A Highcharts/Highstock Js API wrapper for Smalltalk
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- The code is licensed under MIT.
- The documentation is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
- Download the latest Pharo 32 or 64 bits VM.
- Download a ready to use image from the release page
- Explore the documentation
To load the project in a Pharo image, or declare it as a dependency of your own project follow these instructions.
Pharo 6.1 | Pharo 7.0 | Pharo 8.0 | GemStone 64 |
v12 | v12 | v12 | v6 |
Until GemStone 64 supports the Tonel format (is in the works), GemStone users must stick with version 6
Check the Contribution Guidelines
Besides the issues, the following are also desired features:
- Support Highmaps
- Improve documentation
- Improve CI Support to test independently the several groups available
- Deploy the examples to the cloud
- Automatically propose Pull Requests when new versions of Highcharts are available
- The Mercap Team and Maximiliano Tabacman for the original implementation.
- The Quuve Team and Mariano Martinez Peck for the Pharo port and further development and improvements.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Highcharts Js is an interactive Javascript charting library developed by Highsoft AS. The library is Free for Non-Comercial use, for details about the library licensing see the shop