JavaScript allows the identifiers to be named as built-in objects. Sometimes that creates some confusions. JavetSanitizer can disallow a set of identifiers to avoid such confusions. The following example shows how to customize the disallowed identifiers.
JavetSanitizerOptions options = JavetSanitizerOptions.Default.toClone();
The default disallowed identifier list is as follows:
Identifier |
proto |
apply |
AsyncFunction |
AsyncGenerator |
AsyncGeneratorFunction |
bind |
call |
clearInterval |
clearTimeout |
defineProperties |
defineProperty |
eval |
Function |
Generator |
GeneratorFunction |
getPrototypeOf |
global |
globalThis |
Intl |
Promise |
prototype |
Proxy |
Reflect |
require |
setImmediate |
setInterval |
setPrototypeOf |
setTimeout |
Symbol |
uneval |
WebAssembly |
window |
XMLHttpRequest |
It's so easy to access or change global
or globalThis
in a script to impact the next script to be executed. In order to fully reuse the V8 runtime, such behavior is addressed as an error in the sanity check.
, bind
, call
and eval
are commonly used in the JS obfuscators. The obfuscated code can bypass the sanity check, is hard to read and maintain.
Please refer to the tutorial for more details.