For accomplishments by sprint, please refer to the Wiki.
A schema for memberships, sponsorship, renewals, payments, multiple members, families, benefits, etc, that actually works. Eventually automation etc.
What is the big problem that your project is trying to solve? The existing NPSP membership data model is very lightweight and doesn't meet many orgs' needs. We seek to design a data model that is flexible and extensible for a wide range of membership and entitlement models including memberships and sponsonships.
Who will be using your project? Organizations that have any form of membership or sponsorship, paid or unpaid.
A year from now, how do you see people describing your project? A foundational data structure that can be extended and modified
Use these questions to form a clear vision statement of 3-5 sentences (rough guideline). Focusing on membership, whioch will be in a separate non-NPSP package (to avoid dependencies); this includes a primary Membership object to list current membership and Membership Contact Roles to list the various connections as there may be more than one member; financial aspects will included later builds but are not part of the MVP.
See Requirements Wiki Page. User Stories are listed as Issues.
These are listed on the home page of the Wiki
Using a combination of Cumulus & Metecho has contributed to open Tasks & unmerged branches; we try to wrap everything up at the end of each sprint so the next Sprint doesn't have to start by figuring out what still needs to be merged.
- Current NPSP functionality docs
- Possibly related Hub Ideas:
- Code hasn't yet been created
Please see the Wiki where these are listed by year