Releases: bisq-network/bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don’t use this version anymore.
Release notes
This release adds acknowledgment status for trade, offer and dispute messages. This gives the user more information on each message status (message arrived, arrival confirmed, sent to mailbox) during its trade/dispute experience. Besides lots of bug fixes, MoneyGram was added as a new payment method and the account field for Argentinian banks support now non-standard account identifiers.
- Ack messages for all trade, offer- and dispute messages
- Add referrer Id for external Bisq market makers
- Fix bug in edit offer screen
- Remove validation for Argentinian account numbers and allow manual edit
- Fix bug with Sepa offers and Sepa instant taker
- Lower minimum withdrawal fee to 1 satoshi per byte
- Fix reuse of change addresses
- Don’t treat RBF transactions as risky
- Fix wrong dust limit values in Bitcoinj
- Deactivate Venmo and CashApp
Payment methods
- Add new payment method: MoneyGram
- Add 28 new assets: 01coin, Aquachain, BitCloud, Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin Instant, Credits, Cryptonodes, CryptoTari, DACash, Diamon, DRIP, FuturoCoin, Graft, LikeCoin, Lobstex, MaxCoin, MegaCoin, MicroCoin, Motion, Myriadcoin, Nano, NewPowerCoin, Nimiq, Pix, PixelPropertyToken, PRiVCY, Triton, Wavi
- Add popup for feedback after trade completion
- Show popup if local Bitcoin core is running
- Fix wrong duration translation in double digit numbers
- Fix wrong singular word translation in double digit numbers
- Fix sorting of currencies in market/trades view
- Don’t include assets with diff. network type
- Ignore “Alert key compromised” message from old nodes in Bitcoinj
Url of the signing key (Christoph Atteneder):
Full fingerprint: CB36 D7D2 EBB2 E35D 9B75 500B CD5D C1C5 29CD FD3B
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.7.1.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-0.7.1.jar.txt file.
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don’t use this version anymore.
This release enables editing of offers, a long requested feature as well as a lot of UI improvements and WeChat Pay as a new payment method.
Release notes:
- Add feature for editing offers
Payment methods:
- Add new payment method: WeChat Pay
- Add additional nationalAccountId field to enable national bank transfers in Argentina
- Show Bank ID (BIC/SWIFT) for cash deposit in offer detaisl window and show popup when taking the offer to make sure the taker has a local bank branch in his area
- Do not allow Sepa account for Revolut SEPA BICs (many banks did nto accept that BIC)
- Add new altcoins: Pied Piper Coin, 10grans, Angelcoin, Arto, BitZeny, Bitcore, DSTRA, Dinero, Exceed, GeoCoin, Instacash, Koto, Kumacoin, LitecoinExtreme, MFCoin, Madbyte, Mazacoin, NEETCOIN, Phore, Qwark, ROIcoin, Ringo, Semux, Strayacoin, Tamadcoin, Ubiq, WorldMobileCoin, Xuez
- Improve UI at create offer screen
- Improve UI at offerbook screen
- Improve UI at markets screen
- Add trader icon to offer book
- Adds information/warning icon for market based price input field
- Add monospace font support and optimize alignment for number columns
- Add number of open offers to currency filter popups
- Improve info during trade process
- Use auto focus on the first input field on all screens
- Support quick access to top nav items with Alt 1–9 keyboard shortcuts
- Make arbitration chat messages selectable
- Fix bug with sorting in spread view
- Migrate build from Maven to Gradle
- Break up project in several sub projects
- Extract asset (altcoins) handling to own project
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.7.0.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-0.7.0.jar.txt file.
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release fixes a bug when using national bank transfer for the US.
Release notes:
- Fix bug: Cannot select US national bank transfer in "create offer view" #1404
- Fix bug: Cannot remove deactivated offer #1403
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release add a lot of new payment methods as well reduces the min. trade fee so that small trades become much cheaper! We also enable now to set a open offer inactive to give better control over offers in time of high volatility.
Don't miss that update!
Release notes:
- Reduce min. trade fee from 0.0002 BTC to 0.00005 BTC
- Add option to set an open offer inactive
- Add new payment methods: Venmo, Cash App (Square), Popmoney, Revolut, Uphold, MoneyBeam (N26)
- Re-enable national bank transfer (ACH, WIRE) for US
- Add TD Bank as Zelle memberbank
- Add popup for explaining the trade limits at account creation
- Add new altcoins: Stellite, Dai Stablecoin, Obsidian, BitDaric, Yenten, Cassubian Detk, DigiMoney, SpeedCash, SOS Coin, AchieveCoin, vDinar
- Change max. deviation of market price to 30% (in settings it can be extended to 50%)
- Fix wrong fee estimation (#1325)
- Fix bug with deactivated Cash deposit offers
- Fix bug with currency selection in create offer screen when a mulit-currency account is used
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release fixes issues with not broadcasted transactions when a Bitcoin node is running locally as well as a number of other issues.
