A critical ability in OO development is to skillfully assign responsibilities to software objects.
Analysis: investigation of problem and requirements.
- Do the right thing.
Design: conceptual solution that fulfills requirements, rather than its implementation.
- Do the thing right.
Object orientation emphasises representation of objects.
- e.g. planes.
- OO analysis => Plane, Flight, Pilot classes.
- OO design => plan has a tailNumber attribute, getFlightHistory method.
Short example, p43
- Define use cases.
- Requirements analysis. Short stories.
- e.g. Player rolls two Dice, if they sum to 7 they win.
- Define a domain model.
- Describe the domain from the perspective of objects.
- This is conceptual; not a description of software objects.
- Concepts, attributes, associations that are noteworthy.
- e.g. Player, Die, DiceGame.
- A Player Rolls a Die. A DiceGame includes two Die. A Player Plays a DiceGame.
- Assign object responsibilities, draw interaction diagrams.
- UML sequence diagram.
- Instances of objects send messages to each other in sequence, get responses.
- Software object designs are inspired by the by the domain model, but are not direct 1:1 mappings of it.
- e.g. in the real world a Player rolls a Die, whereas here the DiceGame rolls the Die.
- Define design class diagrams.
- Attributes and methods of classes.
- Define use cases.
Three ways to apply UML
- UML as sketch, rough and often on whiteboards.
- UML as blueprint. More detailed and often for code generation.
- UML as programming language. Complete execution specification.
Agile modelling emphasises UML as sketch.
Classes are drawn in UML using a box, but there are two types of classes
- Conceptual classes aka domain concepts: domain-oriented.
- Design classes: specific or implementation perspective.
p53: recommended resources.
*Unified Process (UP)
- Iterative software development process.
- A refinement is the Rational Unified Process (RUP).
- UP encourages mixing practices with Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, etc.
- e.g. XP's test-driven development, refactoring, continuous integration fit in.
Iterative development: development divided into short, fixed-length mini-projects called iterations.
- Output of each iteration is a tested, integrated, and executable partial system. However, not ready to deliver into production, but it is a production-grade subset of final system.
- As system grows with each iteration, this is iterative and incremental development.
- As we use feedback to adapt and evolve specifications and design, this is iterative and evolutionary development.
- Often only ready for production in e.g. 10 to 15 iterations.
Iterations tackle a subset of requirements quickly, including feedback from users, developers, and tests.
- Rather than speculating about correct requirements or design, feedback guides us.
- Build-feedback-adapt.
- Over time feedback and evolution leads towards the desired system, but early on the deltas are large.
- Ideal iteration length is between two to six weeks, but always fixed; slippage is illegal.
- Rather than slip you push out tasks and requirements to a future iteration.
Waterfall is failure-prone mostly because of the assumption that specifications are predictable and stable from the start.
But don't make the mistake that no up-front analysis is required.
e.g. a 20-iteration project.
- Before iteration 1
- High-level requirements, use cases and features, key non-functional requirements. (0.5d).
- Pick the to 10% requirements in terms of architectural significance, business value, and risk. This is a requirements workshop.
- For the next 1.5d do intensive, detailed analysis of the top 10%.
- Output: top 10% are deeply analysed, other 90% have high-level analysis.
- Then pick a subset of the top 10% for iteration 1.
- Iteration 1, three to four weeks.
- First two days, paired modelling and design using UML-ish on whiteboards.
- Then do coding, testing, integrating.
- One week before end see if we can meet targets. If not de-scope the iteration, push out requirements to a TODO list.
- Code freeze, demo to external stakeholders.
- Iterations 2-4 will implement the top 10%, and have detailed requirements for 80-90% of the whole. Each of this iterations involve a requirements workshop.
- Take into account what you learned from the last iteration(s).
- This requirements output will be much higher quality than with traditional waterfall.
- In UP terms this is the end of the elaboration phase.
- Need to estimate the time remaining, based on detailed requirements.
- Continue without requirements workshops.
- Before iteration 1
UP emphasies both risk-driven and client-driven iterative planning.
- Requirements workshops should emphasise both architectural importance and risk and business value.
- Not having a solid architecture is a common high-risk.
p70: The Agile Principles.
Agile Modelling: the purpose is to understand, not to document. Sketching UML.
- Does not mean "avoid all modelling*.
- Model the high risk and important areas, don't exhaustively model everything upfront.
- Don't model alone, do it in pairs or triads.
p76: critical UP practices.
- high-risk, high-value in early iterations.
- continuously engage stakeholders and clients for feedback and requirements.
- build core architecture in early iterations.
- continuous integration: early, often, realistic.
UP phases:
- Inception: vision, business case, vague estimates.
- Not a waterfall requirements phase. Just enough investigation to make a yes/no decision to continue.
- Elaboration: iterative implementation of core, high-risk, high-business-value parts.
- Not a waterfall design phase. You actually implement here.
- Construction: iterative implementation of the remaining low-risk and easier parts.
- Transition: beta tests, deployment.
- Inception: vision, business case, vague estimates.
p82: UP has practices that output artifacts, but artifacts are optional.
p84: you know you don't understand iterative development if...
p86: recommended resources.