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DOT-based Auto-Layout
Since version auto-layout option is based on Graphviz DOT render.
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 must be installed
ScxmlEditor\Graphviz core must be present
1. The plain SCXML document without ScxmlEditor metainformation is opened
2. User calls 'Auto Arrange Layout' option manually.
1. Press right mouse button somewhere on the chart and select menu 'Auto Arrange Layout'
2. Or press "Ctrl + ." shorcut and type "Auto" in IDE Insight focus search dialog
3. Select Orthographic splines option to have square-like connections (default)
4. Select Polyline splines option to draw connections as polylines
2. Save as Graphviz (*.gl) file
digraph {
graph [splines=ortho, fontname="Arial"];
node [ fontname="Arial" ];
edge [ fontname="Arial" ];
subgraph cluster_ScxmlShape1__93A9A677 {
StateShape1__9E02659C [shape=rectangle label=<Off>];
subgraph cluster_StateShape2__9F1CE7D7 {
subgraph cluster_StateShape3__AB6D10DC {
label=<<FONT color="#800000"><b><---- Do.Timer ----></b></FONT><br/>
<FONT color="#800000"> Every ~1000ms </FONT><br/><br/>
StateShape3__AB6D10DC_children [shape=rectangle fontcolor=blue label=<onentry<br/>
log {INFO:string.format("Elapsed:%.2fs", os.clock() - tm_ELAPSED)}<br/>
send {Do.Timer[1000ms][ID_TIMER]}<br/>>];
StateShape2__9F1CE7D7_children [shape=rectangle fontcolor=blue label=<onentry<br/>
assign {tm_ELAPSED=os.clock()}<br/>
cancel {ID_TIMER}<br/>>];
ScxmlShape1__93A9A677_children [shape=rectangle fontcolor=blue label=<datamodel<br/>data {tm_ELAPSED=0}<br/>>];
StateShape1__9E02659C->StateShape2__9F1CE7D7_children[tooltip="StateMachineConnection1__A3834CB0",color="teal",lhead="cluster_StateShape2__9F1CE7D7",label=<<FONT color="#008080"><b>Start</b></FONT><br/>>]
StateShape2__9F1CE7D7_children->StateShape1__9E02659C[tooltip="StateMachineConnection2__A61AC440",color="teal",ltail="cluster_StateShape2__9F1CE7D7",label=<<FONT color="#008080"><b>Stop</b></FONT><br/>>]
Example 1. Autolayouting Morse Code Trainer source code SCXML
Example 2. Autolayoting LCCA tests from USCXML Benchmarks Tests
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