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For Qt programmers: see how to use SVG as source for Qt SCXML Debug
There are a couple ways to export SCXML to SVG.
Since ScxmlEditor 2.1.7 there are available export settings:
ExportSvgShapeRendering appends SVG attribute
with valuesauto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision
ExportSvgTextRendering appends SVG attribute
with valuesauto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision
ExportSvgTextFontUsePoints boolean value used for adjusting font size values:
- if it is set to true then font size is given in points with extension
) - if it is set to false then font size is calculated by expression
Font->Size * Screen->PixelsPerInch / 72.0f
- ExportSvgExtraParams appends user defined params to SVG element
SVG attributes text-rendering and shape-rendering are predefined and may be changed from settings
And there is an option to use custom SVG element attributes
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