diff --git a/charts/chronicle/templates/statefulset.yaml b/charts/chronicle/templates/statefulset.yaml index ca7eee63..29646409 100644 --- a/charts/chronicle/templates/statefulset.yaml +++ b/charts/chronicle/templates/statefulset.yaml @@ -23,12 +23,10 @@ spec: vault.hashicorp.com/agent-pre-populate-only: "true" vault.hashicorp.com/role: "admin" vault.hashicorp.com/ca-cert: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt" - vault.hashicorp.com/agent-inject-secret-chronicle_identity: "kv/chronicle/chronicle_identity" - vault.hashicorp.com/agent-inject-secret-chronicle-pk: "kv/chronicle/chronicle_account" - vault.hashicorp.com/agent-inject-template-chronicle: | - {{`{{ with secret "kv/chronicle/chronicle_identity" }}{{ .Data.data.secret_seed }}{{ end }}`}} + vault.hashicorp.com/agent-inject-template-chronicle-pk: | + {{`{{ with secret "kv/chronicle/chronicle_identity" }}{{ .Data.data.secretSeed }}{{ end }}`}} vault.hashicorp.com/agent-inject-template-batcher-pk: | - {{`{{ with secret "kv/chronicle/chronicle_account" }}{{ .Data.data.secret_seed }}{{ end }}`}} + {{`{{ with secret "kv/chronicle/chronicle_account" }}{{ .Data.data.secretSeed }}{{ end }}`}} spec: serviceAccountName: {{ include "lib.serviceAccountName" . }} affinity: {{ include "lib.safeToYaml" .Values.affinity | nindent 8 }} @@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ spec: {{ include "chronicle.id-claims" . }} env: {{ include "lib.safeToYaml" .Values.env | nindent 12 }} - name: OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT - value: "localhost:4317" + value: "signoz-otel-collector-metrics.observability.svc:4317" - name: OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES value: "service.name=chronicle,service.instance.id={{ .Release.Name }}" - name: OTEL_SERVICE_NAME diff --git a/terraform/chronicle-substrate/network.tf b/terraform/chronicle-substrate/network.tf index 5bcf50a7..c5b58abb 100644 --- a/terraform/chronicle-substrate/network.tf +++ b/terraform/chronicle-substrate/network.tf @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +resource "kubernetes_namespace" "chronicle-substrate" { + metadata { + name = var.kubernetes_namespace + } + + lifecycle { + ignore_changes = [ + metadata[0].labels, + ] + } +} + + + #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Bootnode deployment #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/terraform/chronicle-substrate/templates/bootnode.tmpl b/terraform/chronicle-substrate/templates/bootnode.tmpl index 5b9ea519..db351433 100644 --- a/terraform/chronicle-substrate/templates/bootnode.tmpl +++ b/terraform/chronicle-substrate/templates/bootnode.tmpl @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ node: replicas: 1 command: node-chronicle logLevels: - - info + - trace - wasmtime_cranelift=info - wasmtime_jit=info chainData: diff --git a/terraform/signoz/signoz.tf b/terraform/signoz/signoz.tf index 221ed3c4..18d753c0 100644 --- a/terraform/signoz/signoz.tf +++ b/terraform/signoz/signoz.tf @@ -57,570 +57,3 @@ variable "namespaces" { default = ["chronicle-substrate","chronicle","vault"] } - -resource "kubernetes_manifest" "prometheus_service_monitor_crd" { - depends_on = [helm_release.opentelemetry_operator] - manifest = { - apiVersion = "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1" - kind = "CustomResourceDefinition" - metadata = { - name = "servicemonitors.monitoring.coreos.com" - annotations = { - "controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version" = "v0.14.0" - "operator.prometheus.io/version" = "0.74.0" - } - } - spec = { - group = "monitoring.coreos.com" - names = { - categories = ["prometheus-operator"] - kind = "ServiceMonitor" - listKind = "ServiceMonitorList" - plural = "servicemonitors" - shortNames = ["smon"] - singular = "servicemonitor" - } - scope = "Namespaced" - versions = [ - { - name = "v1" - schema = { - openAPIV3Schema = { - description = "ServiceMonitor defines monitoring for a set of services." - properties = { - apiVersion = { - description = "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object." - type = "string" - } - kind = { - description = "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents." - type = "string" - } - metadata = { - type = "object" - } - spec = { - description = "Specification of desired Service selection for target discovery by Prometheus." - properties = { - attachMetadata = { - description = "`attachMetadata` defines additional metadata which is added to the discovered targets." - properties = { - node = { - description = "When set to true, Prometheus must have the `get` permission on the `Nodes` objects." - type = "boolean" - } - } - type = "object" - } - bodySizeLimit = { - description = "When defined, bodySizeLimit specifies a job level limit on the size of uncompressed response body that will be accepted by Prometheus." - pattern = "(^0|([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+((K|M|G|T|E|P)i?)?B)$" - type = "string" - } - endpoints = { - description = "List of endpoints part of this ServiceMonitor." - items = { - description = "Endpoint defines an endpoint serving Prometheus metrics to be scraped by Prometheus." - properties = { - authorization = { - description = "`authorization` configures the Authorization header credentials to use when scraping the target." - properties = { - credentials = { - description = "Selects a key of a Secret in the namespace that contains the credentials for authentication." - properties = { - key = { - description = "The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key." - type = "string" - } - name = { - description = "Name of the referent." - type = "string" - } - optional = { - description = "Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined" - type = "boolean" - } - } - required = ["key"] - type = "object" - } - type = { - description = "Defines the authentication type. The value is case-insensitive." - type = "string" - } - } - type = "object" - } - basicAuth = { - description = "`basicAuth` configures the Basic Authentication credentials to use when scraping the target." - properties = { - password = { - description = "`password` specifies a key of a Secret containing the password for authentication." - properties = { - key = { - description = "The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key." - type = "string" - } - name = { - description = "Name of the referent." - type = "string" - } - optional = { - description = "Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined" - type = "boolean" - } - } - required = ["key"] - type = "object" - } - username = { - description = "`username` specifies a key of a Secret containing the username for authentication." - properties = { - key = { - description = "The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key." - type = "string" - } - name = { - description = "Name of the referent." - type = "string" - } - optional = { - description = "Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined" - type = "boolean" - } - } - required = ["key"] - type = "object" - } - } - type = "object" - } - bearerTokenFile = { - description = "File to read bearer token for scraping the target." - type = "string" - } - bearerTokenSecret = { - description = "`bearerTokenSecret` specifies a key of a Secret containing the bearer token for scraping targets." - properties = { - key = { - description = "The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key." - type = "string" - } - name = { - description = "Name of the referent." - type = "string" - } - optional = { - description = "Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined" - type = "boolean" - } - } - required = ["key"] - type = "object" - } - enableHttp2 = { - description = "`enableHttp2` can be used to disable HTTP2 when scraping the target." - type = "boolean" - } - filterRunning = { - description = "When true, the pods which are not running are dropped during the target discovery." - type = "boolean" - } - followRedirects = { - description = "`followRedirects` defines whether the scrape requests should follow HTTP 3xx redirects." - type = "boolean" - } - honorLabels = { - description = "When true, `honorLabels` preserves the metric's labels when they collide with the target's labels." - type = "boolean" - } - honorTimestamps = { - description = "`honorTimestamps` controls whether Prometheus preserves the timestamps when exposed by the target." - type = "boolean" - } - interval = { - description = "Interval at which metrics should be scraped." - type = "string" - } - metricRelabelings = { - description = "MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion." - items = { - description = "MetricRelabelConfig allows to relabel samples before ingestion." - properties = { - action = { - description = "Action to perform based on regex matching." - type = "string" - } - regex = { - description = "Regex to match against." - type = "string" - } - replacement = { - description = "Replacement value for regex matches." - type = "string" - } - } - required = ["action", "regex", "replacement"] - type = "object" - } - type = "array" - } - path = { - description = "HTTP path to scrape for metrics." - type = "string" - } - port = { - description = "Name of the port to scrape metrics from." - type = "string" - } - proxyUrl = { - description = "Optional URL of a proxy server to use for scraping." - type = "string" - } - relabelings = { - description = "RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping." - items = { - description = "RelabelConfig allows to relabel samples before scraping." - properties = { - action = { - description = "Action to perform based on regex matching." - type = "string" - } - regex = { - description = "Regex to match against." - type = "string" - } - replacement = { - description = "Replacement value for regex matches." - type = "string" - } - } - required = ["action", "regex", "replacement"] - type = "object" - } - type = "array" - } - scheme = { - description = "HTTP scheme to use for scraping." - type = "string" - } - scrapeTimeout = { - description = "Timeout after which the scrape is ended." - type = "string" - } - targetPort = { - description = "Name or number of the port to scrape metrics from." - type = "string" - } - tlsConfig = { - description = "TLS configuration to use when scraping the target." - properties = { - caFile = { - description = "Path to the CA cert file in the Prometheus container for the targets." - type = "string" - } - caSecret = { - description = "Secret containing the CA cert file for the targets." - properties = { - key = { - description = "The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key." - type = "string" - } - name = { - description = "Name of the referent." - type = "string" - } - optional = { - description = "Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined" - type = "boolean" - } - } - required = ["key"] - type = "object" - } - certFile = { - description = "Path to the client cert file in the Prometheus container for the targets." - type = "string" - } - insecureSkipVerify = { - description = "Disable target certificate validation." - type = "boolean" - } - keyFile = { - description = "Path to the client key file in the Prometheus container for the targets." - type = "string" - } - keySecret = { - description = "Secret containing the client key file for the targets." - properties = { - key = { - description = "The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key." - type = "string" - } - name = { - description = "Name of the referent." - type = "string" - } - optional = { - description = "Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined" - type = "boolean" - } - } - required = ["key"] - type = "object" - } - serverName = { - description = "Used to verify the hostname for the targets." - type = "string" - } - } - type = "object" - } - trackTimestampsStaleness = { - description = "`trackTimestampsStaleness` defines whether Prometheus tracks staleness of the metrics that have an explicit timestamp present in scraped data." - type = "boolean" - } - } - type = "object" - } - type = "array" - } - jobLabel = { - description = "`jobLabel` selects the label from the associated Kubernetes `Service` object which will be used as the `job` label for all metrics." - type = "string" - } - keepDroppedTargets = { - description = "Per-scrape limit on the number of targets dropped by relabeling that will be kept in memory. 