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File metadata and controls

446 lines (317 loc) · 15.6 KB


0.13.0 (2023-05-08)

  • Now requires web-poet >= 0.12.0.
  • The scrapy savefixture command now uses the adapter from the SCRAPY_POET_TESTS_ADAPTER setting to save the fixture.
  • Fix a typo in the docs.

0.12.0 (2023-04-26)

0.11.0 (2023-03-17)

0.10.1 (2023-03-03)

  • More robust time freezing in scrapy savefixture command.

0.10.0 (2023-02-24)

0.9.0 (2023-02-17)

0.8.0 (2023-01-24)

  • Now requires web-poet >= 0.7.0 and time_machine.
  • Added a savefixture command that creates a test for a page object. See :ref:`testing` for more information.

0.7.0 (2023-01-17)

  • Fixed the issue where a new page object containing a new response data is not properly created when :class:`web_poet.exceptions.core.Retry` is raised.

  • In order for the above fix to be possible, overriding the callback dependencies created by scrapy-poet via :attr:`scrapy.http.Request.cb_kwargs` is now unsupported. This is a backward incompatible change.

  • Fixed the broken :meth:`scrapy_poet.page_input_providers.HttpResponseProvider.fingerprint` which errors out when running a Scrapy job using the SCRAPY_POET_CACHE enabled.

  • Improved behavior when spider.parse() method arguments are supposed to be provided by scrapy-poet. Previously, it was causing unnecessary work in unexpected places like :class:`scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.robotstxt.RobotsTxtMiddleware`, :class:`scrapy.pipelines.images.ImagesPipeline` or :class:`scrapy.pipelines.files.FilesPipeline`. It is also a reason :class:`web_poet.page_inputs.client.HttpClient` might not be working in page objects. Now these cases are detected, and a warning is issued.

    As of Scrapy 2.7, it is not possible to fix the issue completely in scrapy-poet. Fixing it would require Scrapy changes; some 3rd party libraries may also need to be updated.


    The root of the issue is that when request.callback is None, parse() callback is assumed normally. But sometimes callback=None is used when :class:`scrapy.http.Request` is added to the Scrapy's downloader directly, in which case no callback is used. Middlewares, including scrapy-poet's, can't distinguish between these two cases, which causes all kinds of issues.

    We recommend all scrapy-poet users to modify their code to avoid the issue. Please don't define parse() method with arguments which are supposed to be filled by scrapy-poet, and rename the existing parse() methods if they have such arguments. Any other name is fine. It avoids all possible issues, including incompatibility with 3rd party middlewares or pipelines.

    See the new :ref:`pitfalls` documentation for more information.

    There are backwards-incompatible changes related to this issue. They only affect you if you don't follow the advice of not using parse() method with scrapy-poet.

    • When the parse() method has its response argument annotated with :class:`scrapy_poet.api.DummyResponse`, for instance: def parse(self, response: DummyResponse), the response is downloaded instead of being skipped.

    • When the parse() method has dependencies that are provided by scrapy-poet, the :class:`scrapy_poet.downloadermiddlewares.InjectionMiddleware` won't attempt to build any dependencies anymore.

      This causes the following code to have this error TypeError: parse() missing 1 required positional argument: 'page'.:

      class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
          name = "my_spider"
          start_urls = [""]
          def parse(self, response: scrapy.http.Response, page: MyPage):
  • :func:`scrapy_poet.injection.is_callback_requiring_scrapy_response` now accepts an optional raw_callback parameter meant to represent the actual callback attribute value of :class:`scrapy.http.Request` since the original callback parameter could be normalized to the spider's parse() method when the :class:`scrapy.http.Request` has callback set to None.

  • Official support for Python 3.11

  • Various updates and improvements on docs and examples.

0.6.0 (2022-11-24)

  • Now requires web-poet >= 0.6.0.

