diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 0654335..149eb81 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ language: julia julia: - - 1.1 + - 1.0 + - 1.2 + - nightly os: - linux @@ -15,9 +17,10 @@ addons: notifications: email: false -script: - - if [[ -a .git/shallow ]]; then git fetch --unshallow; fi - - julia --project --check-bounds=yes -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.build(; verbose=true); Pkg.test(; coverage=true);' +matrix: + fast_finish: true + allow_failures: + - julia: nightly after_success: - julia --project -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("Coverage"); using Coverage; Codecov.submit(process_folder());' diff --git a/Manifest.toml b/Manifest.toml deleted file mode 100644 index ee29ced..0000000 --- a/Manifest.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,386 +0,0 @@ -# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised - -[[AbstractFFTs]] -deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] -git-tree-sha1 = "380e36c66edfa099cd90116b24c1ce8cafccac40" -uuid = "621f4979-c628-5d54-868e-fcf4e3e8185c" -version = "0.4.1" - 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-[[UUIDs]] -deps = ["Random", "SHA"] -uuid = "cf7118a7-6976-5b1a-9a39-7adc72f591a4" - -[[Unicode]] -uuid = "4ec0a83e-493e-50e2-b9ac-8f72acf5a8f5" - -[[VersionParsing]] -deps = ["Compat"] -git-tree-sha1 = "c9d5aa108588b978bd859554660c8a5c4f2f7669" -uuid = "81def892-9a0e-5fdd-b105-ffc91e053289" -version = "1.1.3" - -[[WoodburyMatrices]] -deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Random", "SparseArrays", "Test"] -git-tree-sha1 = "21772c33b447757ec7d3e61fcdfb9ea5c47eedcf" -uuid = "efce3f68-66dc-5838-9240-27a6d6f5f9b6" -version = "0.4.1" diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md index 95a2799..cffb206 100644 --- a/NEWS.md +++ b/NEWS.md @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # Kpax3.jl Release Notes +## Changes from v0.5.1 to v0.5.2 + +* Upgrade to Julia 1.2 + ## Changes from v0.5.0 to v0.5.1 * Upgrade to Julia 1.1 diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml index 49a407d..ce3ea27 100644 --- a/Project.toml +++ b/Project.toml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ name = "Kpax3" uuid = "ad72c4b6-2990-538c-bd38-e122d63d24d9" authors = ["Alberto Pessia "] -version = "0.5.1" +version = "0.5.2" [deps] Clustering = "aaaa29a8-35af-508c-8bc3-b662a17a0fe5" @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b" StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91" [compat] -julia = "1.1" +julia = "1" +SpecialFunctions = "0.8" [extras] Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80" diff --git a/src/Kpax3.jl b/src/Kpax3.jl index cb03eb8..20c5add 100644 --- a/src/Kpax3.jl +++ b/src/Kpax3.jl @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ module Kpax3 ################# # Load packages # ################# - import Clustering - import DelimitedFiles - import Distances - import FileIO - import KernelDensity - import Printf - import RecipesBase - import SpecialFunctions - import StatsBase + using Clustering + using DelimitedFiles + using Distances + using FileIO + using KernelDensity + using Printf + using RecipesBase + using SpecialFunctions + using StatsBase #################### # Export functions # diff --git a/src/model/likelihoods/marginal_likelihood.jl b/src/model/likelihoods/marginal_likelihood.jl index 4e0d390..8f8b972 100644 --- a/src/model/likelihoods/marginal_likelihood.jl +++ b/src/model/likelihoods/marginal_likelihood.jl @@ -4,14 +4,15 @@ function logmarglik(y::Vector{Float64}, n::Real, α::Vector{Float64}, β::Vector{Float64}) - SpecialFunctions.lbeta.(α .+ y, β .- y .+ n) .- SpecialFunctions.lbeta.(α, β) + SpecialFunctions.logbeta.(α .+ y, β .- y .+ n) .- + SpecialFunctions.logbeta.(α, β) end function logmarglik(y::Real, n::Real, α::Real, β::Real) - SpecialFunctions.lbeta(α + y, β + n - y) - SpecialFunctions.lbeta(α, β) + SpecialFunctions.logbeta(α + y, β + n - y) - SpecialFunctions.logbeta(α, β) end function logcondmarglik(x::Vector{UInt8}, diff --git a/src/model/partitionrows/ewenspitman/densities.jl b/src/model/partitionrows/ewenspitman/densities.jl index 46d088f..d05023f 100644 --- a/src/model/partitionrows/ewenspitman/densities.jl +++ b/src/model/partitionrows/ewenspitman/densities.jl @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ function logdPriorRow(p::Vector{Int}, end logp = (k - 1) * log(ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ / ep.α + k) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ / ep.α + 1) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ + 1) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ + n) - - k * SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ / ep.α + k) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ / ep.α + 1) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ + 1) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ + n) - + k * SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) for a in 1:n if m[a] > 0 - logp += SpecialFunctions.lgamma(m[a] - ep.α) + logp += SpecialFunctions.loggamma(m[a] - ep.