- Introduction 🔺
- Summary of SM particles 🔺
- The LHC and ATLAS 🔹
- LHC ring 🔹
- LHC accelerator complex 🔹
- ATLAS detector 🔹
- Cross-sections (Stirling plot) 🔹
- Cross-sections (ATLAS plot) 🔹
- Tau leptons 🔸
- Tau decay pie chart 🔹
- Lepton pt (W, Z, tau) 🔹
- Lepton d0 (W, Z, tau) 🔺
- Tau event display 🔹
- Tau energy calibration 🔺
- Tau ID input variables 🔸
- Tau ID ROC 🔸
- Electron veto input variables 🔸
- Electron veto ROC 🔸
- Muon rejection efficiency 🔺
- Zmumu (brem) fakes 🔹
- Zmumu (FSR) fakes 🔹
- Htautau strategy 🔸
- Muon reconstruction/ID 🔹
- Electron reconstruction/ID 🔹
- Electron energy scale 🔺
- Jet reconstruction/ID 🔺
- bjet reconstruction/ID 🔸
- MET reconstruction 🔹
- tautau decay pie chart 🔹
- Cartoons: presel., boost, VBF 🔹
- Plots at preselection 🔹
- MMC cartoon 🔹
- MMC input assumptions 🔹
- MMC vs. collinear vs. visible ROC 🔹
- Overlaid input variables: boost 🔹
- Overlaid input variables: VBF 🔹
- Overlaid BDTs (boost, VBF) 🔹
- Background modeling 🔸
- mis-modeling in Zll MC 🔹
- Embedding validation 🔺
- Ztautau uncertainties 🔹
- presel. with/without e-veto 🔺
- VBF with/without e-veto 🔺
- presel. with/without muon rej. 🔺
- VBF with/without muon rej. 🔺
- fake flavors vs tau ID BDT 🔺
- ER/VR/SR cartoon 🔹
- loose70 definition 🔹
- fakefactors VBF 🔹
- fakefactors boost 🔹
- VBF anti-ID ER 🔹
- composition pie charts VBF 🔹
- composition pie charts boost 🔹
- composition dependence plots 🔺
- MC fakefactors VBF 🔺
- MC fakefactors boost 🔺
- VBF Wlv CR 🔹
- VBF Zll CR 🔹
- VBF top CR 🔹
- VBF SR 🔺
- fakes closure options 🔺
- 2013 vs 2014 pre-fit uncertainty 🔺
- fakes uncertainties 🔹
- Results 🔹
- post-fit BDTs 🔹
- combined BDT 🔹
- S/B-weighted mass 🔹
- signal strength summary 🔹
- p-value vs. mH 🔹
- muVBF vs. muggF 🔹
- Future prospects 🔹
- minbias vs ggF vs VBF 🔹
- L1 resolutions (pt, eta, phi) 🔹
- sensitivity vs threshold, lh 🔹
- sensitivity vs threshold, hh 🔹
- L1 cartoon 🔹
- L1 turn-ons for 1x1, 2x2, 4x4 🔹
- L1 iso efficiency, with TAU60 🔹
- L1 iso efficiency, without TAU60 🔹
- L1 iso rates, with TAU60 🔹
- L1 iso rates, without TAU60 🔹
- LTT input variables, BDT 🔹
- forward tracker layout 🔹
- pile-up impact on MMC, MET 🔹
- ROC curves with forward trackers 🔹
- jet variables at mu=140 🔹
- BDTs at mu=140 🔹
- Conclusions 🔺
status | marker |
not started | 🔺 |
in progress | 🔸 |
stable | 🔹 |