Please update as soon as possible!
Release notes:
- Start counting remaining trade period after first blockchain confirmation
- Fix missing balance in UI after wallet restore from seed words
- Change recovery handling if price provider node connection fails
- Add button to Tor settings popup for deleting outdated Tor files in case of connection problems
- Fix issue with not being able to delete spv chain file on Windows
- Change failing provider node and bitcoin node with new onion addresses
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release fixes issues with not broadcasted transactions when a Bitcoin node is running locally.
Please update as soon as possible!
Release notes:
- Only allow transaction broadcast if blockchain download is completed and connection to min required bitcoin nodes is done.
- If connected to localhost Bitcoin node and connection get lost prevent that Bisq connects to public network.
- Show info in footer and splash screen if localhost Bitcoin node is available
- Fix issues with price feed requests
- Fix issue with incorrect display of nr. of offers in spread view
- Add new altcoins: Creativecoin, Infinity Economics
- Add onion address to Bitcoin node
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release fixes with timeouts at tx broadcast and improves P2P network data redundancy.
Please update as soon as possible!
Release notes:
- Add timeout handler for tx broadcaster
- Change broadcast policy parameters: Min required connections: 4; broadcast to all connected nodes; wait to hear back from 2 nodes to complete broadcast call (or timeout triggers complete handler).
- Revert change in 0.6.2 for disconnecting from seed node after reaching 6 connections
- Request initial data from several seed nodes instead of only one for more redundancy
- Optimize fee estimation policy for taker
- Add new altcoins: DeepOnion, WILD Token
- Deactivate stream isolation (hidden service are stream isolated by default)
- Fix wrong year at backup file name
- Fix NullPointer exception at seed word restore if data is not set
- Suppurt cmd+Enter shortcut for sending a dispute message
- Fix UI bugs (duplicate currency entries, not filtering edited currency list)
- Improve logs
- Improve seed node monitor
- Use different popup for Zcoin with instruction to only use transparent addresses
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release comes with important bug fixes and network stability improvements.
Please update as soon as possible!
Release notes:
- Improve withdrawal screen: Choose sending or receiving amount. Choose all available inputs or manual input selection.
- Add "Update later" button to download update window. Make version label clickable and show if new version is available.
- Only use hidden service btc nodes if Tor is enabled for BitcoinJ and provided nodes are used.
- Optimize P2P network startup behavior
- Separate fees in trade complete screen.
- Show withdrawal btc address only after button click in trade complete screen.
- Added new altcoins: Cagecoin, Spectrecoin, Verify
- Add more provided Bitcoin nodes
- Add more seed nodes
- Add more provider nodes (market price, miner fee estimation)
- Add second seed node for DASH and LTC
- Add filter for btc nodes
- Use domainname instead of IP if both are known for btc nodes
- Increase connection timeouts
- Increase timeout for offer availability check
- Increase time for showing Tor settings at startup to 30 sec.
- Increase offer refresh and republish intervals and offer TTL.
- Decrease maxConnections for btc network from 10 to 9
- Remove unneeded broadcast trade fee tx tasks
- Remove checks for min. trade fee to enable change in upcoming versions
- Fix missing resort after price feed actualization
- Fix incorrect ordering of available offers
- Fix wrong sorting of markets column
- Fix for handling of modal window closing (some Linux windows managers)
- Only hide prompt text after user starts typing
- Use currency name instead of code for compareTo
- Update docs
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release adds SEPA Instant Payments as new payment method.
Release notes:
- Add SEPA Instant Payments as new payment method
- Add Madcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Clashic, Bitcoin Gold
- UI Improvements
- Reduce default nr. of connections to Bitcoin network from 12 to 10
- Add new Bitcoin nodes
- Fix price sorting bug at buy screen when an altcoin was selected
- Fix layout bug
- Improve logging
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
The release comes with a lot of new features and improvements. Please update as soon as possible!
Release notes:
Big features:
- Add support for Tor bridges and pluggable transports (#998)
- Provide Bitcoin full nodes from Bisq developers (bisq-network/roles#39) to protect against BitcoinJ vulnerabilities (BitcoinJ is blindly following longest PoW chain and not checking consensus rule violations). That also avoids the privacy issues with bloom filters. (#999)
- Add account age verification scheme (, #1000)
Changed fees, limits, security deposit:
- Reduce DEFAULT_TAKER_FEE_IN_BASE_CUR from 0.003 BTC to 0.002 BTC (that is the base for a 1 BTC trade)
- Lower miner fees by fee estimation adjustments (using maxDelay 20 instead of 10 and taking average of 12 last fee results)
- Lower miner fee by transaction size calculation. Instead of using 600 bytes as estimation of trade fee tx we create a dummy tx to get the exact size id funds are on the wallet, otherwise we use 260 bytes for maker and 320 bytes for taker (deposit and payout tx are larger).
