- Update Puppeteer to v13
- Update dependencies
- Error serializing improved
- Puppeteer updated to 11.0
- Dependencies updated
- Querystring deprecated in favor URLSearchParams
- Travis removed from CI suite
- Puppeteer update to v8
- WaitFor uses specific methods under the hood
- Overhaul of types to comply with Puppeteer changes
- Browser.coreBrowser added to access Puppeteer's browser class
- License moved to a more permissive MIT
- Dependencies updated
- Minor typings fixes
- Update Dockerfile to recommended Puppeteer setup
- Docs updated
- Tslint deprecated in favor of eslint
- Minor typings improvements and fixes
- Typescript version locked until Promise types are fixed
- Dependencies updated
- Fix in publish git workflow
- Minor fix in Dockerfile
- Puppeteer updated to 5.3.1
- RegExp parameters checks fixed when using vm
- Dependencies updated
- Fixes Dockerfile
- Error messages improved for timeout errors
- Updates dependencies
- Puppeteer updated to 5.0
- Dependencies updated
- Fixed parameters signature for textContains and not.textContains assertions
- Fixed publish release action
- Dependencies updated
- Minor wrapper to puppeteer launch
- Puppeteer updated to v3
- DragAndDrop method
- Minor fix in types
- Dependencies updated
- Dependencies updated
- Improvement in error handling for waitFor
- Docker image updated to Node 12
- Dependencies updated
- Fixed EventEmitter compilation bug after node typings update
- Removed GPR publish action
- Browser.requests.filter.contentType and browser.assert.requests.contentType
- Browser.text and assert.text now use textContent instead of innerText, ignoring newlines gneerated by
and other elements - Requests.setHeaders and headers option on open
- Dependencies updated
- Windows tests in CI added
- Continue option in request mock
- FindByLabelText
- LocalStorage.all
- Browser.setMedia
- Element getAttribute method
- WaitAndTap, waitAndCheck and waitAndType methods
- OverridePermissions method
- SetGeolocation and geolocation methods
- Puppeteer typings updated
- Minor improvement and fix in linting process
- SetTimezone method
- Puppeteer updated to 2.0
- Exported Pdfs file size reduced
- Browser.setContent
- LogRequests option
- Updated types of dependency
- Removed light versions of logo
- Dependencies updated
- Removed unnecessary custom types
- Dependencies updated
- Puppeteer updated to 1.20.0
- AddScript will no longer fail with bypassCSP disabled
- Dependencies updated
- Puppeteer launch error handled with a single retry
- Browser.text will return newlines on
- DefaultTimeout option on create browser
- Injection scripts are now added through evaluate, so are not checked by CSP
- Static config file removed
- Opening new tabs will no longer reload the page
- Puppeteer types updated
- TravisCI modules cache removed
- Pages, selectPage and closePage methods to handle tabs and popups
- Browser.context returns Puppeteer's context object
- Improved typings for module compositer
- A browser won't have 2 tabs opened by default
- Puppeteer updated to 1.19.0
- Minor improvements in internal typings
- Minor fix in InjectionScript error message
- Refactor on browser instances creation and setup
- Auth module with basic and bearer support
- RegExp support for waitForRequest, response and related methods
- Improved types wrapper of puppeteer
- Browser.pdf
- Browser.setCache and cache settings
- DateMock now uses a proxy and supports using it as a function
- Internal error handling improvements
- Puppeteer updated to 1.18.1, size and performance improved
- Filter by pending requests and resourceType
- Assert by pending requests and resourceType
- Browser.elementHtml and assertions
- Types export for TypeScript improved
- Internal Puppeteer wrapper
- Puppeteer updated to 1.18.0
- Elements considered not visible if opacity is 0
- Minor dependencies updated
- Minor code improvements
- Improvements on XPath recognition in wendigoQuery
- XPath queries will now filter any not-element result
- Support for urls without protocol
- Get cookies from different domain
- AddClass, removeClass and setAttribute methods
- Delete cookie support for Puppeteer's interface
- Added incognito attribute to browser
- assert.textContains and not.textContains support for an array as expected texts
- Browser.selector support for DOMElement and XPath
- WaitForText support for simple quotes
- Minor delay added to waitUntilCalled method in request mocks
- Minor improvements in assertion error handling
- FindByText and FindByTextContaining now support simple quotes (')
- Proper support for XPath on waitFor and watAndClick
- Some dependencies updated
- Puppeteer reverted to 1.14.0 (bug in mock with status 422)
- Minor fix in readme
- Wendigo refactored into TypeScript
- Browser.query and browser.queryAll now support XPath selectors
- Browser.queryXPath removed
- Removed clearRequestMocks option, mocks are only removed on browser close
- Cookies now support extra cookie parameters
- XPath improvements with axis support and minor fixes
- Added new methods to DomElement class
- More support for XPath and DOMElement selectors
- Complex subqueries with multiple parent elements supported
