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Blanc Faye edited this page Dec 2, 2019 · 15 revisions

Sagna is a weird spinning locomotive weapon, able to send itself flying from the ground. With enough power, it will be able to spray Bacterion Bullets in all directions. In this mod, it will spray Bacterion Bullets after it is about to fall from a jump. When they bump into an obstacle, they simply go the other direction and continue spraying whenever possible.

These weapons may spawn bouncing off on ground, or the ceiling. Their retaliation style is Spread, even though it looks like an Explode type. The reason why this is a Spread style is due to it having one Bacterion Bullet basis for equally distributing the distances among the bullets. This one bullet will always be directed towards the player, where as the Explode style has no targets.

They have a chance to spawn below the surface and above the underworld.


Stat Name Value
Classification Small
Base Health 150 (300 in Expert)
Base Damage 100 (200 in Expert)
Base Defense 50 (0%)
Flying No
Phases through tiles No
Average Coin Drop 20


Jumpers are frequent enemies that can be found in the Gradius series, albeit not very popular. They are always seen in mountainous stages with craggy textures.

This mod implements the Jumper variation found in Gradius III. There are other similar movement patterns from different games.

For reference: Jumper