Amazon Dynamo DB Mock Driver for Golang to Test Database Interactions.
Originally forked from and added more functionalities with examples:
expectation to supportQueryWithContext
go get
See the examples
First of all, change the dynamodb configuration to use the dynamodb interface. see code below:
package main
import (
type MyDynamo struct {
Db dynamodbiface.DynamoDBAPI
var Dyna *MyDynamo
func ConfigureDynamoDB() {
Dyna = new(MyDynamo)
awsSession, _ := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String("ap-southeast-2")})
svc := dynamodb.New(awsSession)
Dyna.Db = dynamodbiface.DynamoDBAPI(svc)
the purpose of code above is to make your dynamoDB object can be mocked by dynamock through the dynamodbiface.
package main
import (
func GetName(id string) (*string, error) {
parameter := &dynamodb.GetItemInput{
Key: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
"id": {
N: aws.String(id),
TableName: aws.String("employee"),
response, err := Dyna.Db.GetItem(parameter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
name := response.Item["name"].S
return name, nil
package examples
import (
dynamock ""
var mock *dynamock.DynaMock
func init() {
Dyna = new(MyDynamo)
Dyna.Db, mock = dynamock.New()
func TestGetName(t *testing.T) {
expectKey := map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
"id": {
N: aws.String("1"),
expectedResult := aws.String("jaka")
result := dynamodb.GetItemOutput{
Item: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
"name": {
S: expectedResult,
//lets start dynamock in action
actualResult, _ := GetName("1")
if actualResult != expectedResult {
t.Errorf("Test Fail")
if you just wanna expect the table
or maybe you didn't care with any arguments, you just need to determine the result
and you can do multiple expectations at once, then the expectation will be executed sequentially.
/* Result
the first call of GetItem will return resultOne
the second call of GetItem will return resultThree
and the only call of UpdateItem will return resultTwo */
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