- Changes in plugin system. Dropped support for not assertions
- Removed deprecated methods assert.cookie, assert.webworker and assert.not.cookie
- Browser.request.all changed into a function to make it consistent with other modules
- WaitForRequest/Response and waitForNextRequest/Response moved to requests module
- Browser.assert.request renamed to browser.assert.requests to keep consistency
- Assertions now always return promises for consistency
- Fixed bug where settings on dialog module where not being updated properly
- Fixed bug where mocks with querystring where not being updated properly
- Removed dependency mixwith
- Dependencies updated
- Puppeteer updated to 1.15
- Readme updated and several minor fixes in it
- Some dependencies updated
- Deprecation notice in favor of 2.0
- Support for an object with assert and not functions for a plugin
- RegExp support for waitForUrl
- Mock.trigger accepts an optional response
- Browser.evaluate now supports returning DOMElements
- Puppeteer updated to 1.14.0
- Cookies is now fully implemented as a plugin
- ElementFromPoint not returns null if no element is found
- Minor improvements to dockerfile
- Fix of console.warn logs when set the option log: true
- Browser.assert.tag and browser.assert.not.tag
- Browser.tag
- Browser.findByAttribute
- Added proxyServer option in create browser
- Minor fixes in some error messages
- Browser.triggerEvent
- Browser.tap
- Browser.blur
- Browser.click with multiple elements will perform clicks sequentially
- Mock waitUntilCalled will now trigger after the response was sent
- New Logo
- Minor improvements on browser.type error messages
- Some errors on before open silenced
- Slight delay after mock waitUntilCalled
- Injection script errors after page load silenced
- Minor changes to Dockerfile
- Dependencies updated
- Added delay to mocked requests to ensure the browser updated the response
- Dockerfile
- Browser.screenshotOfElement
- Fixed error message of browser.scroll
- Click coordinates now use mouse.click
- Minor dependencies updated
- Added Gitlab CI tests
- Browser.elementFromPoint
- Screenshot interface with page.
- Minor refactor in click methods
- Changes in error messages
- Docs updated
- Minor dependencies update
- Assert text and not text now support empty strings
- Fix bug when logging objects with circular structures
- Puppeteer updated to 1.12.2
- Dialog Module
- Puppeteer updated to 1.12.1
- Minor dependencies updated
- FindCssPath and findXPath
- Delay in type
- Browser.requests.getAllMocks method
- Several dependencies updated
- WaitUntilEnabled
- Changed browser.assert.url error message when internal error happens
- Fixed unexpected behavior on closing a browser that has never been opened
- Date.now supported when browser's date is mocked
- Minor code improvements
- MockDate and clearDateMock
- WaitAndClick
- ClickTextContaining
- WaitForText
- Option queryString on open
- Fix bug in waitForNavigation that caused false timeouts in poor performance systems
- Improve error messages
- Puppeteer updated to 1.11
- Wendigo will bypass Content Security Policy by default
- Puppeteer updated to 1.10
- Position click supported
- ClickAndWaitForNavigation now returns the same result as click
- ClickAndWaitForNavigation now waits until the page and Wendigo finished loading
- Fix on ever increasing list of browsers in Wendigo main class
- Wait for navigation
- Click and wait for navigation
- RegExp support for assert.url
- Browsers now are independent chromium instances
- Fixed bug where changing settings will disable previous browsers
- Dependency deep-equal no longer needed
- Browser timezone option
- Fixed compositer dependency
- Browser.loaded
- Mock redirectTo option
- Options passed to beforeOpen and afterOpen hooks
- Mock waitUntilCalled will now wait until the response has been sent
- AddScript method
- After Open hook fix
- Minor improvements to some error messages
- After Open hook
- Plugin system for Wendigo browser
- Mock assert postBody
- Logs parse js objects correctly in console module
- Fixed bug regarding multiple browsers on no-sandbox mode
- Puppeteer updated to 1.9.0
- Browser.assert.cookie and browser.assert.webworker deprecated in favor of cookies and webworkers
- Other dependencies updated
- Minor improvements in mock handling
- Minor code improvements on browserFactory and Modules
- WaitForRequest and waitForResponse will resolve if the request was already made
- WaitForNextRequest and waitForNextResponse added with the past behavior of waitForRequest/Response
- Mock WaitUntilCalled method
- Support for index in clickText
- Now TimeoutError will be thrown on timeouts
- Changed default viewport res to 1440x9000
- Browser.frames
- Puppeteer updated to 1.8
- Error handling improved
- Viewport option on browser.open
- WaitForRequest and waitForResponse methods
- Assert.visible will pass if any visible element is found
- NoSandbox option in createBrowser
- KeyPress count parameter
- Request.mock without options supported
- Not.element assertion
- Potential bug in request mocker fixed
- Fixed potential bug when filtering by request response
- Code style changed with more strict rules
- Browser.openFile method
