking
File: HL7MessageFormatter.cs, HL7OperationContractAttribute.cs NEW: Pieveinojās atrībūts AckResponse
File: HL7SubjectSerilizerAttribute.cs, HL7MessageFormatter.cs, HL7OperationContractAttribute.cs NEW: Tika pieveinota iespeja kponfigurēt SubjectSerializer uz Ieejas un izejas paramtriem atseviški
CHG: Izlaboti dažadi CodeAnalysis warnings
File: Oid.cs CHG: Izlabota funkcija Equals un pieveinota funkcijas Compare
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