α) end end @@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ function logdPriorRow(n::Int, m::Vector{Int}, ep::EwensPitmanPAUT) logp = (k - 1) * log(ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ / ep.α + k) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ / ep.α + 1) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ + 1) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ + n) - - k * SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ / ep.α + k) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ / ep.α + 1) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ + 1) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ + n) - + k * SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) for a in 1:length(m) if m[a] > 0 - logp += SpecialFunctions.lgamma(m[a] - ep.α) + logp += SpecialFunctions.loggamma(m[a] - ep.α) end end @@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ function logdPriorRow(p::Vector{Int}, end logp = (k - 1) * log(ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(k) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(n) - - k * SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(k) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(n) - + k * SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) for a in 1:n if m[a] > 0 - logp += SpecialFunctions.lgamma(m[a] - ep.α) + logp += SpecialFunctions.loggamma(m[a] - ep.α) end end @@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ function logdPriorRow(n::Int, m::Vector{Int}, ep::EwensPitmanPAZT) logp = (k - 1) * log(ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(k) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(n) - - k * SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(k) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(n) - + k * SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) for a in 1:length(m) if m[a] > 0 - logp += SpecialFunctions.lgamma(m[a] - ep.α) + logp += SpecialFunctions.loggamma(m[a] - ep.α) end end @@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ function logdPriorRow(p::Vector{Int}, end logp = k * log(ep.θ) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ + n) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ + n) for a in 1:n if m[a] > 0 - logp += SpecialFunctions.lgamma(m[a]) + logp += SpecialFunctions.loggamma(m[a]) end end @@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ function logdPriorRow(n::Int, m::Vector{Int}, ep::EwensPitmanZAPT) logp = k * log(ep.θ) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(ep.θ + n) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(ep.θ + n) for a in 1:length(m) if m[a] > 0 - logp += SpecialFunctions.lgamma(m[a]) + logp += SpecialFunctions.loggamma(m[a]) end end @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ function logdPriorRow(p::Vector{Int}, end log(prod((1:(k - 1)) .- ep.L) * ep.α^(k - 1) * - exp(sum(SpecialFunctions.lgamma.(m[m .> 0] .- ep.α)) - - k * SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α)) / + exp(sum(SpecialFunctions.loggamma.(m[m .> 0] .- ep.α)) - + k * SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α)) / prod((1:(n - 1)) .- ep.α * ep.L)) end @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ function logdPriorRow(n::Int, m::Vector{Int}, ep::EwensPitmanNAPT) log(prod((1:(k - 1)) .- ep.L) * ep.α^(k - 1) * - exp(sum(SpecialFunctions.lgamma.(m[m .> 0] .- ep.α)) - - k * SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α)) / + exp(sum(SpecialFunctions.loggamma.(m[m .> 0] .- ep.α)) - + k * SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α)) / prod((1:(n - 1)) .- ep.α * ep.L)) end diff --git a/src/model/partitionrows/ewenspitman/mcmc.jl b/src/model/partitionrows/ewenspitman/mcmc.jl index affa115..23e2c0b 100644 --- a/src/model/partitionrows/ewenspitman/mcmc.jl +++ b/src/model/partitionrows/ewenspitman/mcmc.jl @@ -47,33 +47,33 @@ end function logratiopriorrowmerge!(k::Real, ep::EwensPitmanPAUT, support::MCMCSupport) - support.lograR = SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α) - + support.lograR = SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α) - log(ep.θ + k * ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vj - ep.α) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vj - ep.α) nothing end function logratiopriorrowmerge!(k::Real, ep::EwensPitmanPAZT, support::MCMCSupport) - support.lograR = SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α) - + support.lograR = SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α) - log(k) - log(ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vj - ep.α) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vj - ep.α) nothing end function logratiopriorrowmerge!(k::Real, ep::EwensPitmanZAPT, support::MCMCSupport) - support.lograR = SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi + support.vj) - + support.lograR = SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi + support.vj) - log(ep.θ) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vj) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vj) nothing end @@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ function logratiopriorrowmerge!(k::Real, support::MCMCSupport) support.lograR = - log( (k - ep.L) * ep.