Reflects the current status of a card payment.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
status | String | The card payment's current state. It can be one of: `AUTHORIZED`, `CAPTURED`, `VOIDED`, `FAILED`. | [optional] |
card | Card | The credit card's non-confidential details. | [optional] |
entry_method | String | The method used to enter the card's details for the payment. Can be `KEYED`, `SWIPED`, `EMV`, `ON_FILE`, or `CONTACTLESS`. | [optional] |
cvv_status | String | Status code returned from the Card Verification Value (CVV) check. Can be `CVV_ACCEPTED`, `CVV_REJECTED`, `CVV_NOT_CHECKED`. | [optional] |
avs_status | String | Status code returned from the Address Verification System (AVS) check. Can be `AVS_ACCEPTED`, `AVS_REJECTED`, `AVS_NOT_CHECKED`. | [optional] |
auth_result_code | String | Status code returned by the card issuer that describes the payment's authorization status. | [optional] |
application_identifier | String | For EMV payments, identifies the EMV application used for the payment. | [optional] |
application_name | String | For EMV payments, the human-readable name of the EMV application used for the payment. | [optional] |
application_cryptogram | String | For EMV payments, the cryptogram generated for the payment. | [optional] |
verification_method | String | For EMV payments, method used to verify the cardholder's identity. Can be one of `PIN`, `SIGNATURE`, `PIN_AND_SIGNATURE`, `ON_DEVICE`, or `NONE`. | [optional] |
verification_results | String | For EMV payments, the results of the cardholder verification. Can be one of `SUCCESS`, `FAILURE`, or `UNKNOWN`. | [optional] |
statement_description | String | The statement description sent to the card networks. Note: The actual statement description will vary and is likely to be truncated and appended with additional information on a per issuer basis. | [optional] |
device_details | DeviceDetails | Details about the device that took the payment. | [optional] |
errors | [Error] | Information on errors encountered during the request. | [optional] |