    • All examples in the docs and tests now use web_poet.WebPage instead of web_poet.ItemWebPage.
    • The new instead_of parameter of the @handle_urls decorator is now preferred instead of the deprecated overrides parameter.
    • scrapy_poet.callback_for doesn't require an implemented to_item method anymore.
    • The new web_poet.rules.RulesRegistry is used instead of the old web_poet.overrides.PageObjectRegistry.
    • The Registry now uses web_poet.ApplyRule instead of web_poet.OverrideRule.
  • Provider for web_poet.ResponseUrl is added, which allows to access the response URL in the page object. This triggers a download unlike the provider for web_poet.RequestUrl.

  • Fixes the error when using scrapy shell while the scrapy_poet.InjectionMiddleware is enabled.

  • Fixes and improvements on code and docs.

0.5.1 (2022-07-28)

Fixes the minimum web-poet version being 0.5.0 instead of 0.4.0.

0.5.0 (2022-07-28)

This release implements support for page object retries, introduced in web-poet 0.4.0.

To enable retry support, you need to configure a new spider middleware in your Scrapy settings:

    "scrapy_poet.RetryMiddleware": 275,

web-poet 0.4.0 is now the minimum required version of web-poet.

0.4.0 (2022-06-20)

This release is backwards incompatible, following backwards-incompatible changes in web-poet 0.2.0.

The main new feature is support for web-poet >= 0.2.0, including support for async def to_item methods, making additional requests in the to_item method, new Page Object dependencies, and the new way to configure overrides.

Changes in line with web-poet >= 0.2.0:

  • web_poet.HttpResponse replaces web_poet.ResponseData as a dependency to use.

  • Additional requests inside Page Objects: a provider for web_poet.HttpClient, as well as web_poet.HttpClient backend implementation, which uses Scrapy downloader.

  • callback_for now supports Page Objects which define async def to_item method.

  • Provider for web_poet.PageParams is added, which uses request.meta["page_params"] value.

  • Provider for web_poet.RequestUrl is added, which allows to access the request URL in the page object without triggering the download.

  • We have these backward incompatible changes since the web_poet.OverrideRule follow a different structure:

    • Deprecated PerDomainOverridesRegistry in lieu of the newer OverridesRegistry which provides a wide variety of features for better URL matching.
    • This resuls in a newer format in the SCRAPY_POET_OVERRIDES setting.

Other changes:

  • New scrapy_poet/dummy_response_count value appears in Scrapy stats; it is the number of times DummyResponse is used instead of downloading the response as usual.
  • scrapy.utils.reqser deprecated module is no longer used by scrapy-poet.

Dependency updates:

  • The minimum supported Scrapy version is now 2.6.0.
  • The minimum supported web-poet version is now 0.2.0.

0.3.0 (2022-01-28)

  • Cache mechanism using SCRAPY_POET_CACHE
  • Fixed and improved docs
  • removed support for Python 3.6
  • added support for Python 3.10

0.2.1 (2021-06-11)

  • Improved logging message for DummyResponse
  • various internal cleanups

0.2.0 (2021-01-22)

  • Overrides support

0.1.0 (2020-12-29)

  • New providers interface
    • One provider can provide many types at once
    • Single instance during the whole spider lifespan
    • Registration is now explicit and done in the spider settings
  • CI is migrated from Travis to Github Actions
  • Python 3.9 support

0.0.3 (2020-07-19)

  • Documentation improvements
  • providers can now access various Scrapy objects: Crawler, Settings, Spider, Request, Response, StatsCollector

0.0.2 (2020-04-28)

The repository is renamed to scrapy-poet, and split into two:

  • web-poet ( contains definitions and code useful for writing Page Objects for web data extraction - it is not tied to Scrapy;
  • scrapy-poet (this package) provides Scrapy integration for such Page Objects.

API of the library changed in a backwards incompatible way; see README and examples.

New features:

  • DummyResponse annotation allows to skip downloading of scrapy Response.
  • callback_for works for Scrapy disk queues if it is used to create a spider method (but not in its inline form)
  • Page objects may require page objects as dependencies; dependencies are resolved recursively and built as needed.
  • InjectionMiddleware supports async def and asyncio providers.

0.0.1 (2019-08-28)

Initial release.