0 means no limit." - format = "int64" - type = "integer" - } - labelLimit = { - description = "Per-scrape limit on number of labels that will be accepted for a sample." - format = "int64" - type = "integer" - } - labelNameLengthLimit = { - description = "Per-scrape limit on length of labels name that will be accepted for a sample." - format = "int64" - type = "integer" - } - labelValueLengthLimit = { - description = "Per-scrape limit on length of labels value that will be accepted for a sample." - format = "int64" - type = "integer" - } - namespaceSelector = { - description = "Selector to select which namespaces the Kubernetes `Endpoints` objects are discovered from." - properties = { - any = { - description = "Boolean describing whether all namespaces are selected in contrast to a list restricting them." - type = "boolean" - } - matchNames = { - description = "List of namespace names to select from." - items = { - type = "string" - } - type = "array" - } - } - type = "object" - } - podTargetLabels = { - description = "`podTargetLabels` defines the labels which are transferred from the associated Kubernetes `Pod` object onto the ingested metrics." - items = { - type = "string" - } - type = "array" - } - sampleLimit = { - description = "`sampleLimit` defines a per-scrape limit on the number of scraped samples that will be accepted." - format = "int64" - type = "integer" - } - scrapeClass = { - description = "The scrape class to apply." - minLength = 1 - type = "string" - } - scrapeProtocols = { - description = "`scrapeProtocols` defines the protocols to negotiate during a scrape. It tells clients the protocols supported by Prometheus in order of preference." - items = { - description = "ScrapeProtocol represents a protocol used by Prometheus for scraping metrics." - enum = [ - "PrometheusProto", - "OpenMetricsText0.0.1", - "OpenMetricsText1.0.0", - "PrometheusText0.0.4" - ] - type = "string" - } - type = "array" - } - selector = { - description = "Label selector to select the Kubernetes `Endpoints` objects." - properties = { - matchExpressions = { - description = "matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed." - items = { - description = "A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values." - properties = { - key = { - description = "key is the label key that the selector applies to." - type = "string" - } - operator = { - description = "operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist." - type = "string" - } - values = { - description = "values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty." - items = { - type = "string" - } - type = "array" - } - } - required = ["key", "operator"] - type = "object" - } - type = "array" - } - matchLabels = { - additionalProperties = { - type = "string" - } - description = "matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is `key`, the operator is `In`, and the values array contains only `value`." - type = "object" - } - } - type = "object" - } - targetLabels = { - description = "`targetLabels` defines the labels which are transferred from the associated Kubernetes `Service` object onto the ingested metrics." - items = { - type = "string" - } - type = "array" - } - targetLimit = { - description = "`targetLimit` defines a limit on the number of scraped targets that will be accepted." - format = "int64" - type = "integer" - } - } - required = ["selector"] - type = "object" - } - } - required = ["spec"] - type = "object" - } - } - served = true - storage = true - } - ] - } - } -} - - -resource "kubernetes_manifest" "opentelemetry_collector" { - depends_on = [helm_release.opentelemetry_operator] - - count = length(var.namespaces) - manifest = { - apiVersion = "opentelemetry.io/v1beta1" - kind = "OpenTelemetryCollector" - metadata = { - name = "opentelemetry-collector-injected" - namespace = var.namespaces[count.index] - } - spec = { - mode = "sidecar" - config = { - receivers = { - otlp = { - protocols = { - grpc = { - endpoint = "" - } - http = { - endpoint = "" - } - } - } - jaeger = { - protocols = { - grpc = { - endpoint = "" - } - } - } - prometheus = { - config = { - scrape_configs = [ - { - job_name = "opentelemetry-collector" - scrape_interval = "10s" - static_configs = [ - { - targets = [""] - } - ] - } - ] - } - } - } - processors = { - memory_limiter = { - check_interval = "1s" - limit_percentage = 75 - spike_limit_percentage = 15 - } - batch = { - send_batch_size = 10000 - timeout = "10s" - } - } - exporters = { - otlp = { - endpoint = "signoz-otel-collector.${var.signoz_namespace}.svc.cluster.local:4317" - tls = { - insecure = true - } - } - } - service = { - pipelines = { - logs = { - exporters = ["otlp"] - processors = ["memory_limiter", "batch"] - receivers = ["otlp"] - } - metrics = { - exporters = ["otlp"] - processors = ["memory_limiter", "batch"] - receivers = ["otlp", "prometheus"] - } - traces = { - exporters = ["otlp"] - processors = ["memory_limiter", "batch"] - receivers = ["otlp","jaeger"] - } - } - telemetry = { - metrics = { - address = "" - } - logs = { - level = "debug" - } - } - } - } - } - } -}