title |
HOWARD Help Parameters Databases |
- 1 Introduction
- 2 assembly
- 3 genomes_folder
- 4 genome
- 5 genomes
- 6 snpeff
- 7 annovar
- 8 refseq
- 8.1 download_refseq
- 8.2 download_refseq_url
- 8.3 download_refseq_prefix
- 8.4 download_refseq_files
- 8.5 download_refseq_format_file
- 8.6 download_refseq_include_utr5
- 8.7 download_refseq_include_utr3
- 8.8 download_refseq_include_chrM
- 8.9 download_refseq_include_non_canonical_chr
- 8.10 download_refseq_include_non_coding_transcripts
- 8.11 download_refseq_include_transcript_version
- 9 dbnsfp
- 9.1 download_dbnsfp
- 9.2 download_dbnsfp_url
- 9.3 download_dbnsfp_release
- 9.4 download_dbnsfp_parquet_size
- 9.5 download_dbnsfp_subdatabases
- 9.6 download_dbnsfp_parquet
- 9.7 download_dbnsfp_vcf
- 9.8 download_dbnsfp_no_files_all
- 9.9 download_dbnsfp_add_info
- 9.10 download_dbnsfp_only_info
- 9.11 download_dbnsfp_uniquify
- 9.12 download_dbnsfp_row_group_size
- 10 alphamissense
- 11 exomiser
- 11.1 download_exomiser
- 11.2 download_exomiser_application_properties
- 11.3 download_exomiser_url
- 11.4 download_exomiser_release
- 11.5 download_exomiser_phenotype_release
- 11.6 download_exomiser_remm_release
- 11.7 download_exomiser_remm_url
- 11.8 download_exomiser_cadd_release
- 11.9 download_exomiser_cadd_url
- 11.10 download_exomiser_cadd_url_snv_file
- 11.11 download_exomiser_cadd_url_indel_file
- 12 dbsnp
- 13 hgmd
- 14 from_Annovar
- 15 from_extann
- 16 Parameters
HOWARD Parameters JSON file defines parameters for databases' downloads.
Example of simple databases parameters JSON file for downloads
{ "databases": { "genomes": { "download_genomes": "~/howard/databases/genomes/current", "download_genomes_contig_regex": "chr[0-9XYM]+$" }, "snpeff": { "download_snpeff": "~/howard/databases/snpeff/current" }, "annovar": { "download_annovar": "~/howard/databases/annovar/current", "download_annovar_files": "refGene,cosmic70,nci60" }, "refseq": { "download_refseq": "~/howard/databases/refseq/current" }, "dbnsfp": { "download_dbnsfp": "~/howard/databases/dbnsfp/current", "download_dbnsfp_release": "4.4a" }, "alphamissense": { "download_alphamissense": "~/howard/databases/alphamissense/current" }, "exomiser": { "download_exomiser": "~/howard/databases/exomiser/current" }, "dbsnp": { "download_dbsnp": "~/howard/databases/dbsnp/current", "download_dbsnp_releases": "b156", "download_dbsnp_vcf": true, "download_dbsnp_parquet": true }, "assemblies": [ "hg19" ] } }
Example of a full Databases parameters JSON file for downloads
{ "databases": { "genomes_folder": "~/howard/databases/genomes/current", "genome": "~/howard/databases/genomes/current/hg19/hg19.fa", "genomes": { "download_genomes": "~/howard/databases/genomes/current", "download_genomes_provider": "UCSC", "download_genomes_contig_regex": "chr[0-9XYM]+$" }, "snpeff": { "download_snpeff": "~/howard/databases/snpeff/current" }, "annovar": { "download_annovar": "~/howard/databases/annovar/current", "download_annovar_files": "refGene,cosmic70,nci60", "download_annovar_url": "http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/download" }, "refseq": { "download_refseq": "~/howard/databases/refseq/current", "download_refseq_url": "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath", "download_refseq_prefix": "ncbiRefSeq", "download_refseq_files": "ncbiRefSeq.txt,ncbiRefSeqLink.txt", "download_refseq_format_file": "ncbiRefSeq.txt", "download_refseq_include_utr5": false, "download_refseq_include_utr3": false, "download_refseq_include_chrM": false, "download_refseq_include_non_canonical_chr": false, "download_refseq_include_non_coding_transcripts": false, "download_refseq_include_transcript_version": false }, "dbnsfp": { "download_dbnsfp": "~/howard/databases/dbnsfp/current", "download_dbnsfp_url": "https://dbnsfp.s3.amazonaws.com", "download_dbnsfp_release": "4.4a", "download_dbnsfp_parquet_size": 100, "download_dbnsfp_subdatabases": true, "download_dbnsfp_parquet": false, "download_dbnsfp_vcf": false, "download_dbnsfp_no_files_all": false, "download_dbnsfp_add_info": false, "download_dbnsfp_uniquify": false, "download_dbnsfp_row_group_size": 100000 }, "alphamissense": { "download_alphamissense": "~/howard/databases/alphamissense/current", "download_alphamissense_url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/dm_alphamissense" }, "exomiser": { "download_exomiser": "~/howard/databases/exomiser/current", "download_exomiser_url": "http://data.monarchinitiative.org/exomiser", "download_exomiser_remm_url": "https://kircherlab.bihealth.org/download/ReMM", "download_exomiser_cadd_url": "https://kircherlab.bihealth.org/download/CADD", "download_exomiser_cadd_url_snv_file": "whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz", "download_exomiser_cadd_url_indel_file": "InDels.tsv.gz" }, "dbsnp": { "download_dbsnp": "~/howard/databases/dbsnp/current", "download_dbsnp_releases": "b156", "download_dbsnp_url": "https://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/snp/archive", "download_dbsnp_url_files_prefix": "GCF_000001405", "download_dbsnp_assemblies_map": { "hg19": "25", "hg38": "40" }, "download_dbsnp_vcf": true, "download_dbsnp_parquet": false }, "parameters": { "generate_param_releases": "current", "generate_param_formats": "parquet", "generate_param_bcftools": false }, "assemblies": [ "hg19" ] } }
Genome Assembly (e.g. 'hg19', 'hg38').
Type: str
Default: hg19
Default assembly for all analysis tools
{ "assembly": "hg19" }
List of assemblies for databases download tool
{ "assembly": "hg19,hg38" }
Folder containing genomes. (e.g. '~/howard/databases/genomes/current'
Type: Path
Default: ~/howard/databases/genomes/current
Genome file in fasta format (e.g. 'hg19.fa', 'hg38.fa').
Type: Path
Default: ~/howard/databases/genomes/current/hg19/hg19.fa
Genomes download.
Path to genomes folder with Fasta files, indexes, and all files generated by pygenome module. (e.g. '~/howard/databases/genomes/current').
Type: Path
Default: None
Download Genome from an external provider. Available: GENCODE, Ensembl, UCSC, NCBI.
Type: str
Choices: ['GENCODE', 'Ensembl', 'UCSC', 'NCBI']
Default: UCSC
Regular expression to select specific chromosome (e.g 'chr[0-9XYM]+$').
Type: str
Default: None
snpEff download.
Download snpEff databases within snpEff folder
Type: Path
Default: None
Annovar download.
Path to Annovar databases (e.g. '~/howard/databases/annovar/current').
Type: Path
Default: None
Download Annovar databases for a list of Annovar file code (see Annovar Doc). Use None to donwload all available files, or Annovar keyword (e.g. 'refGene', 'cosmic70', 'clinvar_202*'). Note that refGene will at least be downloaded, and only files that not already exist or changed will be downloaded.
Type: str
Default: None
Annovar databases URL (see Annovar Doc).
Type: str
Default: http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/download
refSeq download.
Path to refSeq databases (e.g. '~/howard/databases/refseq/current').
Type: Path
Default: None
refSeq databases URL (see refSeq WebSite) (e.g. 'http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath')•/n
Type: str
Default: http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath
Check existing refSeq files in refSeq folder.
Type: str
Default: ncbiRefSeq
List of refSeq files to download.
Type: str
Default: ncbiRefSeq.txt,ncbiRefSeqLink.txt
Name of refSeq file to convert in BED format (e.g. 'ncbiRefSeq.txt'). Process only if not None.
Type: str
Default: None
Formating BED refSeq file including 5'UTR.
Default: False
Formating BED refSeq file including 3'UTR.
Default: False
Formating BED refSeq file including Mitochondiral chromosome 'chrM' or 'chrMT'.
Default: False
Formating BED refSeq file including non canonical chromosomes.
Default: False
Formating BED refSeq file including non coding transcripts.
Default: False
Formating BED refSeq file including transcript version.
Default: False
dbNSFP download.
Download dbNSFP databases within dbNSFP folder(e.g. '~/howard/databases').
Type: Path
Default: None
Download dbNSFP databases URL (see dbNSFP website) (e.g. https://dbnsfp.s3.amazonaws.com').
Type: str
Default: https://dbnsfp.s3.amazonaws.com
Release of dbNSFP to download (see dbNSFP website) (e.g. '4.4a').
Default: 4.4a
Maximum size (Mb) of data files in Parquet folder. Parquet folder are partitioned (hive) by chromosome (sub-folder), which contain N data files.
Type: int
Default: 100
Generate dbNSFP sub-databases. dbNSFP provides multiple databases which are split onto multiple columns. This option create a Parquet folder for each sub-database (based on columns names).
Default: False
Generate a Parquet file for each Parquet folder.
Default: False
Generate a VCF file for each Parquet folder. Need genome FASTA file (see --download-genome).
Default: False
Not generate database Parquet/VCF file for the entire database ('ALL'). Only sub-databases files will be generated. (see '--download-dbnsfp-subdatabases').
Default: False
Add INFO column (VCF format) in Parquet folder and file. Useful for speed up full annotation (all available columns). Increase memory and space during generation of files.
Default: False
Add only INFO column (VCF format) in Parquet folder and file. Useful for speed up full annotation (all available columns). Decrease memory and space during generation of files. Increase time for partial annotation (some available columns).
Default: False
Uniquify values within column (e.g. "D,D" to "D", "D,.,T" to "D,T"). Remove transcripts information details. Usefull to reduce size of the database. Increase memory and space during generation of files.
Default: False
Minimum number of rows in a parquet row group (see duckDB doc). Lower can reduce memory usage and slightly increase space during generation, speed up highly selective queries, slow down whole file queries (e.g. aggregations).
Type: int
Default: 100000
AlphaMissense download.
Path to AlphaMissense databases
Type: Path
Default: None
Download AlphaMissense databases URL (see AlphaMissense website) (e.g. 'https://storage.googleapis.com/dm_alphamissense').
Type: str
Default: https://storage.googleapis.com/dm_alphamissense
Exomiser download.
Path to Exomiser databases (e.g. ~/howard/databases/exomiser/current).
Type: Path
Default: None
Exomiser Application Properties configuration file (see Exomiser website). This file contains configuration settings for the Exomiser tool. If this parameter is not provided, the function will attempt to locate the application properties file automatically based on the Exomiser. Configuration information will be used to download expected releases (if no other parameters). CADD and REMM will be downloaded only if 'path' are provided.
Type: Path
Default: None
URL where Exomiser database files can be downloaded from (e.g. 'http://data.monarchinitiative.org/exomiser').
Type: str
Default: http://data.monarchinitiative.org/exomiser
Release of Exomiser data to download. If "default", "auto", or "config", retrieve from Application Properties file. If not provided (None), from Application Properties file (Exomiser data-version) or default '2109'.
Type: str
Default: None
Release of Exomiser phenotype to download. If not provided (None), from Application Properties file (Exomiser Phenotype data-version) or Exomiser release.
Type: str
Default: None
Release of ReMM (Regulatory Mendelian Mutation) database to download. If "default", "auto", or "config", retrieve from Application Properties file.
Type: str
Default: None
URL where ReMM (Regulatory Mendelian Mutation) database files can be downloaded from (e.g. 'https://kircherlab.bihealth.org/download/ReMM').
Type: str
Default: https://kircherlab.bihealth.org/download/ReMM
Release of CADD (Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion) database to download. If "default", "auto", or "config", retrieve from Application Properties file.
Type: str
Default: None
URL where CADD (Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion) database files can be downloaded from (e.g. 'https://kircherlab.bihealth.org/download/CADD').
Type: str
Default: https://kircherlab.bihealth.org/download/CADD
Name of the file containing the SNV (Single Nucleotide Variant) data for the CADD (Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion) database.
Type: str
Default: whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz
Name of the file containing the INDEL (Insertion-Deletion) data for the CADD (Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion) database.
Type: str
Default: InDels.tsv.gz
dbSNP download.
Path to dbSNP databases (e.g. '~/howard/databases/exomiser/dbsnp').
Type: Path
Default: None
Release of dbSNP to download (e.g. 'b152', 'b152,b156').
Type: str
Default: b156
Default Release of dbSNP ('default' symlink) (e.g. 'b156'). If None, first release to download will be assigned as default only if it does not exists.
Type: str
Default: None
URL where dbSNP database files can be downloaded from. (e.g. 'https://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/snp/archive').
Type: str
Default: https://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/snp/archive
Dictionary that maps assembly names to specific dbSNP URL files. It allows you to provide custom dbSNP URL files for specific assemblies instead of using the default file naming convention.
Type: str
Default: None
String that represents the prefix of the dbSNP file name for a specific assembly. It is used to construct the full URL of the dbSNP file to be downloaded.
Type: str
Default: GCF_000001405
dictionary that maps assembly names to their corresponding dbSNP versions. It is used to construct the dbSNP file name based on the assembly name.
Type: str
Default: {'hg19': '25', 'hg38': '40'}
Generate well-formatted VCF from downloaded file:
Add and filter contigs associated to assembly
Normalize by splitting multiallelics
Need genome (see --download-genome)
Default: False
Generate Parquet file from VCF.
Default: False
HGMD convert.
Convert HGMD databases. Folder where the HGMD databases will be stored. Fields in VCF, Parquet and TSV will be generated. If the folder does not exist, it will be created.
Type: Path
Default: None
File from HGMD. Name format 'HGMD_Pro__.vcf.gz'.
Type: Path
Default: None
File output basename. Generated files will be prefixed by basename (e.g. 'HGMD_Pro_MY_RELEASE') By default (None), input file name without '.vcf.gz'.
Type: str
Default: None
Annovar convert.
Input Annovar file path. Format file must be a Annovar TXT file, associated with '.idx'.
Type: Path
Default: None
Output Annovar file path. Format file must be either VCF compressesd file '.vcf.gz'.
Type: Path
Default: None
Annovar code, or database name. Usefull to name databases columns.
Type: str
Default: None
Parquet file conversion.
Type: Path
Default: None
Reduce memory option for Annovar convert, either 'auto' (auto-detection), 'enable' or 'disable'.
Type: str
Choices: ['auto', 'enable', 'disable']
Default: auto
Variant with multiple annotation lines on Annovar file. Either 'auto' (auto-detection), 'enable' or 'disable'.
Type: str
Choices: ['auto', 'enable', 'disable']
Default: auto
Extann convert (gene annotation).
Input Extann file path. Format file must be a Extann TXT file or TSV file. File need to have at least the genes column.
Type: Path
Default: None
Output Extann file path. Output extann file, should be BED or BED.gz.
Type: Path
Default: None
Path to refGene annotation file.
Type: Path
Default: None
Transcripts TSV file, with Transcript in first column, optional Gene in second column.
Type: Path
Default: None
Param extann file path. Param containing configuration, options to replace chars and bedlike header description, conf vcf specs. (e.g. '~/howard/config/param.extann.json')
Type: Path
Default: None
Mode extann selection. How to pick transcript from ncbi, keep all, keep the longest, or keep the chosen one (transcript_extann).
Type: str
Choices: ['all', 'longest', 'chosen']
Default: longest
Parameters generation.
Parameter file (JSON) with all databases found. Databases folders scanned are defined in config file. Structure of databases follow this structure (see doc): ...////*.[parquet|vcf.gz|...]
Type: Path
Default: None
Description file (JSON) with all databases found. Contains all databases with description of format, assembly, fields...
Type: Path
Default: None
List of database folder releases to check (e.g. 'current', 'latest').
Type: str
Default: current
List of database formats to check (e.g. 'parquet', 'parquet,vcf,bed,tsv').
Type: str
Default: parquet
Generate parameter JSON file with BCFTools annotation for allowed formats (i.e. 'vcf', 'bed').
Default: False