- Reduce security deposit: DEFAULT_BUYER_SECURITY_DEPOSIT from 0.03 BTC to 0.01 BTC; MAX_BUYER_SECURITY_DEPOSIT from 0.2 BTC 0.05 BTC, MIN_BUYER_SECURITY_DEPOSIT from 0.001 BTC to 0.0005 BTC; SELLER_SECURITY_DEPOSIT from 0.01 BTC to 0.003 BTC
- Use new trade limits to reflect higher BTC price
Bank transfers: 0.25 BTC
Swish, OKPay, PerfectMoney, AliPay: 0.5 BTC
Altcoins 1 BTC (exception SiaFund as their price is about 3 BCT and it is not dividable, so we allow 4 BTC there)
Other features:
- Add Western Union as payment method
- Show latest trade price in case no price from external market price providers is available. To be used only for informational purpose not for % based offers due price manipulation risks.
- Enable Bisq DAO phase 1 on Bitcoin Testnet: BSQ genesis distribution, BSQ trading, BSQ used for paying trade fee, BSQ wallet with send, receive and tx list screens, dashboard
- Add new languages: Chinese, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, French, Turkish
- Added new Altcoins: DECENT, Pranacoin, WACoins, ZenCash, Ellaism, Cryptonite, Terracoin, Internext, Particl
- Add all missing countries (all global countries taken from;region;subregion;alpha2Code;languages)
- Add OXT as BTC blockexplorer
- Use new seed nodes and price relay nodes operated by different Bisq developers and bonded by BSQ
- Use new more efficient data structure for tradeStatistcs objects
- Add filter for arbitrators, seed nodes and price relay nodes
- Change pw length restriction
- Change name of IOP to "Internet Of People"
- Remove DOGE as base currency (zero trade activity)
- Reduce number of seed nodes for LTC and DASH (very low trade activity)
- Removed never-traded altcoins: Advanced Internet Blocks (AIB), Anoncoin (ANC), Anti (ANTI), AquariusCoin (ARCO), Argentum (ARG), Augur (REP), Battlestars (BATL), BigUp (BIGUP), BitAUD (BITAUD), BitCHF (BITCHF), BitCNY (BITCNY), BitEUR (BITEUR), BitGBP (BITGBP), BitHKD (BITHKD), BitNZD (BITNZD), BitSEK (BITSEK), BitSGD (BITSGD), BitSYNQ (SYNQ), BitShares (BTS), BitUSD (BITUSD), Blackcoin (BLK), Clams (CLAM), CloakCoin (CLOAK), Comet (CMT), Creditbit (CRBIT), Crown (CRW), Crypto Bullion (CBX), DIBCOIN (DIBC), Digibyte (DGB), Digital Rupees (DRS), DigixDAO Tokens (DGD), EOS (EOS), EUR Tether (EURT), Emercoin (EMC), Eternity (ENT), Europecoin (ERC), EverGreenCoin (EGC), Factom (FCT), FairCoin (FAIR), FlorinCoin (FLO), GameCredits (GAME), Gemz (GEMZ), Groestlcoin (GRS), Gulden (NLG), HOdlcoin (HODL), HunCoin (HNC), I/O Coin (IOC), JPY Tether (JPYT), Janus (JNS), Jumbucks (JBS), LTBcoin (LTBC), Maker (MKR), MarteXcoin (MXT), Moin (MOIN), Myriadcoin (XMY), NEM (XEM), Nevacoin (NEVA), NuShares (NSR), OKCash (OK), Omni (OMNI), Opal (OPAL), Peercoin (PPC), Pinkcoin (PINK), PlatinumBar (XPTX), Plutons (PLU), PotCoin (POT), Primecoin (XPM), Radium (RADS), RealEst. Coin (REALEST), Ripple (XRP), Shift (SHIFT), Smileycoin (SMLY), SolarCoin (SLR), Steem Dollars (STEEMUSD), Stellar Lumens (XLM), StorjcoinX (SJCX), Stratis (STRAT), Swarm City Token (SWT), Syndicate (SYNX), Synereo (AMP), Triangles (TRI), USD Tether (USDT), VCoin (VCN), VPNCoin (VPN), Verge (XVG), VeriCoin (VRC), Waves (WAVES), Worldcoin (WDC), Xaurum (XAUR), YACCoin (YACC), YbCoin (YBC)
- Many smaller improvements in the UI
Bug fixes, code improvements:
- Fix wrong date handling in trade statistics charts
- Listen to bitcoin network for deposit and payout transaction in case the P2P message did not arrive
- Support different keys for code signing in download-tool
- Fix bug with missing MultiSigKey (findKeyFromPubKeyHash call was used instead of findKeyFromPubKey)
- Fix missing persistence for trade statistic object in seed nodes
- Fix but with offer sorting
- Use smaller font and width for TAC window on very small screens
- Use netlayer Tor library (
- Improved build system
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq