- Dependency fixes
- Contributors: Rohan Agrawal
- Add launch files and camera calibrations
- Add documentation to get pi-deps
- Proper dependancy declaration
- Pull in all SV-ROS development
- Dynamic reconfigure support
- Support for both CameraV1 and V2
- Contributors: Girts Linde, Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal
- Fixed link order bug
- Make structs char const instead of char Prevents lots of compile warnings
- Cleanup package.xml, using format 2
- Move find_lib stuff to more appropriate place in CMakeLists
- More robust CMakeLists
- Got raspicam to compile a fake node on the x86_64 architecture without any modification to CMakelists.txt
- Initial commit
- Contributors: David Datjko, Girts Linde, Jim Vaughan, Kent Williams, Rohan Agrawal, Wayne C. Gramlich, atp42, datjko, fpasteau