Swc4j AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) visitor is a design pattern used to process the nodes of an AST in a structured way.
There are typically two ways to implement a visitor.
- Extend the built-in abstract class
. This is a light-weight, but less flexible way. - Implement the built-in interface
from scratch. This is a heavy, but more flexible way.
This tutorial demonstrates how to visit the AST in a Parse output.
This tutorial demonstrates how to update the AST on-the-fly via a plugin.
The following AST nodes are supported.
A-I | J-S | T | U-Z |
ArrayLit | JsxAttr | TaggedTpl | UnaryExpr |
ArrayPat | JsxClosingElement | ThisExpr | UpdateExpr |
ArrowExpr | JsxClosingFragment | ThrowStmt | UsingDecl |
AssignExpr | JsxElement | Tpl | VarDecl |
AssignPat | JsxEmptyExpr | TplElement | VarDeclarator |
AssignPatProp | JsxExprContainer | TryStmt | WhileStmt |
AssignProp | JsxFragment | TsArrayType | WithStmt |
AutoAccessor | JsxMemberExpr | TsAsExpr | YieldExpr |
AwaitExpr | JsxNamespacedName | TsCallSignatureDecl | |
BigInt | JsxOpeningElement | TsConditionalType | |
BindingIdent | JsxOpeningFragment | TsConstAssertion | |
BinExpr | JsxSpreadChild | TsConstructorType | |
BlockStmt | JsxText | TsConstructSignatureDecl | |
Bool | KeyValuePatProp | TsEnumDecl | |
BreakStmt | KeyValueProp | TsEnumMember | |
CallExpr | LabeledStmt | TsExportAssignment | |
CatchClause | MemberExpr | TsExprWithTypeArgs | |
Class | MetaPropExpr | TsExternalModuleRef | |
ClassDecl | MethodProp | TsFnType | |
ClassExpr | Module | TsGetterSignature | |
ClassMethod | NamedExport | TsImportEqualsDecl | |
ClassProp | NewExpr | TsImportType | |
ComputedPropName | Null | TsIndexedAccessType | |
CondExpr | Number | TsIndexSignature | |
Constructor | ObjectLit | TsInferType | |
ContinueStmt | ObjectPat | TsInstantiation | |
DebuggerStmt | OptCall | TsInterfaceBody | |
Decorator | OptChainExpr | TsInterfaceDecl | |
DoWhileStmt | Param | TsIntersectionType | |
EmptyStmt | ParenExpr | TsKeywordType | |
ExportAll | PrivateMethod | TsLitType | |
ExportDecl | PrivateName | TsMappedType | |
ExportDefaultDecl | PrivateProp | TsMethodSignature | |
ExportDefaultExpr | Regex | TsModuleBlock | |
ExportDefaultSpecifier | RestPat | TsModuleDecl | |
ExportNamedSpecifier | ReturnStmt | TsNamespaceDecl | |
ExportNamespaceSpecifier | Script | TsNamespaceExportDecl | |
ExprOrSpread | SeqExpr | TsNonNullExpr | |
ExprStmt | SetterProp | TsOptionalType | |
FnDecl | SpreadElement | TsParamProp | |
FnExpr | StaticBlock | TsParenthesizedType | |
ForInStmt | Str | TsPropertySignature | |
ForOfStmt | Super | TsQualifiedName | |
ForStmt | SuperPropExpr | TsRestType | |
Function | SwitchCase | TsSatisfiesExpr | |
GetterProp | SwitchStmt | TsSetterSignature | |
Ident | TsThisType | ||
IfStmt | TsTplLitType | ||
Import | TsTupleElement | ||
ImportDecl | TsTupleType | ||
ImportDefaultSpecifier | TsTypeAliasDecl | ||
ImportNamedSpecifier | TsTypeAnn | ||
ImportStarAsSpecifier | TsTypeAssertion | ||
Invalid | TsTypeLit | ||
TsTypeOperator | |||
TsTypeParam | |||
TsTypeParamDecl | |||
TsTypeParamInstantiation | |||
TsTypePredicate | |||
TsTypeQuery | |||
TsTypeRef | |||
TsUnionType |