Project files for the paper New Yorkers on the Move: Recent Migration Trends for the City and Metro Area.
Paper submitted to the WCIB Occasional Papers Series, No. 15 published Feb 2018:
Scripts for data processing and analysis are Python Jupyter Notebooks with Pandas stored in the scripts folder. Source and summary output data is saved in the data folder. Go to the output_data folder to access summary migration and estimates data for NYC and the NYMA.
All Python and Ipython files in this repository are released under an MIT license. All other files in this repository (input and output files, documentation, etc) are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .
The following are not included in this repo:
The IRS county migration sqlite database. Download it from the Baruch Geoportal and store it under data/irsmig_county_database. Note that the database is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
Articles for the literature review. Some were not used and several cannot be freely distributed. View the references.bib file in the literature folder for citations and links.
The paper itself, which is freely available but copyrighted.