α * - exp(SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi - ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vj - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α)) + exp(SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi - ep.α) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vj - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α)) ) nothing @@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ function logratiopriorrowsplit!(k::Real, ep::EwensPitmanPAUT, support::MCMCSupport) support.lograR = log(ep.θ + (k - 1) * ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi - ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vj - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi - ep.α) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vj - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α) nothing end @@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ function logratiopriorrowsplit!(k::Real, support::MCMCSupport) support.lograR = log(k - 1) + log(ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi - ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vj - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi - ep.α) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vj - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α) nothing end @@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ function logratiopriorrowsplit!(k::Real, ep::EwensPitmanZAPT, support::MCMCSupport) support.lograR = log(ep.θ) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vj) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi + support.vj) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vj) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi + support.vj) nothing end @@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ function logratiopriorrowsplit!(k::Real, support::MCMCSupport) support.lograR = log( (k - 1 - ep.L) * ep.α * - exp(SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi - ep.α) + - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vj - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(1 - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α)) + exp(SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi - ep.α) + + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vj - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(1 - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(support.vi + support.vj - ep.α)) ) nothing @@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ function logratiopriorrowmerge(k::Real, ep::EwensPitmanNAPT) - log( (k - ep.L) * ep.α * - exp(SpecialFunctions.lgamma(vj - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(vj + 1 - ep.α))) + exp(SpecialFunctions.loggamma(vj - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(vj + 1 - ep.α))) end function logratiopriorrowmove(vi::Real, @@ -212,6 +212,6 @@ function logratiopriorrowsplit(k::Real, ep::EwensPitmanNAPT) log( (k - 1 - ep.L) * ep.α * - exp(SpecialFunctions.lgamma(vi - 1 - ep.α) - - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(vi - ep.α))) + exp(SpecialFunctions.loggamma(vi - 1 - ep.α) - + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(vi - ep.α))) end diff --git a/src/optimizer/local_mode.jl b/src/optimizer/local_mode.jl index f1a3f6c..0d0c82a 100644 --- a/src/optimizer/local_mode.jl +++ b/src/optimizer/local_mode.jl @@ -24,34 +24,34 @@ function computelocalmode!(v::Vector{Int}, lγ[2] = priorC.logγ[2] lγ[3] = priorC.logγ[3] - tmp1[1] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[1, b], priorC.B[1, b]) - tmp1[2] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[2, b], priorC.B[2, b]) - tmp1[3] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[3, b], priorC.B[3, b]) - + tmp1[1] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[1, b], priorC.B[1, b]) + tmp1[2] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[2, b], priorC.B[2, b]) + tmp1[3] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[3, b], priorC.B[3, b]) - priorC.logω[k][1] - tmp1[4] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[4, b], priorC.B[4, b]) - + tmp1[4] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[4, b], priorC.B[4, b]) - priorC.logω[k][2] for l in 1:k g = cl[l] # noise - lγ[1] += SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[1, b] + n1s[g, b], - priorC.B[1, b] + v[g] - n1s[g, b]) - + lγ[1] += SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[1, b] + n1s[g, b], + priorC.B[1, b] + v[g] - n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[1] # weak signal - lγ[2] += SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[2, b] + n1s[g, b], - priorC.B[2, b] + v[g] - n1s[g, b]) - + lγ[2] += SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[2, b] + n1s[g, b], + priorC.B[2, b] + v[g] - n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[2] # strong signal but not characteristic - tmp2[1, l] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[3, b] + n1s[g, b], - priorC.B[3, b] + v[g] - n1s[g, b]) - + tmp2[1, l] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[3, b] + n1s[g, b], + priorC.B[3, b] + v[g] - n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[3] # strong signal and characteristic - tmp2[2, l] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[4, b] + n1s[g, b], - priorC.B[4, b] + v[g] - n1s[g, b]) - + tmp2[2, l] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[4, b] + n1s[g, b], + priorC.B[4, b] + v[g] - n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[4] if tmp2[1, l] >= tmp2[2, l] @@ -125,35 +125,35 @@ function computelocalmode!