- Added extra information to browser.open and browser.close errors
- Fixed a bug which caused so browsers not to close
- Some performance and stability improvements
- Incognito browser option
- Fixed bug where Wendigo options weren't updated properly
- Puppeteer updated to 1.7.0
- Removed async/await from core code to increase compatibility
- Webworker module and assertions
- Bug with request mocks remove and override fixed
- Logo link fixed in readme
- Updated requests mocks interface
- Requests mocks now support regex and queryStrings
- Console module
- Console assertion
- Exactly assertion in requests
- Browser.scroll method
- DomElement object to interface with Puppeteer's elementhandle
- Delay option for request mocks
- Auto option for request mocks
- Trigger method for request mocks
- UserAgent option in createBrowser settings
- ResponseBody request filter and assertion
- Regex support for expected value of assert.attribute
- Major refactor in request filter and request assertions
- Fixed request interceptor unhandled error
- Request filter and assertion by postBody
- RequestMock object with assertion
- Browser.waitForPageLoad
- Mocks cleared on close
- BeforeClose hook in components
- ClearRequestMocks on open option
- Assert.redirect
- Browser.focus
- Browser.hover
- Assert.focus
- Minor bugs in tests fixed
- Request mock supports objects as response method
- Fixed bug where navigation to a different page breaks some methods
- Assert.enabled and assert.disabled
- WaitForUrl
- Fixed assert.attribute with null expected
- Dependencies update
- Requests.removeMock
- Requests list now restarted on each opened page
- Fixed bug where request module was not properly cleared
- Request mocks
- Browser.style
- Components improved, race condition warning fixed
- Assert.request module
- Assert.visible now checks every parent node is visible
- Browser.setViewport
- Assert.attribute and assert.not.attribute now match any element
- Assert.href and assert.not.href now match any element
- Assert.visible message is now different when the element doesn't exist
- WaitFor message changed when waiting for a function
- Checked, check and uncheck methods
- Checked and not checked assertions
- Browser.requests module
- Fixed SubqueryXpath Problem
- Compositer updated to 1.1.0
- Puppeteer updated to 1.3.0
- Added optional selector to findByTextContaining
- WaitFor support for functions and xPath
- Back, forward and refresh methods
- Settings updated if changed between browser creation
- Fixed bug with error messages expect and actual values
- Support for node 8.0.0
- Remove unnecessary files from pack
- Major code refactor
- Mixwith, compositer and deep-equal dependencies added
- Browser.assert.cookies
- Cookies submodule
- Remove default assertions errors
- Added selector support for findByText and clickText
- Browser.assert.global
- Added custom errors
- Assertion error improvements
- Error thrown when trying to perform actions before opening url
- Open error handled
- Dependencies update
- Browser.evaluate
- Options and selectedOptions assertions
- Browser.options
- Browser.keyPress
- LocalStorage assertions
- Browser.setValue
- LocalStorage submodule
- Browser.innerHtml and assertions
- Query and QueryAll support optionally 2 parameters for subqueries
- Assert text and not text now support arrays of expected strings
- Minor tests cleanup
- Puppeteer updated to 1.2.0
- Select and selectedOptions methods
- Text and title assertions now support regex expectations
- Not class assertion
- Class method now throws if no element is found
- Injected query method now accepts xpath,
- Browser.uploadFile method
- Puppeteer updated to 1.1.1
- Assert.attribute now allows using null as expected value
- Browser.waitUntilNotVisible method
- Href and not href assertions
- Waitfor now waits until the element is visible
- Fixed bug where url wasn't updated by window history
- Browser style and not style assertions
- Browser.styles will return the computed css styles
- Type will trigger the keyboard events
- Type behaviour changed
- Readme improvements
- Attribute and not attribute assertions
- Browser.attribute method
- Browser.click and browser.clickText throws if no element is found, return the number of elements
- Puppeteer settings are now passed down in createBrowser, including slowMo
- Minor improvements in assertion messages
- Method browser.clickText
- Find by text fixed to return valid html elements
- Support for DOM Node as selector in all methods
- Assert textContains
- Click now supports index and clicks all elements
- Headless option to set browser's headless mode
- All query methods now return a puppeteer's DOM Node
- Browser.type types on all elements and apending the value
- Removed jsdom dependency
- Value assertion
- Element and elements assertions
- Browser methods value, clearValue and type
- Node version set in package.json
- Browser.class and browser.assert.class
- Url getters and assertions
- Documentation in the readme file
- Using chrome headless and puppeteer instead of Phantomjs
- "not" assertions reimplemented
- Added default assertion error messages
- XPath query support
- Added "not" assertions
- Assertions support
- Basic tests