(state::State, lγ[2] = priorC.logγ[2] lγ[3] = priorC.logγ[3] - tmp1[1] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[1, b], priorC.B[1, b]) - tmp1[2] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[2, b], priorC.B[2, b]) - tmp1[3] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[3, b], priorC.B[3, b]) - + tmp1[1] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[1, b], priorC.B[1, b]) + tmp1[2] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[2, b], priorC.B[2, b]) + tmp1[3] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[3, b], priorC.B[3, b]) - priorC.logω[k][1] - tmp1[4] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[4, b], priorC.B[4, b]) - + tmp1[4] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[4, b], priorC.B[4, b]) - priorC.logω[k][2] for l in 1:k g = state.cl[l] # noise - lγ[1] += SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[1, b] + state.n1s[g, b], - priorC.B[1, b] + state.v[g] - - state.n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[1] + lγ[1] += SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[1, b] + state.n1s[g, b], + priorC.B[1, b] + state.v[g] - + state.n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[1] # weak signal - lγ[2] += SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[2, b] + state.n1s[g, b], - priorC.B[2, b] + state.v[g] - - state.n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[2] + lγ[2] += SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[2, b] + state.n1s[g, b], + priorC.B[2, b] + state.v[g] - + state.n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[2] # strong signal but not characteristic - tmp2[1, l] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[3, b] + state.n1s[g, b], - priorC.B[3, b] + state.v[g] - - state.n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[3] + tmp2[1, l] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[3, b] + state.n1s[g, b], + priorC.B[3, b] + state.v[g] - + state.n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[3] # strong signal and characteristic - tmp2[2, l] = SpecialFunctions.lbeta(priorC.A[4, b] + state.n1s[g, b], - priorC.B[4, b] + state.v[g] - - state.n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[4] + tmp2[2, l] = SpecialFunctions.logbeta(priorC.A[4, b] + state.n1s[g, b], + priorC.B[4, b] + state.v[g] - + state.n1s[g, b]) - tmp1[4] if tmp2[1, l] >= tmp2[2, l] tmp3 = log1p(exp(tmp2[2, l] - tmp2[1, l])) diff --git a/test/model/likelihoods.jl b/test/model/likelihoods.jl index 5570aeb..b1ea270 100644 --- a/test/model/likelihoods.jl +++ b/test/model/likelihoods.jl @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ function test_likelihoods_marginal() for (α, β) in ([0.1, 0.1], [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0], [10.0, 10.0], [100.0, 100.0], [0.2, 0.1], [1.0, 0.5], [2.0, 1.0], [20.0, 10.0], [200.0, 100.0], [0.1, 0.2], [0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 2.0], [10.0, 20.0], [100.0, 200.0]) for (n, y) in ([1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [5.0, 0.0], [5.0, 1.0], [5.0, 3.0], [5.0, 5.0], [10.0, 0.0], [10.0, 1.0], [10.0, 5.0], [10.0, 10.0], [100.0, 0.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 10.0], [100.0, 100.0]) - logp = SpecialFunctions.lgamma(α + y) + SpecialFunctions.lgamma(β + n - y) - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(α + β + n) + SpecialFunctions.lgamma(α + β) - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(α) - SpecialFunctions.lgamma(β) + logp = SpecialFunctions.loggamma(α + y) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(β + n - y) - SpecialFunctions.loggamma(α + β + n) + SpecialFunctions.loggamma(α + β) - SpecialFunctions.loggamma(α) - SpecialFunctions.loggamma(β) logcp0 = log(β + n - y) - log(α + β + n) logcp1 = log(α + y) - log(α + β + n) @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ function test_likelihoods_marginal() qx = Kpax3.condmarglik([fill(0x01, n1s); fill(0x00, m - n1s)], y, n, a, b) logqx = Kpax3.logcondmarglik([fill(0x01, n1s); fill(0x00, m - n1s)], y, n, a, b) - logp = SpecialFunctions.lgamma.(a .+ y) .+ SpecialFunctions.lgamma.(b .+ n .- y) .- SpecialFunctions.lgamma.(a .+ b .+ n) .+ SpecialFunctions.lgamma.(a .+ b) .- SpecialFunctions.lgamma.(a) .- SpecialFunctions.lgamma.(b) + logp = SpecialFunctions.loggamma.(a .+ y) .+ SpecialFunctions.loggamma.(b .+ n .- y) .- SpecialFunctions.loggamma.(a .+ b .+ n) .+ SpecialFunctions.loggamma.(a .+ b) .- SpecialFunctions.loggamma.(a) .- SpecialFunctions.loggamma.(b) logcp0 = log.(b .+ n .- y) .- log.(a .+ b .+ n) logcp1 = log.(a .+ y) .- log.(a .+ b .+ n) diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index f4f126a..68ea84e 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ using Test gr(size=(800, 600)) -cd(dirname(@__FILE__)) - -import Kpax3 +using Kpax3 ε = 1.0e-13 Random.seed!(1427371200)